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Last active December 29, 2023 07:05
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#### ========================================================== ####
## OpenStack ##
#### ========================================================== ####
# Ref:
# Versi: 0.1
# Packages and dependencies
# Nova (compute), Glance (images), Keystone (identity), Swift (object store), Horizon (dashboard)
yum -y install openstack-utils openstack-nova openstack-glance openstack-keystone \
openstack-swift openstack-dashboard openstack-swift-proxy openstack-swift-account \
openstack-swift-container openstack-swift-object
# QPID (AMQP message bus), memcached, NBD (Network Block Device) module
yum -y install qpid-cpp-server-daemon qpid-cpp-server memcached nbd
# Python bindings
yum -y install python-django-openstack-auth python-django-horizon \
python-keystone python-keystone-auth-token python-keystoneclient \
python-nova-adminclient python-quantumclient
# Some documentation
yum -y install openstack-keystone-doc openstack-swift-doc openstack-cinder-doc \
# New Folsom components: Quantum (network), Tempo, Cinder (replacement for Nova volumes)
yum -y install openstack-quantum openstack-tempo openstack-cinder \
openstack-quantum-linuxbridge openstack-quantum-openvswitch \
python-cinder python-cinderclient
# Ruby bindings
yum -y install rubygem-openstack rubygem-openstack-compute
# Image creation
yum -y install appliance-tools appliance-tools-minimizer \
febootstrap rubygem-boxgrinder-build
# Eucalyptus
yum -y install euca2ools
# DeltaCloud
yum -y install deltacloud-core-eucalyptus
# MySQL databases
mkdir -p ~/etc
cat > ~/etc/clean_os_db.sql << _EOF.ns
drop database if exists nova;
drop database if exists glance;
drop database if exists cinder;
drop database if exists keystone;
grant usage on *.* to 'nova'@'%'; drop user 'nova'@'%';
grant usage on *.* to 'nova'@'localhost'; drop user 'nova'@'localhost';
grant usage on *.* to 'glance'@'%'; drop user 'glance'@'%';
grant usage on *.* to 'glance'@'localhost'; drop user 'glance'@'localhost';
grant usage on *.* to 'cinder'@'%'; drop user 'cinder'@'%';
grant usage on *.* to 'cinder'@'localhost'; drop user 'cinder'@'localhost';
grant usage on *.* to 'keystone'@'%'; drop user 'keystone'@'%';
grant usage on *.* to 'keystone'@'localhost'; drop user 'keystone'@'localhost';
flush privileges;
mysql -u root -p mysql < ~/etc/clean_os_db.sql
cat > ~/etc/create_os_users.sql <<
grant usage on *.* to 'nova'@'%'; grant usage on *.* to 'nova'@'localhost';
grant usage on *.* to 'glance'@'%'; grant usage on *.* to 'glance'@'localhost';
grant usage on *.* to 'cinder'@'%'; grant usage on *.* to 'cinder'@'localhost';
grant usage on *.* to 'keystone'@'%'; grant usage on *.* to 'keystone'@'localhost';
flush privileges;
echo su -
# Nova set up
openstack-db --service nova --init # Enter the MySQL root password
nova-manage db sync
# Glance set up
openstack-db --service glance --init
# Cinder (from Folsom) set up
openstack-db --service cinder --init
cinder-manage db sync
systemctl start qpidd.service && systemctl enable qpidd.service
# systemctl disable qpidd.service
# libvirtd
systemctl start libvirtd.service && systemctl enable libvirtd.service
# systemctl disable libvirtd.service
# Glance services
for svc in api registry; do systemctl start openstack-glance-$svc.service; done
for svc in api registry; do systemctl enable openstack-glance-$svc.service; done
for svc in api registry; do systemctl status openstack-glance-$svc.service; done
# for svc in api registry; do systemctl disable openstack-glance-$svc.service; done
# Cinder volumes (from Folsom)
mkdir -p $VOL_DIR
truncate --size=20G $CINDER_VOL_FILE
# 1. Temporary solution (not persistent through reboots).
losetup --show -f $CINDER_VOL_FILE
CINDER_VOL_DEVICE=$(losetup -a | grep "$CINDER_VOL_FILE" | cut -d':' -f1)
