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Created June 7, 2018 22:28
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2/75 #FantasticBeasts

Now with a size slider so you can zoom in and see all the flaws in my radial gradients! Yay! But also glowing eggs, they're pretty cool.

Draw your own version of a fantastic beast and tag it :)

And follow ALL THE ACTION on tumblr

"The Ashwinder is created when a magical fire is allowed to burn unchecked for too long. A thin, pale-grey serpent with glowing red eyes, it will rise from the embers of an unsupervised fire and southern away into the shadows of the dwelling in which it finds itself, leaving an ashy trail behind it. The Ashwinder lives for only an hour and during that time seeks a dark and secluded spot in which to lay its eggs, after which it will collapse into dust. Ashwinder eggs are brilliant red and give off intense heat. They will ignite the dwelling within minutes if not found and frozen with a suitable charm."

A Pen by Charlotte Dann on CodePen.


h1 Ashwinder
h2 XXX
p Competant wizard should cope
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