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Last active December 12, 2015 10:18
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MIDPS Labwork N#2 Command Line Interface (CLI). Scripting
import smtplib
from subprocess import call
from getpass import getpass
from email.header import Header
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# global variables
script_names = ["C", "C++", "Java", "Python", "Ruby"]
paths = ["c/", "cpp/", "java/", "python/", "ruby/"]
scripts = [
"gcc c/hello.c -o c/hello && ./c/hello",
"g++ cpp/hello.cpp -o cpp/hello && ./cpp/hello",
"javac java/ && java -classpath java/ HelloWorld",
"python python/",
"ruby ruby/hello.rb"
# Set up credentials, email body/subject
# and send it to the destination email
def send_error_report(script_name, error):
login, password = '', \
getpass(' password:')
message = '''
An error with code %s occurred in an attempt to compile/run
the %s program.''' % (error, script_name)
msg = MIMEText(message, _charset='utf-8')
msg['Subject'] = Header('Error report', 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = login
msg['To'] = login
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465, timeout=10)
s.login(login, password)
s.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())
# create a git repo
def init_git():
call('git init', shell=True)
call('git add', shell=True)
call('git commit -m "initial commit"', shell=True)
call('git checkout -b development', shell=True)
def git_merge():
call('git checkout master', shell=True)
call('git merge development', shell=True)
# compiling and running the scripts
def run_scripts():
for i, script in enumerate(scripts):
print "%s program:" % script_names[i]
result = call(script, shell=True)
if result == 0:
print "The %s program compiled and run with success" \
% script_names[i]
call('git add ' + paths[i], shell=True)
call('git commit -m "success message"', shell=True)
send_error_report(script_names[i], result)
echo "This script will run all HelloWorld scripts."
SCRIPT_NAMES=(C C++ Java Python Ruby)
# This function compiles .c file and executes the compiled program
# $1 represents the path to the c file without .c
# compile_and_run()
# {
# gcc $1.c -o $1
# ./$1
# }
C="`gcc c/hello.c -o c/hello` ./c/hello"
CPP="`g++ cpp/hello.cpp -o cpp/hello` ./cpp/hello"
JAVA="`javac java/` java -classpath java/ HelloWorld"
PYTHON="python python/"
RUBY="ruby ruby/hello.rb"
SCRIPTS=( eval $C eval $CPP eval $JAVA $PYTHON $RUBY )
for SCRIPT in "${SCRIPTS[@]}"
if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]:then
echo "The script executed with success."
echo "The execution of script raised an error."
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