# losetup -a # To see all the loopback devices
# losetup -d /dev/loop1 # To remove some extra loopback devices
# Because the volume service is dependent on the volume group being available,
# it is not started by default. So, the losetup command has to be re-issued
# after every reboot.
# 2. Permanent solution.
# If you intend to make them persist automatically, then enable the service to start
# in the standard manner, but ensure that the losetup is run early in the boot process,
# or instead, use an implicitly persistent block device/partition. For instance:
mkdir -p $LOOP_EXEC_DIR
curl $GH_SYSD_LOOP_SVC_URL -o /usr/lib/systemd/system/$LOOP_SVC
chmod -R a+rx $LOOP_EXEC_DIR
systemctl start $LOOP_SVC && systemctl enable $LOOP_SVC
# systemctl disable $LOOP_SVC
# By construction (hard-coded in the systemd script):
# The volumes should belong to the cinder (Unix) user
chown -R cinder.cinder $VOL_DIR
# Create the cinder-volumes Volume Group (VG) for the volume service:
vgcreate cinder-volumes $CINDER_VOL_DEVICE
# Tell Cinder that Keystone is the identity service
openstack-config --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf DEFAULT auth_strategy keystone
# The Cinder service can now be started:
for svc in volume api scheduler; do systemctl start openstack-cinder-$svc.service; done
for svc in volume api scheduler; do systemctl status openstack-cinder-$svc.service; done
for svc in volume api scheduler; do systemctl enable openstack-cinder-$svc.service; done
#for svc in volume api scheduler; do systemctl disable openstack-cinder-$svc.service; done
# Update the Nova configuration file (thanks to
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT volume_api_class nova.volume.cinder.API
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT enabled_apis ec2,osapi_compute,metadata
openstack-config --del /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT volumes_dir
# If installing OpenStack without hardware acceleration (e.g., from within a VM)
#openstack-config --set /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT libvirt_type qemu
#setsebool -P virt_use_execmem on # This may take a while
# Nova services
for svc in api objectstore compute network scheduler cert; do systemctl start openstack-nova-$svc.service; done
for svc in api objectstore compute network scheduler cert; do systemctl enable openstack-nova-$svc.service; done
for svc in api objectstore compute network scheduler cert; do systemctl status openstack-nova-$svc.service; done
# for svc in api objectstore compute network scheduler cert; do systemctl disable openstack-nova-$svc.service; done
# Keystone
# Keystone PKI support
# midori
keystone-manage pki_setup # Only available from Folsom version
chmod g+rx,o+rx /etc/keystone/ssl /etc/keystone/ssl/certs /etc/keystone/ssl/private
chmod g+r,o+r /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/*.* /etc/keystone/ssl/private/*.*
# Keystone database support
openstack-db --service keystone --init
# Keystone configuration file
mkdir -p ~/etc
cat > ~/etc/keystonerc <<
export ADMIN_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 10)
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=verybadpass
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=
ln -s etc/keystonerc
. ~/etc/keystonerc
openstack-config --set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT admin_token $ADMIN_TOKEN
# Keystone service
systemctl start openstack-keystone.service && systemctl enable openstack-keystone.service
# systemctl disable openstack-keystone.service
# Keystone sample data
ADMIN_PASSWORD=$OS_PASSWORD openstack-keystone-sample-data
# Test keystone
keystone user-list
keystone role-list
keystone tenant-list
# If the output is made of 'printt' only, apply the patch:
# pushd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
# wget
# wget
# patch -p1 --dry-run < keystoneclient-fix-printt.patch
# patch -p1 < keystoneclient-fix-printt.patch
# patch -p1 --dry-run < novaclient-fix-printt.patch
# patch -p1 < novaclient-fix-printt.patch
# popd
# # midori
# Then, the process must be restarted from the beginning (wiping out the database)
# Add Cinder-related entries
SERVICE_TENANT=$(keystone tenant-list | awk '/ service / {print $2}')
ADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-list | awk '/ admin / {print $2}')
function get_id () {
echo `"$@" | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}'`;
CINDER_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create --name=cinder \
