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Created January 8, 2019 00:24
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Exploring the design space for the Monoid abstraction in Swift
This gist contains an analysis of the design space for abstractions in a type system like Swift's.
It focuses on Monoid as an example but the same set of tradeoffs apply to any abstraction.
As such, it focuses on a single abstraction and does not explore issues that arise when designing
an abstraction hierarchy in depth.
The matrix below describes some of the design important design tradeoffs for various approaches including:
- OO style protocols such as `Monoid { var identity: Self ... }
(Haskell also adopts this approach for many abstractions, including for Monoid)
- ML signature style static protocols with empty enum conformances analagous with ML structures
- type-erased witness style
- "middle way" as in the Monoid protocol above
OO ML "middle way" witness
compositionality some yes yes yes
multiple conformances with wrappers yes yes yes
supports equality n/a yes yes no
type-level support no yes with Static refinement no
dynamic parameterization no no yes yes
dictionary passing implict explicit explicit* explicit
usage-site syntactic sugar n/a with helper with helper direct
optimizable yes yes yes type-erasure hinders optimizer
abstraction refinement yes yes yes with explicit conversions
algorithms work with conformances no no yes yes
defined in other styles
convenient ad-hoc instances no no when using yes
(i.e. no type decl or extenion) type erasure
The code below demonstrates how the "middle way" is a strong point in the design space
which is also able to support ML style and witness (i.e. type-erased) styles.
This approach models the abstraction explicitly in a way that is able to capture most
of the benefits and avoid most of the drawbacks of the other styles, especially when
a "full featured" approach adopting
Different use cases are important for different abstractions so it is good to be aware of your
options and the tradeoffs involved when deciding on a design for a specific abstraction
or family of abstractions.
*The "middle way" style can support implicit dictionary passing when using constraints such as
`where Element: Monoid, Element.Value == Element`
/// A "middle ground" design for abstractions that shares with ML-style
/// explicit modeling of the abstraction independent of the subject types
/// but moved to the instance level, allowing algorithms to be written
/// in terms of this protocol while still supporting type erasure
protocol Monoid {
associatedtype Value
/// must obey identity laws with respect to `combine`
/* let */ var identity: Value { get }
/// must be associative and referrentially transparent
func combine(_ lhs: inout Value, _ rhs: Value)
extension Monoid {
func combine(_ lhs: Value, _ rhs: Value) -> Value {
var lhs = lhs
combine(&lhs, rhs)
return lhs
// MARK: - ML-style
/// If desired, type-level monoids can still be supported and integrate
/// seamlessly with the rest of the design.
/// This approach to abstraction can also be useful in demonstrating the
/// conformance is not dynamically parameterizable via initializers, properties, captures, etc
/// - note: Conformces must be empty structs instead of empty enums
/// in order to be used at the instance level.
/// It is important that these structs be empty to preserve the static semantic requirement.
protocol StaticMonoid: Monoid {
// redeclared to support inference of `Value` in conforming types
associatedtype Value
/// must obey identity laws with respect to `combine`
static var identity: Value { get }
/// must be associative
static func combine(_ lhs: inout Value, _ rhs: Value)
extension StaticMonoid {
/// Instance level members should not be implemented by conforming types
/* final */ var identity: Value { return Self.identity }
/* final */ func combine(_ lhs: inout Value, _ rhs: Value) {
Self.combine(&lhs, rhs)
static func combine(_ lhs: Value, _ rhs: Value) -> Value {
var lhs = lhs
combine(&lhs, rhs)
return lhs
// MARK: - Witness / type-erased
/// This would still be useful even with generalized existentials if
/// supporting ad-hoc witness-function style is desired
struct AnyMonoid<Value>: Monoid {
let identity: Value
private let _combine: (inout Value, Value) -> Void
init(identity: Value, combine: @escaping (inout Value, Value) -> Void) {
self.identity = identity
_combine = combine
init<M: Monoid>(_ m: M) where M.Value == Value {
identity = m.identity
_combine = m.combine
// if we want to support ML module-style case-less enums
init<M: StaticMonoid>(_ m: M.Type) where M.Value == Value {
identity = m.identity
_combine = m.combine
func combine(_ lhs: inout Value, _ rhs: Value) {
return _combine(&lhs, rhs)
/// This shouldn't be necessary with generalized existentials
/// which would allow us to say `Monoid where Self: Equatable, Value == Foo`
/// In the meantime, this allows us to store compare monoids when necessary
/// It could also be interesting to support `AnyHashableMonoid` which would
/// allow us to put them into a `Set` or `Dictionary`. For example, it could be useful to
/// have a dictionary with monoid keys and currently accumulated values.
