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Hexagonal Generative Art
| wipe the board
span.keyboard__key W
| kill all agents
span.keyboard__key Q
| toggle agent visibility
span.keyboard__key T
| toggle mouse visibility
span.keyboard__key M
| toggle hexagon visibility
span.keyboard__key H
| toggle grid visibility
span.keyboard__key G
| add a creator
span.keyboard__key C
| add a destroyer
span.keyboard__key D
| pause/unpause agents
span.keyboard__key Space
| draw
span.keyboard__key Click
// Variables
const hexRadius = 18; // from center to one of the points
const hexLineWeight = 1; // thickness of drawing line
const hexDoubleLineOffset = 6; // space between double lines
const hexMargin = 2; // space around hexagons
const drawLines = true; // draw all the lines
const drawPoints = false; // also draw lone double active hexagons as circles
const zenoSway = 0.2; // hexagon background colour transition scalar
let drawHex = true; // draw hexagon background
let drawGrid = true; // when false the background is the same colour as inactive hexagons
let creatorCount = 1; // start with 1 creator
let destroyerCount = 3; // and 3 destroyers
let drawAgents = true; // colour in agent hexagons red/white
let agentsMoving = true; // animating the agents, toggled with spacebar
let drawMouse = true; // colour in mouse target hexagon in white
let mouseTargetHex; // updated with grid position of hovered mouse
let mouseLastHex; // used for drag drawing
let hexHeight, hexWidth, columns, rows, mousePos;
let hexagons = [];
let agents = [];
// Helper Functions
function drawHexagon(pixelPos) {
// draws hexagon with the center pixelPos
translate(pixelPos.x, pixelPos.y);
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
vertex((hexRadius-hexMargin/2)*cos(i*Math.PI/3), (hexRadius-hexMargin/2)*sin(i*Math.PI/3));
function getEdgePos(i, offset) {
// return position of this edge of the hexagon
// if (offset == 1) clockwise from middle edge
// if (offset == 0) middle of edge
// if (offset == -1) anti-clockwise from middle edge
var pos = createVector(offset*hexDoubleLineOffset*0.5, -hexHeight/2);
return pos;
function wrap6(num) {
// -1 => 5
// 0 => 0
// 5 => 5
// 6 => 0
// 7 => 1
return (num+6) % 6;
function mouseOnScreen() {
// return boolean based on whether the mouse is inside the screen or not
if (mouseX < 0 || mouseX >= width || mouseX === undefined) return false;
if (mouseY < 0 || mouseY >= height || mouseY === undefined) return false;
return true;
// Setup
function setup() {
// calculate width and height of hexagons
hexWidth = hexRadius * 2;
hexHeight = Math.sqrt(3)*hexRadius;
// set rows and columns to overlap page edge
columns = Math.ceil(window.innerWidth / (hexRadius * 3));
rows = Math.ceil(window.innerHeight / (hexHeight / 2)) + 1;
mousePos = createVector(0, 0);
// set up canvas
createCanvas((columns + 1/4) * (hexRadius * 3), (rows + 1) * (hexHeight / 2));
// initialise 2D array of hexagons
for (let x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
hexagons[x].push(new Hex(x, y));
// neighbouring needs to be done after they're all initialised
for (let x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
hexagons[x][y].initialiseNeighbours(x, y);
// initialise agents
for (let i = 0; i < creatorCount + destroyerCount; i++) {
let creator = (i < creatorCount) ? true : false;
agents.push(new Agent(creator));
// Global Draw
function draw() {
if (drawGrid) {
} else {
// important to draw all hexagons before lines to avoid overlap
if (drawHex || drawGrid) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
if (drawAgents) {
for (let i = 0; i < creatorCount + destroyerCount; i++) {
// draw hexagon at mouse position
if (drawMouse) drawMouseHexagon();
if (drawLines) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
// Global Update
function update() {
mousePos.x = mouseX;
mousePos.y = mouseY;
if (agentsMoving) {
for (let i = 0; i < creatorCount + destroyerCount; i++) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
// Agent Class
class Agent {
constructor(creator) {
// randomly place near centre of screen
this.x = Math.round(columns * (0.3 + random(0.4)));
this.y = Math.round(rows * (0.3 + random(0.4)));
// set random direction 0-5
this.dir = Math.floor(random(0, 6));
// set its morality
this.creator = creator;
draw() {
if (this.creator) {
fill(255, 30);
} else {
fill(255, 0, 100, 40);
// grab pixel position from corresponding hexagon
update() {
// get current hexagon by x, y
var curHex = hexagons[this.x][this.y];
// increment or decrement activity