--type=volume --description="Cinder Volume Service")
CINDER_USER=$(get_id keystone user-create --name=cinder --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" \
--tenant_id $SERVICE_TENANT
unset get_id
keystone user-role-add --tenant_id $SERVICE_TENANT --user_id $CINDER_USER \
--role_id $ADMIN_ROLE
if [[ -n "$ENABLE_ENDPOINTS" ]]; then
keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne --service_id $CINDER_SERVICE \
--publicurl 'http://localhost:8776/v1/$(tenant_id)s' \
--adminurl 'http://localhost:8776/v1/$(tenant_id)s' \
--internalurl 'http://localhost:8776/v1/$(tenant_id)s'
# Check that the user roles have been set properly
ROLE_ADMIN_ID=$(keystone role-list | awk '/ admin / {print $2}')
ROLE_KS_ADMIN_ID=$(keystone role-list | awk '/ KeystoneAdmin / {print $2}')
ROLE_KSSVC_ADMIN_ID=$(keystone role-list | awk '/ KeystoneServiceAdmin / {print $2}')
ADMIN_USER_ID=$(keystone user-list | awk '/ admin / {print $2}')
ADMIN_TENANT_ID=$(keystone tenant-list | awk '/ admin / {print $2}')
GLANCE_USER_ID=$(keystone user-list | awk '/ glance / {print $2}')
CINDER_USER_ID=$(keystone user-list | awk '/ cinder / {print $2}')
SERVICE_TENANT_ID=$(keystone tenant-list | awk '/ service / {print $2}')
keystone user-role-list --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --tenant-id ${ADMIN_TENANT_ID}
keystone user-role-list --user-id ${GLANCE_USER_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
keystone user-role-list --user-id ${CINDER_USER_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
# Manually add the user roles, if the above did not work properly
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${ADMIN_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_KS_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${ADMIN_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_KSSVC_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${ADMIN_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_KS_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_KSSVC_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${GLANCE_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${GLANCE_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_KS_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-add --user-id ${GLANCE_USER_ID} --role-id ${ROLE_KSSVC_ADMIN_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
# Re-check
#keystone user-role-list --user-id ${ADMIN_USER_ID} --tenant-id ${ADMIN_TENANT_ID}
#keystone user-role-list --user-id ${GLANCE_USER_ID} --tenant-id ${SERVICE_TENANT_ID}
# Configure nova to use keystone
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/api-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_tenant_name service
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/api-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_user nova
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/api-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_password servicepass
openstack-config --set /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT auth_strategy keystone
for svc in api compute; do systemctl restart openstack-nova-$svc.service; done
# Check that nova talks with keystone
nova flavor-list
# Configure glance to use keystone
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-api.conf paste_deploy flavor keystone
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf paste_deploy flavor keystone
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_tenant_name service
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_user glance
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_password servicepass
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_tenant_name service
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_user glance
openstack-config --set /etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini filter:authtoken admin_password servicepass
for svc in api registry; do systemctl restart openstack-glance-$svc.service; done
# Check that glance talks with keystone
glance index
# Nova network
nova-manage network create demonet 1 256 --bridge=demonetbr0
# (Fedora 16/17 64bits) OS image
# Get the image from the Internet
mkdir -p ${IMG_DIR}
pushd ${IMG_DIR}
echo "Downloading the '${IMG_NAME}' ISO image (~250 MB) from ${IMG_BASE_URL}; it may take some time..."
echo wget ${IMG_URL}
echo "The '${IMG_NAME}' ISO image has been archived into the ${IMG_DIR} directory."
