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Last active October 25, 2017 13:09
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Finds the size of largest ‘+’ formed by a particular element(here called 'symbol') in a 2D matrix of any size.
public class PlusPattern {
* Utility method to verify matrix dimensions
* @param a matrix to be verified
* @return true if matrix size is greater than 0;
private static boolean isValid(int[][] a) {
return a.length > 0 && a[0].length > 0;
* Finds the size of largest plus(+) pattern of given 'symbol' integer in an integer 2D matrix .
* The idea is to find for the biggest possible plus(+) pattern first around the central elements
* of the matrix. If largest is found return the largest size. If largest possible + is not
* found, store the size of whatever smaller than that was found and repeat search for 1 size
* smaller + in the next outer window around the previous window.
* @param arr matrix to be searched
* @param symbol whose + patter is sought
* @return the radius of largest + found in the matrix.
static int findLargestPlusPattern(int[][] arr, int symbol) {
if (!isValid(arr)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot perform search on empty array");
int maxPlusRadius = 0;
int rows = arr.length;
int cols = arr[0].length;
int min = rows < cols ? rows : cols;
int diff = rows > cols ? rows - cols : cols - rows;
// Initializing initial window params. The center most smallest window possible
// Example - For matrix of size {4x3}, smallest central window lies from [1][1] to [2][1]
// Example - For matrix of size {3x9}, smallest central window lies from [1][1] to [1][7]
int first_r, first_c, last_r, last_c;
first_r = (min - 1) / 2;
first_c = (min - 1) / 2;
last_r = rows < cols ? (rows / 2) : (cols / 2) + diff;
last_c = rows > cols ? (cols / 2) : (rows / 2) + diff;
// Initializing with biggest possible search radius in the matrix
int searchRadius = (min - 1) / 2;
int r, c;
int found;
// Iteratively searching for + in an 'onion layer pattern' from inside to outside
while (searchRadius > maxPlusRadius) { // no need to find smaller + patterns than the one already found
// initializing r and c cursor for this window iterations.
r = first_r;
c = first_c;
// Search each of the 4 sides of the current window in a clockwise manner
// 1# Scan the top line of window
do { // do-while used to search inside initial window with width==1
found = findLargestPlusAt(r, c, arr, symbol, searchRadius);
if (found == searchRadius) {
return searchRadius; // cannot find a bigger plus(+) than this in remaining matrix
} else if (found > maxPlusRadius) {
maxPlusRadius = found;
} while (c < last_c);
if (c > last_c)
c--; // for initial window with width==1. Otherwise #3 condition will be true for invalid c-index
// 2# Scan the right line of window
do { // do-while used to search inside initial window with height==1
found = findLargestPlusAt(r, c, arr, symbol, searchRadius);
if (found == searchRadius) {
return searchRadius;
} else if (found > maxPlusRadius) {
maxPlusRadius = found;
} while (r < last_r);
if (r > last_r)
r--; // for initial window with height==1. Otherwise #4 condition will be true for invalid r-index
// 3# Scan the bottom line of window
while (c > first_c) {
found = findLargestPlusAt(r, c, arr, symbol, searchRadius);
if (found == searchRadius) {
return searchRadius;
} else if (found > maxPlusRadius) {
maxPlusRadius = found;
// 4# Scan the left line of window
while (r > first_r) {
found = findLargestPlusAt(r, c, arr, symbol, searchRadius);
if (found == searchRadius) {
return searchRadius;
} else if (found > maxPlusRadius) {
maxPlusRadius = found;
// r and c comes back at first_r and first_c.
// increasing window on all sides by 1.
// reducing search radius to avoid out of bounds error on next window.
return maxPlusRadius;
* Finds, if exist, the size of largest plus around a given point a[r][c]. It grows radius
* greedily to maximise the search for + pattern returns 0 if is the point is the only symbol.
* @param r row coordinate of search center
* @param c column coordinate of search center
* @param a matrix
* @param symbol search symbol
* @param max_radius around the center to be searched for + pattern
* @return returns -1 if the point itself is not the symbol.
* returns n if all the next elements in E W N S directions within radius n are the symbol elements.
static int findLargestPlusAt(int r, int c, int[][] a, int symbol, int max_radius) {
int largest = -1;
if (a[r][c] != symbol) { // If center coordinate itself is not the symbol
return largest;
} else {
largest = 0;
for (int rad = 1; rad <= max_radius; rad++) {
if (a[r + rad][c] == symbol && a[r][c + rad] == symbol && a[r - rad][c] == symbol && a[r][c - rad] == symbol) {
largest = rad; // At least a '+' of radius 'rad' is present.
} else {
return largest;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int mat[][];
mat = new int[][]{ // max + = 3
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,},
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,},
int find = findLargestPlusPattern(mat, 1);
System.out.println("# Max + size radius is : " + find);
mat = new int[][]{ // max + = 2
{1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1,},
{1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1,},
{7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,},
{1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1,},
{1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1,},
find = findLargestPlusPattern(mat, 1);
System.out.println("# Max + size radius is : " + find);
mat = new int[][]{ // max + = 1
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 1, 6, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 1, 1},
find = findLargestPlusPattern(mat, 1);
System.out.println("# Max + size radius is : " + find);
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Highly optimized and generic version of plus(+) pattern search.

Complexity = O(m*n) for matrix of size {m x n}
Auxiliary space requirements = O(1).

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