// if creator and not double active
if (this.creator) {
if (curHex.nextActive < 2) {
// if destroyer and active
else {
if (curHex.nextActive > 0) {
// randomly chose direction -1 to 1
this.dir += -1 + Math.floor(random(3));
// make direction wrap around 0-5
this.dir = wrap6(this.dir);
// get next hexagon from current's neighbours
var nextHex = curHex.neighbours[this.dir];
// if next hexagon doesn't exist turn around
if (nextHex === false) {
this.dir = wrap6(this.dir + 3);
nextHex = curHex.neighbours[this.dir];
// if that doesn't work it's a corner
// return and try again next round
if (nextHex === false) return;
// update x and y from next hexagon
this.x = nextHex.pos.x;
this.y = nextHex.pos.y;
// Hexagon Class
class Hex {
constructor(x, y) {
// establish grid position
this.pos = createVector(x, y);
// establish pixel position
this.pixelPos = createVector(0, 0);
this.pixelPos.x = hexWidth * (1.5 * x + 0.5 + y % 2 * 0.75);
this.pixelPos.y = hexHeight * (y * 0.5 + 0.5);
// establish state
// active can be 0, 1, 2
// double active results in double lines = 0;
this.nextActive = 0;
// establish neighbours
this.neighbours = [];
// chose random layout (1-3) for dense (4/5/6 neighbours) display
// regenerated when hex goes from inactive to active
this.denseLayout = Math.ceil(random(3));
// lazily updating count of active neighbours
// used to colour hexagons
this.zenosNeighbours = 0;
initialiseNeighbours(x, y) {
// initialise neighbours called after all hexagons are constructed
// because otherwise the hexagons array isn't full yet
// lots of conditionals to allow for edge hexagons
// start with array of falses
let n = [false, false, false, false, false, false];
const odd = y%2;
// above
if (y >= 2) {
n[0] = hexagons[x][y-2];
// top right
if (y >= 1) {
if (!odd || x < columns-1) {
n[1] = hexagons[x+odd][y-1];
// bottom right
if (y < rows-1) {
if (!odd || x < columns-1) {
n[2] = hexagons[x+odd][y+1];
// bottom
if (y < rows-2) {
n[3] = hexagons[x][y+2];
// bottom left
if (y < rows-1) {
if (odd || x >= 1) {
n[4] = hexagons[x-1+odd][y+1];
// top left
if (y >= 1) {
if (odd || x >= 1) {
n[5] = hexagons[x-1+odd][y-1];
this.neighbours = n;
update() {
// increment layout if hex is becoming active
if (! && this.nextActive) {
this.denseLayout = (this.denseLayout == 3) ? 1 : this.denseLayout+1;
// update active from next active = this.nextActive;
// lazily update zenosNeighbours
// zenosNeighbours lazily equals the amount of active neighbours (0-6)
// plus the currect active state (0-2)
if (this.zenosNeighbours == 0) {
// make accurate if 0
this.zenosNeighbours = this.countActiveNeighbours() +;
} else {
this.zenosNeighbours = this.zenosNeighbours*(1-zenoSway) + zenoSway*(this.countActiveNeighbours() +;
// roughly check whether the mouse is inside the hexagon
// update mouse target if so
if (mousePos.dist(this.pixelPos) < hexRadius) {
mouseTargetHex = this;
countActiveNeighbours() {
// returns number of active neighbours
let activeNeighbours = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (this.neighbours[i] && this.neighbours[i].active) {
return activeNeighbours;
getActiveNeighbours() {
// returns array of booleans for active neighbours
let activeNeighbours = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// if neighbour exists and is active
if (this.neighbours[i] && this.neighbours[i].active) {
} else {
return activeNeighbours;
drawHex() {
// called in global draw
// even if drawHex is inactive we need to draw them blank
// if drawGrid is active
let brightness = this.zenosNeighbours;
if (drawHex && {
6*Math.pow(brightness, 1.6),
drawLines() {
// called in global draw
translate(this.pixelPos.x, this.pixelPos.y);
if ( { // truthy
let activeNeighboursCount = this.countActiveNeighbours();
let activeNeighbours = this.getActiveNeighbours();
// no neighbours
if (activeNeighboursCount == 0) {
if (drawPoints && == 2) {
ellipse(0, 0, hexDoubleLineOffset);
// one neighbour
else if (activeNeighboursCount == 1) {
let activeEdge = activeNeighbours.indexOf(true);
let activeNeighbour = this.neighbours[activeEdge];
// if it is double active
// or the active neighbour is double active
if ( == 2 || == 2) {
// if drawPoints is inactive the neighbour must have > 1 active neighbour
// to avoid ellipses on an active edge
if (drawPoints || activeNeighbour.countActiveNeighbours() > 1) {
// get two edge points
var pos1 = getEdgePos(activeEdge, 1);
var pos2 = getEdgePos(activeEdge, -1);
// get two control points
