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Created April 18, 2012 23:47
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Processing uploaded file
66 public static function processUploadedFile($data)
67 {
68 $pw = new Product_Worker();
69 $id = $data['ingestionId'];
70 error_log("ingestionId: $id");
71 $pw->ia = DB_Factory::getInstance("Ingestion");
73 if (!$pw->isDataReady($id)) {
74 return false;
75 }
77 $edata = new DB_EData();
78 //$batch = $edata->getBatch($id);
79 //$pw->init($batch, $edata->getDeliveredProduct($id), "Post-upload");
80 $batch = $edata->getFromFile($id, DB_EData::BATCH);
81 error_log("Got batch object");
82 $pw->init($batch, $edata->getFromFile($id, DB_EData::DELIVERED_PRODUCT), "Post-upload");
83 error_log("Got dp object");
84 //$deliveredFile = $edata->getDeliveredFile($id);
85 $deliveredFile = $edata->getFromFile($id, DB_EData::DELIVERED_FILE);
86 error_log("Got product object");
87 //$pw->product = $edata->getProduct($id);
88 $pw->product = $edata->getFromFile($id, DB_EData::PRODUCT);
90 $pw->product->provider = $pw->batch->provider;
92 if (!$pw->classifyProduct()) {
93 return false;
94 }
96 $metadataID = $deliveredFile->track->metadataID;
97 try {
98 if (!($pw->ma->isMetadataInDB($metadataID))) {
99 self::$log->log("MetadataID: $metadataID does not exist. Inserting FilesSongs anyway.", 3);
100 }
101 } catch (Exception $e) {
102 self::$log->log("Failed to check if metadata for MetadataID: $metadataID exists. Exception:{$e->getMessage()}", 3);
103 }
105 $returnData = array("metadataID" => $metadataID, "deliveredFileID" => $data['ingestionId'], "FileID" => $data['file']['fileId'], "albumID" => $data['song']['albumId'], "songID" => $data['song']['songId']);
107 self::$log->log("Inserting FilesSongs after upload. Returndata: " . json_encode($returnData), 6);
108 try {
109 $filesSongsIDs = $pw->ma->insertFilesSongs($metadataID, $data);
110 } catch (Exception $e) { // unknown-error
111 self::$log->log($e->getMessage() . "\nDeliveredFile: $deliveredFile\nUploadResponse: ".print_r($data).";\nException: {$e->getMessage()}", 3);
112 return;
113 }
114 self::$log->log("Setting deliveredFile actions.");
116 $deliveredFile->errorCodeID = DeliveredFile::CODE_NO_ERROR;
117 $pw->ia->setDeliveredFileErrorCode($deliveredFile);
118 $pw->ia->recordDeliveredFileAction($deliveredFile, DeliveredFile::DELIVERED_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED);
119 $pw->ia->setDeliveredFileDBEntryToProcessed($deliveredFile);
120 if ($pw->ia->isAllAudioProcessed($pw->dp->deliveredProductID)) {
121 self::$log->log("All audio processed.", 7);
122 try {
123 if (!$pw->completeProcessing()) {
124 return false;
125 }
126 } catch (Exception $e) {
127 self::$log->log("Failed to complete processing for the product. Exception:\n{$e->getMessage()}", 3);
128 return false;
129 }
130 }
131 }
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