/// This might allow a data processing operation that performs multiple combining operations
/// to unique the monoids it is using and ensure redundant computation is not performed.
struct AnyEquatableMonoid<Value: Equatable>: Monoid {
let identity: Value
private let _combine: (inout Value, Value) -> Void
private let monoid: Any
private let equals: (Any) -> Bool
init<M: Monoid>(_ monoid: M) where M.Value == Value, M: Equatable {
identity = monoid.identity
_combine = monoid.combine
self.monoid = monoid
equals = { other in
guard let other = other as? M else {
return false
return other == monoid
func combine(_ lhs: inout Value, _ rhs: Value) {
return _combine(&lhs, rhs)
extension AnyEquatableMonoid: Equatable {
static func == (_ lhs: AnyEquatableMonoid<Value>, _ rhs: AnyEquatableMonoid<Value>) -> Bool {
return lhs.identity == rhs.identity && lhs.equals(rhs.monoid)
// MARK - tuple2
struct MonoidTuple2<First, Second>: Monoid where First: Monoid, Second: Monoid {
let first: First
let second: Second
// not sure why the compiler fails to infer this
typealias Value = (First.Value, Second.Value)
var identity: (First.Value, Second.Value) {
return (first.identity, second.identity)
func combine(_ lhs: inout (First.Value, Second.Value), _ rhs: (First.Value, Second.Value)) {
first.combine(&lhs.0, rhs.0)
second.combine(&lhs.1, rhs.1)
func tuple2M<First, Second>(_ first: MonoidSugar<First>, _ second: MonoidSugar<Second>) -> MonoidTuple2<First, Second> {
return MonoidTuple2(first: first.monoid, second: second.monoid)
// we can also use a custom tuple type as below that can conform to protocols (such as `Equatable`) directly
// however, we lose some features of Swift tuples such as implicit conversion of multi-argument functions
struct Tuple2<First, Second> {
var first: First
var second: Second
extension Tuple2: Equatable where First: Equatable, Second: Equatable {}
extension Tuple2: Hashable where First: Hashable, Second: Hashable {}
func tuple2<First, Second>(_ first: First, _ second: Second) -> Tuple2<First, Second> {
return Tuple2(first: first, second: second)
func tuple2M<First, Second>(_ first: MonoidSugar<First>, _ second: MonoidSugar<Second>) -> Tuple2<First, Second> {
return Tuple2(first: first.monoid, second: second.monoid)
extension Tuple2: Monoid where First: Monoid, Second: Monoid {
// not sure why the compiler fails to infer this
typealias Value = Tuple2<First.Value, Second.Value>
var identity: Tuple2<First.Value, Second.Value> {
return tuple2(first.identity, second.identity)
func combine(_ lhs: inout Tuple2<First.Value, Second.Value>, _ rhs: Tuple2<First.Value, Second.Value>) {
first.combine(&lhs.first, rhs.first)
second.combine(&lhs.second, rhs.second)
// MARK: - imap
struct MonoidImap<M: Monoid, Value> {
private let monoid: M
private let toValue: (M.Value) -> Value
private let fromValue: (Value) -> M.Value
// could use the same sugar here
fileprivate init(_ monoid: M, toValue: @escaping (M.Value) -> Value, fromValue: @escaping (Value) -> M.Value) {
self.monoid = monoid
self.fromValue = fromValue
self.toValue = toValue
extension MonoidImap: Monoid {
var identity: Value {
return toValue(monoid.identity)
func combine(_ lhs: inout Value, _ rhs: Value) {
lhs = toValue(monoid.combine(fromValue(lhs), fromValue(rhs)))
extension Monoid {
// the result could be type-erased but this is exactly the kind of operator
// opaque return types are intended for and it is trivial to type-erase
// the result if callers desire that
func imap<NewValue>(
toNewValue: @escaping (Value) -> NewValue,
fromNewValue: @escaping (NewValue) -> Value
) -> /* opaque M: Monoid where M.Value == NewValue */ MonoidImap<Self, NewValue> {
return MonoidImap(self, toValue: toNewValue, fromValue: fromNewValue)
// MARK: - average
public struct Average<A: BinaryFloatingPoint>: Equatable, Hashable {
fileprivate let count: Int
fileprivate let sum: A
public var average: A? {
return self.count == 0 ? nil : .some(sum / A(count))
public init(count: Int, sum: A) {
self.count = count
self.sum = sum
extension MonoidSugar where M.Value: BinaryFloatingPoint {
// the return type looks nasty, but fortunately when opaque return types come we will not have to write it out explicitly!
