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Last active July 2, 2018 00:11
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(use-package js2-mode
:ensure t
:mode "\\.js\\'"
(setq js2-basic-offset 2)
(setq-default js2-mode-show-parse-errors nil
js2-mode-show-strict-warnings nil
js2-idle-timer-delay 0.4)
(with-eval-after-load 'dumb-jump
(define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'dumb-jump-go)
(define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "M-,") 'dumb-jump-back))
;; Set sensible mode lighters...
;; (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local mode-name "Javascript")))
;; (add-hook 'js2-jsx-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local mode-name "JSX")))
;; I tend to write javascript in camelCase.
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'subword-mode)
;; The following comes from:
;; Which comes from
;; Feature is imenu for Angular and I believe others
(defvar javascript-common-imenu-regex-list
'(("Attribute" " \\([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\\) *= *\{[a-zA-Z0-9_.(), ]+\}\\( \\|$\\)" 1)
("Controller" "[. \t]controller([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Controller" "[. \t]controllerAs:[ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Filter" "[. \t]filter([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("State" "[. \t]state[(:][ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Factory" "[. \t]factory([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Service" "[. \t]service([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Module" "[. \t]module( *['\"]\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\\)['\"], *\\[" 1)
("ngRoute" "[. \t]when(\\(['\"][a-zA-Z0-9_\/]+['\"]\\)" 1)
("Directive" "[. \t]directive([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Event" "[. \t]\$on([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Config" "[. \t]config([ \t]*function *( *\\([^\)]+\\)" 1)
("Config" "[. \t]config([ \t]*\\[ *['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Value" "[. \t]value([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("OnChange" "[ \t]*\$(['\"]\\([^'\"]*\\)['\"]).*\.change *( *function" 1)
("OnClick" "[ \t]*\$([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]*\\)['\"]).*\.click *( *function" 1)
("Watch" "[. \t]\$watch( *['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
("Function" "function[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z0-9_$.]+\\)[ \t]*(" 1)
("Function" "^[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_$.]+\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*function[ \t]*(" 1)
;; ;; {{ es6 beginning
;; ("Function" "^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]+\\)[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9, ]*) *\{ *$" 1) ;; es6 fn1 () { }
;; ("Function" "^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]+\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*(?[a-zA-Z0-9, ]*)?[ \t]*=>" 1) ;; es6 fn1 = (e) =>
;; ;; }}
("Task" "[. \t]task([ \t]*['\"]\\([^'\"]+\\)" 1)
;; {{ patching imenu in js2-mode
(setq js2-imenu-extra-generic-expression javascript-common-imenu-regex-list)
(defvar js2-imenu-original-item-lines nil
"List of line infomration of original imenu items.")
(defun js2-imenu--get-line-start-end (pos)
(let* (b e)
(goto-char pos)
(setq b (line-beginning-position))
(setq e (line-end-position)))
(list b e)))
(defun js2-imenu--get-pos (item)
(let* (val)
((integerp item)
(setq val item))
((markerp item)
(setq val (marker-position item))))
(defun js2-imenu--get-extra-item-pos (item)
(let* (val)
((integerp item)
(setq val item))
((markerp item)
(setq val (marker-position item)))
;; plist
((and (listp item) (listp (cdr item)))
(setq val (js2-imenu--get-extra-item-pos (cadr item))))
;; alist
((and (listp item) (not (listp (cdr item))))
(setq val (js2-imenu--get-extra-item-pos (cdr item)))))
(defun js2-imenu--extract-line-info (item)
"Recursively parse the original imenu items created by js2-mode.
The line numbers of items will be extracted."
(let* (val)
(if item
;; Marker or line number
((setq val (js2-imenu--get-pos item))
(push (js2-imenu--get-line-start-end val)
;; The item is Alist, example: (hello . 163)
((and (listp item) (not (listp (cdr item))))
(setq val (js2-imenu--get-pos (cdr item)))
(if val (push (js2-imenu--get-line-start-end val)
;; The item is a Plist
((and (listp item) (listp (cdr item)))
(js2-imenu--extract-line-info (cadr item))
(js2-imenu--extract-line-info (cdr item)))
;;Error handling
(t (message "Impossible to here! item=%s" item))))))
(defun js2-imenu--item-exist (pos lines)
"Try to detect does POS belong to some LINE"
(let* (rlt)
(dolist (line lines)
(if (and (< pos (cadr line)) (>= pos (car line)))
(setq rlt t)))
(defun js2-imenu--is-item-already-created (item)
(unless (js2-imenu--item-exist
(js2-imenu--get-extra-item-pos item)
(defun js2-imenu--check-single-item (r)
((and (listp (cdr r)))
(let (new-types)
(setq new-types
(delq nil (mapcar 'js2-imenu--is-item-already-created (cdr r))))
(if new-types (setcdr r (delq nil new-types))
(setq r nil))))
(t (if (js2-imenu--item-exist (js2-imenu--get-extra-item-pos r)
(setq r nil))))
(defun my-validate-json-or-js-expression (&optional not-json-p)
"Validate buffer or select region as JSON.
