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Solid is FP - Luiz Stangarlin


So, I decided to write a little thing, only to practice writing, it's about SOLID being compared between class-based-OO and FP, and there will be grammar errors and there will be a lot of formatting errors, 'bear' with me as I type this as fast as I can. Also correct if I'm wrong. Warning, wall of text in English.

Single responsibility principle

" a class should have only a single responsibility "

A pure function is something with a single responsibility, turning its input into an output. What could be simpler?.


class oo_bullshit { 
  public int mutable_state;
  public oo_bullshit(int state) { mutable_state = state; } 
  public change_it() { mutable_state++; }
  public int getState() { return mutable_state; }


let single_responsibility input = input + 1

Open/closed principle

" software entities … should be open for extension, but closed for modification."

You don't need to modify the body of the functions when you can just modify what they return, or pass a function in. C#

class brittle_inheritance : oo_bullshit 
{ //luckly C# forces you to say a method should be overriden, java and C++ don't.
  public void extended() { mutable_state *= 2 } 


let open_closed input = input * 2
let using_it = single_responsibility >> open_closed
let open_closed fn input = ( fn input ) * 2
//or even, if you learn function composition, one of the "pillars" of FP.
let open_closed_2 fn = fn >> (*) 2

Liskov substitution principle

"objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program."

Every function is defined by it's type, if you take functions with the same input and output type, you can use them without being affected by the change.


interface IDrawable { virtual void draw(Graphics g); }
class CString : IDrawable { 
  String s;
  public CString(string s) { this.s = s; }
  override void draw(Graphics g) { g.DrawString(s); }

class Shape : IDrawable { 
  Point[] points;
  public Shape(Point[] points) { this.points = points; }
  override void draw(Graphics g) { 
    var last = points[points.Count - 1];
    foreach(var p in points) { g.DrawLine(last, p); last = p;
var points = new [] { new Point(1.0, 2.0), new Point(2.0, 2.0), new Point(2.0, 1.0) };
var items = new [] { new CString("test"), new Shape(points) };
forach (var i in items) i.draw(screen.Graphics);


//lets start with the implementation, they are what's inside the "draw" in the C# version
let stringRasterizer s g = g.DrawString s
let lineRasterizer l g = 
  Seq.zipWith l ( Seq.last l ) ( 
    fun prev line -> g.DrawLine ( prev, line ) )
//underscore above should be spaces, fuck you zuckerzerg, and yes, in F# spaces are part of the grammar.
//here's the magic of Liskov, no matter what the drawFn does with the graphics the program will still work, same as above
let toScreen drawable drawFn = 
  drawFn drawable screen.Graphics
//using, easy isn't ?.
//that's it, you don't need inheritance or interfaces to use it
toScreen ( stringRasterizer "test" )
toScreen ( lineRasterizer [ (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 1.0) ] )
//But wait, you would ask, how can I have a list of items of different types
//and use the same function?
//Of course FP also has polymorphism!
type Drawable = CString of string | Shape of Point list
//All the goodies from real "OO"
//We can have Message passing !
//draw : Drawable -> ( Graphics -> unit )
let drawable = function
| CString s -> stringRasterizer s
| Shape l -> lineRasterizer l
//using, a little bit of algebraic data types, or "just data structures".
//see, that's how you program without classes and RealOO (TM) and FP at the same time, and SOLID!
let toDraw = ( String "test", Shape [ (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 1.0) ] ) toDraw ( drawable >> toScreen )

Interface segregation principle

" many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface. "

What are better client interfaces than a single function? just a function of course.


interface IDrawable { virtual void draw(Graphics g); }


draw : Drawable -> ( Graphics -> unit )
//in F# you don't need to 'type' anything at all, any function
//with the above type would be an specific interface and would
//work the same way because functions are first-class objects
//and can be passed as arguments, so you get polymorphism.

Dependency inversion principle

"one should depend upon abstractions, [not] concretions."

That's where FP shines, first-class functions are dependency inversion at the core. They're so pervasive in FP that you use without noticing all the boiler-plate code you didn't needed to write.


class Dependency { 
  public int mutable_state;
  public Dependency(int state) { mutable_state = state; } 
  public MutateState() { return mutable_state++; }
class Something { 
  public Dependency dependency;
  public Something( Dependency dependency) { this.dependency = dependency; } 
  public Object DoIt() { return dependency.MutateState() * 2; }
var s = new Something(new Dependency(1));


let doIt dependency input = ( dependency input ) * 2
let dependency i = i + 1
doIt dependency 1

I think I gave enough examples to prove my point that you can have all the good principles behind a SOLID architecture even when you're using FP, FP is even more aligned to those principles than class-based OO.


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Muito bom!!

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