// we could also use an erased return type but that is not a good idea - this is exactly the kind of operator return types are meant for
// callers can trivially erase the type if desired
func average() -> /* opaque R: Monoid where R.Value == Average<M.Value> */ MonoidImap<MonoidTuple2<Sum<Int>, Sum<M.Value>>, Average<M.Value>> {
return tuple2M(.sum(), .sum()).imap(
toNewValue: Average.init,
fromNewValue: { ($0.count, $0.sum) }
// MARK: - endo
struct Endo<Domain>/*: Monoid*/ {
typealias Value = (inout Domain) -> Void
let identity: Value = { _ in }
// this should work but doesn't due to a compiler bug:
// we could implement this if our combine signature used a return value instead of inout
/*func combine(_ lhs: inout @escaping Value, _ rhs: @escaping Value) {
lhs = { [lhs] domainValue in
// the return value combine implementation (though it doesn't meet the requirement
// of the Monoid protocol in this file)
func combine(_ lhs: @escaping Value, _ rhs: @escaping Value) -> Value {
return { domainValue in
extension/* <Domain> */ MonoidSugar /* where M == Endo<Domain> */ {
// this would work if the
/*static func endo<Domain>() -> MonoidSugar<Endo<Domain>> {
return .init(monoid: Endo())
// MARK: - pointwise
struct Pointwise<Domain, M: Monoid>/*: Monoid*/ {
typealias Value = (Domain) -> M.Value
let monoid: M
var identity: Value {
return { _ in self.monoid.identity }
// this should work but doesn't due to a compiler bug:
// we could implement this if our combine signature used a return value instead of inout
/*func combine(_ lhs: inout @escaping Value, _ rhs: @escaping Value) {
lhs = { [lhs] in self.monoid.combine(lhs($0), rhs($0)) }
// the return value combine implementation (though it doesn't meet the requirement
// of the Monoid protocol in this file)
func combine(_ lhs: @escaping Value, _ rhs: @escaping Value) -> Value {
return { self.monoid.combine(lhs($0), rhs($0)) }
extension /* <Domain, Into: Monoid> */ MonoidSugar /* where M == Pointwise<Domain, Into> */ {
/*static func pointwise<Domain, M: Monoid>(into monoid: M) -> MonoidSugar<Pointwise<Domain, M>> {
return .init(monoid: Pointwise(monoid: monoid))
// MARK: - joined (i.e. RangeReplaceableCollection)
struct Joined<C: RangeReplaceableCollection>: Monoid {
let identity = C()
let separator: C.Element
func combine(_ lhs: inout C, _ rhs: C) {
if !lhs.isEmpty {
// copied from
// but is this correct? should separator get appended if rhs is empty???
lhs.append(contentsOf: rhs)
extension MonoidSugar {
static func joined<C: RangeReplaceableCollection>(separator: C.Element) -> MonoidSugar<Joined<C>> {
return .init(monoid: Joined(separator: separator))
// MARK: - Usage
struct MonoidSugar<M: Monoid> {
let monoid: M
extension Sequence {
func fold<M: Monoid>(_ monoid: M) -> M.Value where M.Value == Element {
return reduce(monoid.identity, monoid.combine)
func foldWithSugar<M: Monoid>(_ wrapper: MonoidSugar<M>) -> M.Value where M.Value == Element {
return reduce(wrapper.monoid.identity, wrapper.monoid.combine)
struct Sum<N: Numeric>: Monoid {
let identity: N = 0
func combine(_ lhs: inout N, _ rhs: N) {
lhs += rhs
extension/* <N: Numeric> */ MonoidSugar /*where M == Sum<N>*/ {
static func sum<N: Numeric>() -> MonoidSugar<Sum<N>> { return .init(monoid: Sum()) }
struct StaticSum<N: Numeric>: StaticMonoid {
static var identity: N { return 0 }
static func combine(_ lhs: inout N, _ rhs: N) {
lhs += rhs
extension/* <N: Numeric> */ MonoidSugar /*where M == StaticSum<N>*/ {
static var staticSum: MonoidSugar<StaticSum<Double>> { return .init(monoid: StaticSum()) }
// maybe we'll get generic properties someday... we could use generic factory methods like sum() instead...
let AnySum = AnyMonoid(identity: 0 as Double, combine: +=)
extension MonoidSugar where M == AnyMonoid<Double> {
static var anySum: MonoidSugar<AnyMonoid<Double>> { return .init(monoid: AnyMonoid<Double>(AnySum)) }
func examples() {
let sequence = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
_ = sequence.fold(Sum())
_ = sequence.foldWithSugar(.sum())
_ = sequence.fold(StaticSum())
_ = sequence.foldWithSugar(.staticSum)
_ = sequence.fold(AnySum)
_ = sequence.foldWithSugar(.anySum)
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