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Last active September 18, 2019 01:06
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Interactive Sine Wave using PaperJS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Load the Paper.js library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- Define inlined PaperScript associate it with myCanvas -->
<script type="text/paperscript" src="sine.js" data-paper-canvas="myCanvas"></script>
<h1 style='font-family: sans-serif;'>Interactive Sine Wave</h1>
<canvas id="myCanvas" data-paper-resize="true"
style="width: 600px;"></canvas>
$(function() {
function setup() {
// configuration for canvas
window.config = {
x_offset: 30,
y_offset: 10,
amplitude_scaling_factor: 20,
min_frequency: 50,
max_frequency: 400,
min_amplitude: 0.5,
max_amplitude: 6,
min_phase: -360,
max_phase: 360
config.width = view.size.width - 2 * config.x_offset - 10;
config.height = view.size.height - 2 * config.y_offset;
config.startx = config.x_offset;
config.starty = config.y_offset + config.height / 2;
// changeable params
window.params = {
frequency: 50,
amplitude: 3,
phase: 0
params.scaled_amplitude = params.amplitude * config.amplitude_scaling_factor;
config.min_scaled_amplitude = config.min_amplitude * config.amplitude_scaling_factor;
config.max_scaled_amplitude = config.max_amplitude * config.amplitude_scaling_factor;
function render_x_axis() {
// x-axis & ticks
var x_axis = new Path.Line(
new Point(config.startx, config.starty),
new Point(config.width + 3 * config.x_offset, config.starty)
x_axis.strokeColor = 'black';
var tmax = 1 / config.min_frequency;
var tlength = config.width + 2 * config.x_offset;
var tres = 0.005;
var tstep = (tmax / tres);
var lstep = config.width / tstep
var max_count = tstep + 1;
for (var count=0; count <= max_count; count++) {
var tick = new Path.Line({
from: [config.x_offset + count * lstep, config.starty - 5],
to: [config.x_offset + count * lstep, config.starty + 5],
strokeColor: 'black'
if (count > 0) {
var text = new PointText(tick.lastSegment.point);
text.fillColor = 'black';
text.content = count * tres;
text.justification = 'center';
text.position.y += 15;
function render_y_axis() {
// y-axis & ticks
var y_axis = new Path.Line(
new Point(config.startx, config.y_offset),
new Point(config.startx, config.y_offset + config.height)
y_axis.strokeColor = 'black';
var ytick = function(amp) {
var tick = new Path.Line({
from: [config.x_offset - 5, config.starty - amp],
to: [config.x_offset + 5, config.starty - amp],
strokeColor: 'black'
var text = new PointText(tick.lastSegment.point);
text.fillColor = 'black';
text.content = amp / config.amplitude_scaling_factor;
text.position.y += 4;
text.position.x -= 15;
text.justification = 'right';
var y_step = config.max_scaled_amplitude / 4;
for (var amp=0; amp <= config.max_scaled_amplitude; amp = amp + y_step) {
// +ve tick
if (amp) {
// -ve tick
ytick(-1 * amp);
function render_sine_wave() {
// sine wave
window.sine_wave && window.sine_wave.remove();
window.sine_wave = new Path({
strokeColor: 'black',
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeCap: 'round',
var number_of_waves = params.frequency / config.min_frequency;
var length = config.width / number_of_waves;
var step = length / 360;
var phase_in_radians = params.phase * Math.PI / 180;
var handles = {};
var startx = config.startx;
for (var count=0; count < number_of_waves; count++) {
for (var i=0, l=length+step; i < l; i += step) {
var x = startx + i;
var angle_in_degrees = 360 * i / length;
var angle = angle_in_degrees * Math.PI / 180;
var y = -1 * params.scaled_amplitude * Math.sin(angle + phase_in_radians);
var point = new Point(x, y + config.starty);
var segment = sine_wave.add(point);
if (count===0) {
if (y===-1 * params.scaled_amplitude) {
handles.amplitude = { x: x, y: y + config.starty };
} else if (y===0 || (y > -0.01 && y < 0.01)) {
handles.frequency = { x: x, y: y + config.starty };
} else if (y===params.scaled_amplitude) {
handles.phase = { x: x, y: y + config.starty };
startx += length;
// amplitude handle
window.amplitude_handle && window.amplitude_handle.remove();
window.amplitude_text && window.amplitude_text.remove();
if (handles.amplitude) {
var amplitude_center = new Point(handles.amplitude.x, handles.amplitude.y);
window.amplitude_handle = new Path.Circle(amplitude_center, 7);
amplitude_handle.strokeColor = 'red';
amplitude_handle.fillColor = 'yellow';
window.amplitude_text = new PointText(amplitude_center);
amplitude_text.fillColor = 'black';
amplitude_text.content = "a";
amplitude_text.position.y += 3;
amplitude_text.position.x -= 3.5;
// frequency handle
window.frequency_handle && window.frequency_handle.remove();
window.frequency_text && window.frequency_text.remove();
if (handles.frequency) {
var frequency_center = new Point(handles.frequency.x, handles.frequency.y);
window.frequency_handle = new Path.Circle(frequency_center, 7);
frequency_handle.strokeColor = 'red';
frequency_handle.fillColor = 'yellow';
window.frequency_text = new PointText(frequency_center);
frequency_text.fillColor = 'black';
frequency_text.content = "𝑓";
frequency_text.position.y += 3.5;
frequency_text.position.x -= 3.5;
// phase handle
window.phase_handle && window.phase_handle.remove();
window.phase_text && window.phase_text.remove();