ls -lahF --color ${IMG_DIR}
# Tell glance about the image
glance add name=f${IMG_DIST_REL}-jeos is_public=true disk_format=qcow2 container_format=bare < ${IMG_DIR}/${IMG_NAME}
# Start the network block device (nbd) module
modprobe nbd
echo nbd | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/nbd.conf
# Create a key pair
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
nova keypair-add mykey > ~/.ssh/id_oskey_demo
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_oskey_demo
# Launch the VM instance (JEOS = "Just Enough OS")
GLANCE_IMG_ID=$(glance index | grep f${IMG_DIST_REL}-jeos | awk '{print $1}')
# For the flavor reference, see the result of the 'nova flavor-list' command above
nova boot myserver_${IMG_DIST_REL} --flavor 2 --key_name mykey --image ${GLANCE_IMG_ID}
# Other reference documentation
# midori
# Check that the KVM VM instance is running and that SSH works on it
virsh list
nova list # Wait that the status of myserver_${IMG_DIST_REL} switches to ACTIVE (it may take time)
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_oskey_demo ec2-user@
# If there is any error, check the log file:
grep -Hin error /var/log/nova/compute.log
# Potentially, restart the nova scheduler:
systemctl restart openstack-nova-scheduler.service
# Check also the logs of the console:
nova console-log myserver_${IMG_DIST_REL}
# Eventually, delete the VM
nova delete myserver_${IMG_DIST_REL}
# Horizon dashboard
systemctl restart httpd.service && systemctl enable httpd.service
# systemctl disable httpd.service
# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=on
# midori http://localhost/dashboard &
# Swift
# Set the keystone Admin token in the swift proxy file
openstack-config --set /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf filter:authtoken admin_token $ADMIN_TOKEN
openstack-config --set /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf filter:authtoken auth_token $ADMIN_TOKEN
# Create the storage device for swift, these instructions use a loopback device
# but a physical device or logical volume can be used
truncate --size=20G /tmp/swiftstorage
SWIFT_DEVICE=$(losetup --show -f /tmp/swiftstorage)
mkfs.ext4 -I 1024 $SWIFT_DEVICE
mkdir -p /srv/node/partitions
mount $SWIFT_DEVICE /srv/node/partitions -t ext4 -o noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,user_xattr
# Change the working dir so that the following commands will create
# the *.builder files on right place
cd /etc/swift
# Create the ring, with 1024 partitions (only suitable for a small test
# environment) and 1 zone
swift-ring-builder account.builder create 10 1 1
swift-ring-builder container.builder create 10 1 1
swift-ring-builder object.builder create 10 1 1
# Create a device for each of the account, container and object services
swift-ring-builder account.builder add z1- 100
swift-ring-builder container.builder add z1- 100
swift-ring-builder object.builder add z1- 100
# Rebalance the ring (allocates partitions to devices)
swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance
swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance
# Make sure swift owns appropriate files
chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift /srv/node/partitions
# Added the swift service and endpoint to keystone
keystone service-create --name=swift --type=object-store --description="Swift Service"
SWIFT_SERVICE_ID=$(keystone service-list | awk '/ swift / {print $2}')
echo "$SWIFT_SERVICE_ID" # just making sure we got a SWIFT_SERVICE_ID
keystone endpoint-create --service_id $SWIFT_SERVICE_ID \
--publicurl "\$(tenant_id)s" \
--adminurl "\$(tenant_id)s" \
--internalurl "\$(tenant_id)s"
# Start the services
systemctl start memcached.service && systemctl enable memcached.service
# systemctl disable memcached.service
for srv in account container object proxy; do systemctl start openstack-swift-$srv; done
for srv in account container object proxy; do systemctl enable openstack-swift-$srv; done
for srv in account container object proxy; do systemctl status openstack-swift-$srv; done
# for srv in account container object proxy; do systemctl disable openstack-swift-$srv; done
# Test the swift client and upload files
swift list
#swift upload container /path/to/file
# Please the following instructions from
# midori
#### ========================================================== ####
## Image creation ##
#### ========================================================== ####
## ----------------- ##
# Appliance Creator #
## ----------------- ##
# midori
# yum -y install appliance-tools
# The following command will take some time (around 20mn with an Internet bandwidth of 300KB/s),
# as it downloads an image of approximately 250MB, then install some updates and do some adjustments.
# The RAW image is installed within a newly created directory, namely ${APPL_NAME}
echo "Downloading the ISO installation media for Fedora ${IMG_DIST_REL} ${IMG_DIST_FLV},"
echo "starting that Fedora distribution within a dedicated KVM-based VM, changing the configuration to have it cloud-ready."