var control1 = createVector(hexDoubleLineOffset*0.5, -hexHeight/2+hexDoubleLineOffset).rotate(activeEdge*Math.PI/3);
var control2 = createVector(-hexDoubleLineOffset*0.5, -hexHeight/2+hexDoubleLineOffset).rotate(activeEdge*Math.PI/3);
// draw bezier curve for arc cap
vertex(pos1.x, pos1.y);
bezierVertex(control1.x, control1.y, control2.x, control2.y, pos2.x, pos2.y);
// two or three neighbours
else if (activeNeighboursCount == 2 || activeNeighboursCount == 3) {
// link up all the active neighbours
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (activeNeighbours[i]) {
for (var j = i+1; j < 6; j++) {
if (activeNeighbours[j]) {
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(i, j);
// four neighbours
else if (activeNeighboursCount == 4) {
// get the index of each inactive edge
let skipped1 = activeNeighbours.indexOf(false);
let skipped2 = activeNeighbours.slice(skipped1+1).indexOf(false) + skipped1 + 1;
// make list of active edge positions
// making sure to loop from the most clockwise edge to avoid 0/5 problem
var positions = [];
let skippedClockwise = (skipped1 == 0) ? skipped1 : skipped2;
for (let i = skippedClockwise; i < skippedClockwise + 6; i++) {
if (wrap6(i) != skipped1 && wrap6(i) != skipped2) {
// skips are adjacent
if ((skipped2 == wrap6(skipped1+1))
|| (skipped1 == 0 && skipped2 == 5)) {
if (this.denseLayout == 3) {
// connect edges to adjacent edges, ignore straight line
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[0], positions[1]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[1], positions[2]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[2], positions[3]);
else if (this.denseLayout == 2) {
// cross over curves
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[0], positions[2]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[1], positions[3]);
else {
// pair edges with adjacent edges
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[0], positions[1]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[2], positions[3]);
// 1 and 3 situation
// or 2 and 2
else {
if (this.denseLayout == 3) {
// connect edges to adjacent edges
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[0], positions[1]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[1], positions[2]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[2], positions[3]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[3], positions[0]);
else if (this.denseLayout == 2) {
// pair edges with adjacent edges
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[3], positions[0]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[1], positions[2]);
else {
// pair edges with opposite adjacent edges
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[0], positions[1]);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(positions[2], positions[3]);
// five neighbours
else if (activeNeighboursCount == 5) {
let skipped = activeNeighbours.indexOf(false);
if (this.denseLayout == 3) {
// connect edges to adjacent edges
for (var i = skipped; i < 5 + skipped; i++) {
var edge1 = (i == skipped) ? i+5 : i;
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(edge1, i+1);
else if (this.denseLayout == 2) {
// batman logo
// curve between the two skipped-adjacent edges
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+1, skipped+5);
// connect other 3 to eachother
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+2, skipped+3);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+3, skipped+4);
else if (this.denseLayout == 1) {
// evil M
// curve the two skipped-adjacent edges to the skipped-opposite edge
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+1, skipped+3);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+5, skipped+3);
// curve the other two edges to the skipped-adjacent edges
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+1, skipped+2);
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(skipped+5, skipped+4);
// 6 neighbours
else {
if (this.denseLayout == 3) {
// connect edges to adjacent edges
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(i, i+1);
else {
// pair edges with adjacent edges
// alternate using denseLayout == 2 or 1
for (var i = this.denseLayout - 1; i < 6; i+=2) {
this.drawCurveBetweenEdges(i, i+1);
drawCurveBetweenEdges(edge1, edge2) {
// called by drawLines()
// used to determine whether they should be single, double, or diverging
// also used to set curve offsets for inner/outer lines
// make sure edges are between 0-5
edge1 = wrap6(edge1);
edge2 = wrap6(edge2);
// should we draw it as a double line?