if (handles.phase) {
var phase_center = new Point(handles.phase.x, handles.phase.y);
window.phase_handle = new Path.Circle(phase_center, 7);
phase_handle.strokeColor = 'red';
phase_handle.fillColor = 'yellow';
window.phase_text = new PointText(phase_center);
phase_text.fillColor = 'black';
phase_text.content = "ɸ";
phase_text.position.y += 3.5;
phase_text.position.x -= 4.2;
function render_phase_circle() {
window.phase_circle && window.phase_circle.remove();
window.phase_circle_center = new Point(200, 200);
window.phase_circle = new Path.Circle(phase_circle_center, params.scaled_amplitude);
phase_circle.strokeColor = 'black';
var phase_indicator_center = phase_circle_center.clone();
phase_indicator_center.x += params.scaled_amplitude;
phase_indicator_center = phase_indicator_center.rotate(-1 * params.phase, phase_circle_center.clone());
window.phase_indicator && window.phase_indicator.remove();
window.phase_indicator_text && window.phase_indicator_text.remove();
window.phase_indicator = new Path.Circle(phase_indicator_center, 7);
phase_indicator.strokeColor = 'red';
phase_indicator.fillColor = 'yellow';
window.phase_indicator_text = new PointText(phase_indicator_center);
phase_indicator_text.fillColor = 'black';
phase_indicator_text.content = "ɸ";
phase_indicator_text.position.y += 3.5;
phase_indicator_text.position.x -= 4.2;
function render_frequency_bar() {
window.frequency_bar && window.frequency_bar.remove();
var y = config.starty+120;
window.frequency_bar = new Path.Line(
new Point(config.startx, y),
new Point(config.width + 3 * config.x_offset, y)
frequency_bar.strokeColor = 'black';
var flength = config.width + 2 * config.x_offset;
var fres = 50;
var fstep = config.max_frequency / fres;
var lstep = config.width / fstep;
var max_count = fstep + 1;
for (var count=0; count <= max_count; count++) {
var tick = new Path.Line({
from: [config.x_offset + count * lstep, y - 5],
to: [config.x_offset + count * lstep, y + 5],
strokeColor: 'black'
if (count > 0) {
var text = new PointText(tick.lastSegment.point);
text.fillColor = 'black';
text.content = count * fres;
text.justification = 'center';
text.position.y += 15;
function render_frequency_indicator() {
window.frequency_indicator && window.frequency_indicator.remove();
window.frequency_indicator_bar && window.frequency_indicator_bar.remove();
window.frequency_indicator_text && window.frequency_indicator_text.remove();
var y = config.starty+120;
var indicator_height = y - params.scaled_amplitude;
var x = (params.frequency / config.max_frequency) * config.width + config.x_offset;
window.frequency_indicator_bar = new Path.Line({
from: [x, indicator_height],
to: [x, y],
strokeColor: 'black'
var frequency_indicator_center = new Point(x, indicator_height);
window.frequency_indicator = new Path.Circle(frequency_indicator_center, 7);
frequency_indicator.strokeColor = 'red';
frequency_indicator.fillColor = 'yellow';
window.frequency_indicator_text = new PointText(frequency_indicator_center);
frequency_indicator_text.fillColor = 'black';
frequency_indicator_text.content = "𝑓";
frequency_indicator_text.position.y += 3.5;
frequency_indicator_text.position.x -= 4.2;
window.active_param = null;
window.active_handle = null;
function onMouseDown(event) {
if (amplitude_handle.hitTest(event.point)) {
active_param = "amplitude"; = "ns-resize";
} else if (frequency_handle.hitTest(event.point)) {
active_param = "frequency";
active_handle = "frequency_handle"; = "ew-resize";
} else if (frequency_indicator.hitTest(event.point)) {
active_param = "frequency";
active_handle = "frequency_indicator"; = "ew-resize";
} else if (phase_handle.hitTest(event.point)) {
active_param = "phase";
active_handle = "phase_handle"; = "all-scroll";
} else if (phase_indicator.hitTest(event.point)) {
active_param = "phase";
active_handle = "phase_indicator"; = "all-scroll";
} else { = "default";
function onMouseDrag(event) {
if (active_param==="amplitude") {
var scaled_amplitude = params.scaled_amplitude -;
var amplitude = scaled_amplitude / config.amplitude_scaling_factor;
set_value("amplitude", amplitude);
} else if (active_param==="frequency") {
if (active_handle==="frequency_indicator") {
var frequency = params.frequency +;
} else {
var frequency = params.frequency - 2 *;
set_value("frequency", frequency);
} else if (active_param==="phase") {
if (active_handle==="phase_indicator") {
var phase = Math.round(180 - (phase_circle_center - event.point).angle);
} else {
// multiplying by a factor to change phase faster for higher frequencies
var phase = params.phase - * ((params.frequency / config.min_frequency > 2) ? 3 : 1);
set_value("phase", phase);
} else {
function set_value(param, value) {
if (param==="amplitude") {
if (value > config.max_amplitude || value < config.min_amplitude) {
params.amplitude = value;
params.scaled_amplitude = params.amplitude * config.amplitude_scaling_factor;
} else if (param==="frequency") {
if (value > config.max_frequency || value < config.min_frequency) {
params.frequency = value;
} else if (param==="phase") {
if (value > config.max_phase || value < config.min_phase) {
params.phase = value;
} else {
function onMouseUp(event) {
active_param = null;
active_handle = null; = "default";
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