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Last active April 1, 2018 19:09
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// Container de coisas
// Meio de aplicar funcoes em um valor
// Deve retornar valores no mesmo contexto
const functor = {
map: function(f) { return functor.of(f(this.value))},
of: x => Object.assign({}, functor, {value: x})
const maybe = {
map: function(f) { return isNothing(this.value)
? nothing.of()
: just.of(f(this.value))},
of: x => Object.assign({}, maybe, {value: x}),
mjoin: function () { return this.value },
chain: function (f) { return }
const just = {
map: function(f) {return just.of(f(this.value))},
of: x => Object.assign({}, just, {value: x}),
log: function () { console.log(`Just ${this.value}`)},
mjoin: function () { return this.value },
chain: function (f) { return }
const nothing = {
map: f => nothing.of(),
of: x => Object.assign({}, nothing),
mjoin: function () { return nothing.of() },
chain: function (f) { return }
const add = x => x + 1
const map = f => context =>
const mjoin = context => context.mjoin()
// Chain :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
const chain = f => compose(njoin, map(f))
// transform :: Number -> Just Number
const transform = compose(just.of, add, add)
const compose = (...funcs) => x => funcs.reduceRight((y ,f) => f(y), x)
const isNothing = x => x === null || x === undefined
const log = context => context.log !== undefined
? context.log()
: console.log(context)
// const composed = compose(log, mjoin, map(transform), maybe.of) // Maybe Number
const composed = compose(log, chain(transform), chain(transform) , maybe.of) // Maybe Number
// chain -> something inside functor pq também usa map mas diferente do funtor ele chama mjoin pra dar flat
// const composed = compose(log, map(transform), map(transform) , maybe.of) // Maybe Number
const func1 = Array.of(1, 2, 3 ,4) //or [1, 2, 3, 4]
const func2 = functor.of(10)
const input = 41
// console.log(maybe.of(41).map(transform).map(transform).log())
//functor are something you can map and monads are something you can flatmap :)
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