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Created July 17, 2020 16:04
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This script do most of the heavy lifting for generating C headers for Cobalt Strike BOF, but this is not 100% accurate.
import os
import sys
import pefile
import argparse
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
except ImportError as e:
print("[-] One of the following module is not installed:")
print("\t- bs4")
print("\t- pefile")
print("\t- argparse")
print("\t- requests")
verbose = False
headers = set()
# C-Style structure because why not
class FunctionInfo:
Function: str = None
Link: str = None
Description: str = None
Module: str = None
Header: str = None
Library: str = None
Prototype: str = None
def get_exported_funtions(module: str):
if (os.path.exists(module) == False):
print("[-] Invalid module provided")
image = pefile.PE(module, fast_load=True)
functions = list()
for function in image.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
return functions
def get_function_info(info: FunctionInfo):
if (info.Function is None or info.Function == ""):
print("[-] Invalid function provided")
return False
# Get the first info from the Microsoft API
# The next line is from @dtmsecurity????? Definitively yes.
url = "{}&locale=en-us&scoringprofile=search_for_en_us_a_b_test&facet=category&%24top=1".format(info.Function)
if (verbose == True):
print("[>] Searching: {}".format(info.Function))
resp = requests.get(url)
# Ensure that there is a valid value returned
blob = resp.json()
if (len(blob["results"]) < 1):
if (verbose == True):
print("[-] Unable to find documentation for {} ".format(info.Function))
return False
# Get the URL of the documentation + description of the function
blob = blob["results"][0]
info.Link = blob["url"]
info.Description = blob["description"]
resp = requests.get(info.Link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "lxml")
# Get the Library
lib = soup.find("meta", {"name": "req.lib"})
if (lib is None):
return False
info.Library = lib.get("content")
# Get the module
dll = soup.find("meta", {"name": "req.dll"})
if (dll is None):
return False
info.Module = dll.get("content")
# Get the header
header = soup.find("meta", {"name": "req.header"})
if (header is None):
return False
info.Header = header.get("content")
# Get prototype of the function
prototype = soup.find_all("code", {"class": "lang-cpp"})
if (len(prototype) == 0):
prototype = soup.find_all("code", {"class": "lang-c++"})
if (len(prototype) != 0):
info.Prototype = prototype[0].text
return False
return True
def add_documentation(info: FunctionInfo):
content = ""
content += "/// <summary>\n"
content += "/// {}\n".format(info.Description)
content += "/// Link: {}\n".format(info.Link)
content += "/// Header: {}\n".format(info.Header)
content += "/// Module: {}\n".format(info.Module)
content += "/// Library: {}\n".format(info.Library)
content += "/// </summary>\n"
return content
def add_prototype(info: FunctionInfo):
prefix = (info.Module.split(".")[0]).lower()
info.Prototype = info.Prototype.replace(info.Function, "{}${}".format(prefix, info.Function))
return "__declspec(dllimport) {}\n".format(info.Prototype)
def main():
print("Build Windows headers for Cobalt Strike BOF")
print("Copyright (C) 2020 Paul Laine (@am0nsec)")
print("disclaimer: ")
print("This script do most of the heavy lifting but this is not 100% accurate.")
print("If one function is missing, you can Google for the documentation.")
print("Also, you will probably have to fix few bits and piece prior to compilation.\n")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-m", "--module", help="Module in which symbols will be extracted.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", help="Name of the file in which the functions' prototype will be written.", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Increase script verbosity.", required=False, action='store_true', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
if (args.verbose == True):
verbose = True
(head, tail) = os.path.split(args.module)
module_name = tail
module_path = args.module
if (args.outfile is None):
args.outfile = tail.split(".")[0] + ".h"
# Get all the exported functions
functions = get_exported_funtions(module_path)
# Start building the header
content = ""
failed = 0
success = 0;
print("[>] Exported functions: {}".format(len(functions)))
for x in functions:
if (x is None or "_" in x.decode()):
failed += 1
info = FunctionInfo()
info.Function = x.decode()
if (get_function_info(info) == False):
failed += 1
if (info.Module.lower() != module_name):
failed += 1
content += add_documentation(info)
content += add_prototype(info)
success += 1
# Write the header to disk
with open(args.outfile, "w") as file:
file.write("#include <windows.h>\n")
for header in headers:
file.write("#include <{}>\n".format(header))
macro = "_" + args.outfile.replace(".", "_").upper()
file.write("#ifndef {}\n".format(macro))
file.write("#define {}\n\n".format(macro))
file.write("#endif // !{}".format(macro))
print("[+] Functions defined: {}".format(success))
print("[-] Functions skipped: {}\n".format(failed))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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