echo "The whole operation may take several tens of minutes..."
appliance-creator --name ${APPL_NAME} --config=${KS_SCRIPT_DIR}/${KS_SCRIPT_NAME}
echo "The configured RAW image will be available within the newly created ${APPL_DIR}/${APPL_NAME} directory."
ls -lahF --color ${APPL_NAME}
echo "Moving that image from the current directory to ${APPL_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}."
echo "Depending on whether the partitions are different and on the image size, it may take a few minutes."
mkdir -p ${APPL_DIR}
\mv -f ${APPL_NAME} ${APPL_DIR}
ls -lahF --color ${APPL_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}
echo "The raw image will now be converted into a QEMU-based one (QCOW2 format). This again may take a few minutes."
qemu-img convert -f raw -c -O qcow2 ${APPL_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}/${APPL_NAME}-${IMG_DISK_TYPE}.raw ${IMG_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}-${IMG_DISK_TYPE}.qcow2
echo "QEMU-based image created in the ${IMG_DIR} directory:"
ls -lahF --color ${IMG_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}-${IMG_DISK_TYPE}.qcow2
## -------------- ##
# BoxGrinder #
## -------------- ##
# midori
# yum -y install rubygem-boxgrinder-core rubygem-boxgrinder-build
# The following command will take some time (around 20mn with an Internet bandwidth of 300KB/s),
# as it downloads an image of approximately 250MB, then install some updates and do some adjustments.
# The RAW image is installed within a newly created directory, namely ${APPL_NAME}
echo "Downloading the ISO installation media for Fedora ${IMG_DIST_REL} ${IMG_DIST_FLV},"
echo "starting that Fedora distribution within a dedicated KVM-based VM, changing the configuration to have it cloud-ready."
echo "The whole operation may take several tens of minutes..."
boxgrinder-build ${BG_SCRIPT_DIR}/${BG_SCRIPT_NAME} -f # Build KVM image for jeos.appl with removing previous build for this image
boxgrinder-build ${BG_SCRIPT_DIR}/${BG_SCRIPT_NAME} --os-config format:qcow2 # Build KVM image for jeos.appl with a qcow2 disk
boxgrinder-build ${BG_SCRIPT_DIR}/${BG_SCRIPT_NAME} -p virtualbox -d local # Build VirtualBox image for jeos.appl and deliver it to local directory
echo "The configured RAW image will be available within the newly created ${APPL_DIR}/${APPL_NAME} directory."
ls -lahF --color ${APPL_NAME}
## ---------------- ##
# Oz #
## ---------------- ##
# midori
# yum -y install oz
# Running the following command will download and prepare the installation
# media (which may be of several Giga bytes), then run an automated install
# in a KVM guest. Assuming the install succeeds, the minimal operating system
# will be installed on a file in /var/lib/libvirt/images/${APPL_NAME}.dsk
# (by default, the output location can be overridden in the configuration file).
echo "Downloading the ISO installation media for Fedora ${IMG_DIST_REL} ${IMG_DIST_FLV},"
echo "starting that Fedora distribution within a dedicated KVM-based VM, changing the configuration to have it cloud-ready."
echo "The whole operation may take several tens of minutes..."
# -d4: display all the messages
# -p: clean any old guest
# -u: customise the image (e.g., install supplementary packages) after installation
oz-install -d4 -p -u ${TDL_SCRIPT_DIR}/${TDL_SCRIPT_NAME}
echo "The configured RAW image will be available within the libvirt image directory:"
ls -lahF --color ${LIBVIRT_DIR}
# Install a VM with virt-manager by importing the disk image,
# or install a VM with the command-line:
virt-install -n ${APPL_NAME} -r 2048 --vcpus=2 --accelerate --virt-type=kvm \
--controller sata --disk path=${LIBVIRT_DIR}/${LIBVIRT_DISK_NAME},bus=sata \
--noautoconsole --noreboot --import
# To start the VM (not necessary)
# virsh --connect qemu:///system start Fedora_17_i386_sim2
echo "The KVM image will now be converted into a VirtualBox-based one (VDI format). This again may take a few minutes."
