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Last active September 24, 2019 21:41
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Minishift/OKD usage

Minishift - OKD

Minishift is the single node version of OpenShift container platform that you can run locally. Reference

Install I've personally tested this in Ubuntu and Mac OS. Not sure about Windows 10.

Getting started

  1. Create a profile and install few addons before running Minishft

    • Decide on a profile name usually a project name. In this example I'm using the name "anair" and using Minishift to run in v3.11

         minishift profile set anair && minishift config set memory 4GB && minishift config set openshift-version v3.11.0 && minishift config set network-nameserver && minishift addon enable anyuid && minishift addon enable admin-user
  2. Start Minishift with Openshift v3.11

     minishift start --profile anair
     # Wait for few minutes till you get OpenShift server started.
     The server is accessible via web console at:
         https://IP address:8443
     You are logged in as:
         User:     developer
         Password: <any value>
     To login as administrator:
         oc login -u system:admin
     # Add OC client
     minishift oc-env && eval $(minishift oc-env)
     # Add minishift VM docker daemon access
     minishift docker-env && eval $(minishift docker-env) && docker ps
     # Login as admin through OC
     oc login -u admin
  3. Login as admin/admin in the web ui

  4. Create a Project and deploy a sample docker image

     # Create new project "anair-app"
     oc new-project anair-app
     # Login to minishift docker registry
     docker login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t) $(minishift openshift registry)
     # Run the following commands that will run against minishift docker environment. Assuming a new zookeeper docker file is in your local
     docker build -t anair/zookeeper:3.4.10-1 .
     docker tag [TAG_NUMBER]
     # This will push the custom zookeeper image to "anair-app" openshift project image stream
     docker push
     # Verify image stream
     oc get istag
  5. Stop minishift VM after use minishift stop

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