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Created April 8, 2016 01:58
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import random
class Board(object):
def __init__(self):
self.board = [[" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "]]
def print_board(self):
topstr = " a b c"
linestr = " +-----+-----+-----+"
rowstr = "%s | %s | %s | %s |"
print topstr
for i, row in enumerate(self.board):
print linestr
print rowstr % (i, self.board[i][0], self.board[i][1],
print linestr
def set_position(self, position, char):
# Sort the input string
# This is so players can enter their row, column in any order
column = [c.lower() for c in position if c in "abcABC"]
row =[c for c in position if c in "012"]
# Was it a valid input?
if len(column) != 1 or len(row) != 1:
print "That doesn't seem to be a valid position\n"
return False
# Place the marker in the right position
column, row = column[0], int(row[0])
if column == "a":
column = 0
elif column == "b":
column = 1
column = 2
# Make sure the space is empty
if self.board[row][column] != " ":
print "Sorry that spot is already taken\n"
return False
self.board[row][column] = char
return True
def look_for_win(self):
for i in range(len(self.board)):
# Check each row
if (self.board[i][0] == self.board[i][1] == self.board[i][2]
and self.board[i][0].isalpha()):
return self.board[i][0]
# Check each column
elif (self.board[0][i] == self.board[1][i] == self.board[2][i]
and self.board[0][i].isalpha()):
return self.board[0][i]
# Check diagonals
if (self.board[0][0] == self.board[1][1] == self.board[2][2]
and self.board[0][0].isalpha()):
return self.board[0][0]
if (self.board[0][2] == self.board[1][1] == self.board[2][0]
and self.board[0][2].isalpha()):
return self.board[0][2]
return False
class Game(object):
def __init__(self):
# Boolean triggers the outer game loop
self.playing_game = True
def playing_a_human(self):
# At the moment, the game will force you to play a human
print "Would you like to play against another human or the computer?"
answer = raw_input("Type 'h' for human and 'c' for computer\n")
if answer.strip().lower() == "h":
print "You've chosen to play a human!\n"
return True
elif answer.strip().lower() == "c":
print "Playing against the computer is not available yet, sorry!\n"
return False
print "I'm sorry that doesn't seem to be one of the options\n"
return False
def get_player_name(self, char):
name = raw_input("Player %s enter your name\n" % char)
return (name, char)
def goes_first(self, player_x, player_o):
first = random.choice([player_x, player_o])
print "\n%s will go first" % first[0]
return first
def turn(self, player):
move = raw_input("Player %s make your move!\n" % player[0])
return move
def win(self, playing):
print "Congratilations %s, you won!" % playing[0]
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
return True
def play_again(self):
answer = raw_input("Would you like to play again? 'y' or 'n'\n")
if answer.strip().lower() == "y":
print "Let's play again!"
return True
elif answer.strip().lower() == "n":
print "Ok, goodbye!"
self.playing_game = False
return True
print "I'm sorry that doesn't seem to be one of the options"
return False
def tutorial():
print "Welcome to tictactoe! Would you like to hear the instructions?"
answer = raw_input("Type 'y' or 'n' and then press Enter\n")
if answer.strip().lower() == "y":
print "This is the board:"
test_board = Board()
print "You can declare a move by typing the name of the row and column"
print "For example typing, '0a' would place your marker like this:"
test_board.set_position("x", "0a")
print "When you have three marks in a row, you win!\n"
return True
elif answer.strip().lower() == "n":
print "ok!\n"
return True
print "I'm sorry that doesn't seem to be one of the options\n"
return False
def run():
play_instructions = tutorial()
while not play_instructions:
play_instructions = tutorial()
game = Game()
# The game will keep looping until users choose to quit
while game.playing_game:
false_choice = game.playing_a_human()
while not false_choice:
false_choice = game.playing_a_human()
# Sets new player names with every round of the game
player_x = game.get_player_name("x")
player_o = game.get_player_name("o")
board = Board()
current_player = game.goes_first(player_x, player_o)
winner = board.look_for_win()
while not winner:
# Turn loop runs at the same time as testing the integrity
# of the move, "playing" is a tuple created by get_player_name
move_placed = board.set_position(game.turn(current_player), current_player[1])
while not move_placed:
move_placed = board.set_position(game.turn(current_player), current_player[1])
# Swaps turns
winner = board.look_for_win()
if current_player == player_x and not winner:
current_player = player_o
elif not winner:
current_player = player_x
congratulations =
replay = game.play_again()
while not replay:
replay = game.play_again()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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