If NOT-JSON-P is not nil, validate as Javascript expression instead of JSON."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((json-exp (if (region-active-p) (my-selected-str)
(jsbuf-offet (if not-json-p 0 (length "var a=")))
(first-err-pos (if (region-active-p) (region-beginning) 0)))
(unless not-json-p
(setq json-exp (format "var a=%s;" json-exp)))
(insert json-exp)
(unless (featurep 'js2-mode)
(require 'js2-mode))
(setq errs (js2-errors))
((not errs)
(message "NO error found. Good job!"))
;; yes, first error in buffer is the last element in errs
(setq first-err (car (last errs)))
(setq first-err-pos (+ first-err-pos (- (cadr first-err) jsbuf-offet)))
(message "%d error(s), first at buffer position %d: %s"
(length errs)
(js2-get-msg (caar first-err))))))
(if first-err (goto-char first-err-pos))))
(defun my-print-json-path (&optional hardcoded-array-index)
"Print the path to the JSON value under point, and save it in the kill ring.
If HARDCODED-ARRAY-INDEX provided, array index in JSON path is replaced with it."
(interactive "P")
((memq major-mode '(js2-mode))
(js2-print-json-path hardcoded-array-index))
(let* ((cur-pos (point))
(str (my-buffer-str)))
(when (string= "json" (file-name-extension buffer-file-name))
(setq str (format "var a=%s;" str))
(setq cur-pos (+ cur-pos (length "var a="))))
(unless (featurep 'js2-mode)
(require 'js2-mode))
(insert str)
(goto-char cur-pos)
(defun js2-imenu--remove-duplicate-items (extra-rlt)
(delq nil (mapcar 'js2-imenu--check-single-item extra-rlt)))
(defun js2-imenu--merge-imenu-items (rlt extra-rlt)
"RLT contains imenu items created from AST.
EXTRA-RLT contains items parsed with simple regex.
Merge RLT and EXTRA-RLT, items in RLT has *higher* priority."
;; Clear the lines.
(set (make-variable-buffer-local 'js2-imenu-original-item-lines) nil)
;; Analyze the original imenu items created from AST,
;; I only care about line number.
(dolist (item rlt)
(js2-imenu--extract-line-info item))
;; @see
;; EXTRA-RLT sample:
;; ((function ("hello" . #<marker 63>) ("bye" . #<marker 128>))
;; (controller ("MyController" . #<marker 128))
;; (hellworld . #<marker 161>))
(setq extra-rlt (js2-imenu--remove-duplicate-items extra-rlt))
(append rlt extra-rlt))
;; {{ print json path, will be removed when latest STABLE js2-mode released
(defun js2-get-element-index-from-array-node (elem array-node &optional hardcoded-array-index)
"Get index of ELEM from ARRAY-NODE or 0 and return it as string."
(let* ((idx 0) elems (rlt hardcoded-array-index))
(setq elems (js2-array-node-elems array-node))
(if (and elem (not hardcoded-array-index))
(setq rlt (catch 'nth-elt
(dolist (x elems)
;; We know the ELEM does belong to ARRAY-NODE,
(if (eq elem x) (throw 'nth-elt idx))
(setq idx (1+ idx)))
(format "[%s]" rlt)))
;; }}
(eval-after-load 'js2-mode
(defadvice js2-mode-create-imenu-index (around my-js2-mode-create-imenu-index activate)
(let (rlt extra-rlt)
(setq extra-rlt
(imenu--generic-function js2-imenu-extra-generic-expression)))
(setq ad-return-value (js2-imenu--merge-imenu-items ad-return-value extra-rlt))
;; }}
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