mkdir -p ${IMG_DIR}
qemu-img convert -O vdi ${LIBVIRT_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}.dsk ${IMG_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}.vdi
# or (not necessary):
# VBoxManage convertfromraw intermediateDiskImage.bin ${IMG_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}-${IMG_DISK_TYPE}.vdi
echo "VirtualBox-based image created in the ${IMG_DIR} directory:"
ls -lahF --color ${IMG_DIR}/${APPL_NAME}-${IMG_DISK_TYPE}.vdi
#### ========================================================== ####
## DeltaCloud ##
#### ========================================================== ####
# Dependencies
yum -y install deltacloud-core-all rubygem-deltacloud-client
#### ========================================================== ####
## DevStack ##
#### ========================================================== ####
# Documentation
# midori
# Dependencies to rebuild OpenStack on Fedora (e.g., for DevStack)
yum install -y bridge-utils curl euca2ools git-core openssh-server psmisc pylint \
python-netaddr python-pep8 python-pip python-unittest2 python-virtualenv \
screen tar tcpdump unzip wget libxml2-devel python-argparse python-devel \
python-eventlet python-greenlet python-paste-deploy python-routes python-sqlalchemy \
python-wsgiref pyxattr python-greenlet python-lxml python-paste python-paste-deploy \
python-paste-script python-routes python-setuptools python-sqlalchemy python-sqlite2 \
python-webob sqlite python-dateutil MySQL-python curl dnsmasq-utils ebtables gawk \
iptables iputils kpartx kvm libvirt-python libxml2-python m2crypto parted python-boto \
python-carrot python-cheetah python-eventlet python-feedparser python-gflags \
python-greenlet python-iso8601 python-kombu python-lockfile python-migrate \
python-mox python-netaddr python-paramiko python-paste python-paste-deploy \
python-qpid python-routes python-sqlalchemy python-suds python-tempita sqlite \
sudo vconfig iscsi-initiator-utils lvm2 genisoimage lvm2 scsi-target-utils \
numpy Django django-registration gcc pylint python-anyjson python-BeautifulSoup \
python-boto python-coverage python-dateutil python-eventlet python-greenlet \
python-httplib2 python-kombu python-migrate python-mox python-netaddr \
python-nose python-paste python-paste-deploy python-pep8 python-routes \
python-sphinx python-sqlalchemy python-webob pyxattr
# On the cluster controller
useradd -U -s /bin/bash -m stack
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
passwd stack # stack001
mkdir -p /opt/stack/logs
chown -R stack /opt/stack
# On each node
su - stack
mkdir ~/.ssh; chmod 700 ~/.ssh
echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqtNdUXbd7L6FoQCtP+NcaAhBf7vq3xxbpUvRoEdbbL30+7DekLQjgkv0v+/aXurfbtRY0shFNCFPyb9CUBX9I12+LaJf58dORXX7CA2PqzilMzjQeFKTelRQv2LxCRD6+ZM23nosW3SBFx0xQLRwJYf5rtjDA2lfK/Jget/ZTPkzGY9J/7so1vLrhiCwX33Bv53KyjnMFaLgwEYw67+LTpnv2icbrASIJr3jF2YBoB/REaBX+h01lwxZFGFFAJxOy0MhCLYrcsZPARKgYdvJMMY/D15/0ciOdAO1reN7qe7iJfIq24bX8TLoUJ7eAo8RKW8acTSu0PEZ+eyO3INqhw==" > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
# On the cluster controller
su - stack
mkdir -p ~/dev/cloud/openstack
cd ~/dev/cloud/openstack
git clone git:// devstackgit
cd ~/dev/cloud/openstack/devstackgit
cat > localrc << _EOF
cat > << _EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for i in `seq 2 10`
do /bin/nova-manage fixed reserve 10.4.128.$i
chmod 775
# Aeolus
# midori
yum -y install aeolus-all
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