let double = false;
// if the tile is double active
if ( == 2) double = true;
// if both of the edge tiles exist and are double active
if ((this.neighbours[edge1] && this.neighbours[edge1].active == 2) &&
(this.neighbours[edge2] && this.neighbours[edge2].active == 2)) {
double = true;
if (double) {
// set outer control point slightly further than offset width
// to create even margin
// cos bezier curves, son
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, 1, 1, -hexDoubleLineOffset*0.8);
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, -1, -1, hexDoubleLineOffset*0.5);
// if tile is single active
// and not both of the edges are double active
else {
// if edge1 hexagon exists and is double active
if ((this.neighbours[edge1] && this.neighbours[edge1].active == 2)) {
// use half offset width for midpoint of diverging lines
// set outer control point slightly further to create even margin
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, 1, 0, -hexDoubleLineOffset*0.4);
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, -1, 0, hexDoubleLineOffset*0.25);
// if edge2 hexagon exists and is double active
else if ((this.neighbours[edge2] && this.neighbours[edge2].active == 2)) {
// use half offset width for midpoint between single and double
// set outer control point slightly further to create even margin
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, 0, 1, -hexDoubleLineOffset*0.4);
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, 0, -1, hexDoubleLineOffset*0.25);
// if everything is single
else {
this.drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, 0, 0);
drawCurveWithOffset(edge1, edge2, offset1, offset2, originOffset) {
// called by drawCurveBetweenEdges()
// determines which is the inner and outer line
// sets offset and draws line accordingly
// originOffset is the distance we move the origin point
// in the opposite direction of the average angle of the two points
let origin = createVector(0, 0);
if (originOffset) {
origin.y = originOffset;
// set up positions as per offsets
let pos1 = getEdgePos(edge1, offset1);
let pos2 = getEdgePos(edge2, offset2);
// if edge 2 is one clockwise from edge 1
if (edge1 == wrap6(edge2-1)) {
// flips offset 2
pos2 = getEdgePos(edge2, -offset2);
// brings offset in smooth curve
origin.y -= hexRadius * 0.25;
// if edge 2 is one anti-clockwise from edge 1
else if (edge1 == wrap6(edge2+1)) {
// flips offset 1
pos1 = getEdgePos(edge1, -offset1);
// brings offset in smooth curve
origin.y -= hexRadius * 0.25;
// if edge 2 is two clockwise from edge 1
else if (edge1 == wrap6(edge2-2)) {
// flips offset 2
pos2 = getEdgePos(edge2, -offset2);
// if edge 2 is two anti-clockwise from edge 1
else if (edge1 == wrap6(edge2+2)) {
// flips offset 1
pos1 = getEdgePos(edge1, -offset1);
// if edges are opposites
// using the line function everything is 1px off
// so we just use the quadratic bezier
if (Math.abs(edge2-edge1) == 3) {
// flip the offset 2 to create parallel lines
pos2 = getEdgePos(edge2, -offset2);
// reset origin offset so line is straight
origin.y = (hexDoubleLineOffset*0.5) * (offset1+offset2)*0.5 * (edge1-edge2)/3;
// draw the line
vertex(pos1.x, pos1.y);
quadraticVertex(origin.x, origin.y, pos2.x, pos2.y);
// Mouse Events
function drawMouseHexagon() {
fill(255, 50);
if (mouseTargetHex && mouseOnScreen()) {
function mousePressed() {
if (mouseTargetHex && mouseOnScreen()) {
// loop between 0 -2
// increment for left mouse button
if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
mouseTargetHex.nextActive = (mouseTargetHex.nextActive+1)%3;
// decrement for right mouse button
else if (mouseButton == RIGHT) {
mouseTargetHex.nextActive = (mouseTargetHex.nextActive-1)%3;
// update last mouse hex
mouseLastHex = mouseTargetHex;
function mouseDragged() {
// if it exists and is on screen
// if it hasn't just been updated (mousePressed)
// if it's a different hex from the last updated one
if (mouseTargetHex && mouseOnScreen()
&& mouseTargetHex.nextActive ==
&& mouseLastHex != mouseTargetHex) {
// increment for left mouse button
if (mouseButton == LEFT && mouseTargetHex.nextActive < 2) {
// decrement for right mouse button
else if (mouseButton == RIGHT && mouseTargetHex.nextActive > 0) {
// update last mouse hex
mouseLastHex = mouseTargetHex;
// Keyboard Events
function keyPressed() {
// Spacebar
if (keyCode == 32) {
agentsMoving = !agentsMoving;
// W - wipe the board
if (keyCode == 87) {
for (let x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
hexagons[x][y].nextActive = false;
// Q - kill all agents
if (keyCode == 81) {
creatorCount = 0;
destroyerCount = 0;
agents = [];
// T - toggle agent visibility
if (keyCode == 84) {
drawAgents = !drawAgents;
// M - toggle mouse visibility
if (keyCode == 77) {
drawMouse = !drawMouse;
// H - toggle hexagon visibility
if (keyCode == 72) {
drawHex = !drawHex;
// G - toggle grid visibility
if (keyCode == 71) {
drawGrid = !drawGrid;
// C - add a creator
if (keyCode == 67) {
agents.push(new Agent(true));
// D - add a destroyer
if (keyCode == 68) {
agents.push(new Agent(false));
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