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Last active February 28, 2021 00:11
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testing which models from the suite work with SbmlInterface.jl
using SbmlInterface, ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, SciMLBase, DataFrames, DifferentialEquations
using Plots
# assumes this is cloned:
path = joinpath(homedir(), "sbml-test-suite/cases/")
@test isdir(path)
function extract_xmls()
dirs = filter(isdir, readdir(path; join=true))
all_dirs = mapreduce(x -> filter(isdir, readdir(x; join=true)), vcat, dirs)
all_files = vcat(readdir.(all_dirs; join=true)...)
filter!(x -> occursin(".xml", x), all_files)
# theres probably an idiomatic way to do this
function call_save_err(f, x)
n = length(x)
arr = Vector(undef, n)
for i in 1:n
arr[i] = f(x[i])
catch e
arr[i] = e
all_files = extract_xmls()
n = length(all_files)
num = 100
n = num
all_files = all_files[1:num]
@test all_files isa Vector{String}
@time models = getmodel.(all_files); # 8.972979 seconds (779.59 k allocations: 35.538 MiB, 0.57% gc time, 0.73% compilation time)
@time ps = getparameters.(models); # 15.963854 seconds (6.03 M allocations: 346.563 MiB, 0.86% gc time, 0.02% compilation time)
@time u0s = call_save_err(getinitialconditions, models); # 16.213772 seconds (7.04 M allocations: 408.899 MiB, 0.99% gc time, 0.51% compilation time)
@time eqs = call_save_err(getodes, models); # 52.578963 seconds (24.88 M allocations: 1.315 GiB, 1.52% gc time, 0.87% compilation time)
@time systems = call_save_err(sbml2odesystem, all_files); # 97.208173 seconds (44.64 M allocations: 2.364 GiB, 1.50% gc time, 0.57% compilation time)
@time probs = call_save_err(x->sbml2odeproblem(x, (0., 1.)), all_files); # longer than im willing to wait
@time probs = call_save_err(x->sbml2odeproblem(x, (0., 1.)), all_files[1:100]); # longer than im willing to wait
@time probs = call_save_err(x->ODEProblem(x...), syss[1:100]); # don't do this
df = DataFrame(:id => all_files, :model => models, :p => ps, :u0 => u0s, :eqs => eqs, :sys => systems) # :prob => probs)
N, M = size(df)
cols = DataFrames.names(df)
errored_mask = @. typeof(df[:, :sys]) <: Exception
errs = df[errored_mask, :]
good = df[Not(errored_mask), :]
syss = good.sys
# 17.815165 seconds (32.99 M allocations: 2.097 GiB, 3.34% gc time, 0.12% compilation time)
good_probs = probs[Not(@. typeof(probs) <: Exception)]
@time sols = call_save_err(solve, good_probs); # long, wanna try SciMLBase.tmap
@. display(plot(sols))
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