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Created July 28, 2022 12:47
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Query Api Fetch using Adapter (Kotlin + Multiple Data Classes )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor
import retrofit2.Retrofit
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory
object ApiClient {
val BASE_URL : String = ""
var retrofit: Retrofit? = null
fun getApiData(): Retrofit? {
if (retrofit == null) {
val interceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
interceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.Article
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.PojoItems
import retrofit2.Call
import retrofit2.http.GET
import retrofit2.http.Query
interface ApiInterface {
//pass the query in the method
fun getData(@Query ("q") a:String,
@Query ("from") date: Int,
@Query ("sortBy") sort:String,
@Query ("apiKey") key:String
) : Call<PojoItems>
package com.example.exam3.model.datamodel
import android.os.Parcelable
data class Article(
val author: String,
val content: String,
val description: String,
val publishedAt: String,
val title: String,
val url: String,
val urlToImage: String
): Parcelable
plugins {
id ''
id ''
id 'kotlin-kapt'
id 'kotlin-android-extensions'
android {
compileSdk 32
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.example.exam3"
minSdk 21
targetSdk 32
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
buildFeatures {
dataBinding true
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.7.0'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.2'
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.3'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.4.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0'
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.2.0"
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.2.0"
implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:viewmodel:1.1.0"
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.2'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.13.2'
kapt 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.13.2'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
package com.example.exam3.view.activity
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import androidx.databinding.DataBindingUtil
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import com.example.exam3.R
import com.example.exam3.view.adapter.TestAdapter
import com.example.exam3.view.viewmodel.TestViewModel
import com.example.exam3.view.viewmodel.TestViewModelFactory
import com.example.exam3.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.Article
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.PojoItems
import com.example.exam3.repository.PostRepository
//class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
// setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)
// }
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
lateinit var viewModel: TestViewModel
var list: List<Article> = ArrayList()
val adapter = TestAdapter(list)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main)
val apiInterface = ApiClient.getApiData()?.create(
val repository = PostRepository(apiInterface!!)
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, TestViewModelFactory(repository)).get(
binding.recyclerView.adapter = adapter
binding.recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
viewModel.postList.observe(this, Observer {
Log.d("TAG", "List: $it")
package com.example.exam3.model.datamodel
data class PojoItems(
val articles: List<Article>,
val status: String,
val totalResults: Int
package com.example.exam3.repository
class PostRepository( private val apiInterface: ApiInterface) {
//set the method query
fun getPost() = apiInterface.getData("tesla", 2022 - 6 - 26,"publishedAt","e323a6f898124786b6cf743a4987d0a8")
package com.example.exam3.model.datamodel
data class Source(
val id: String,
val name: String
package com.example.exam3.view.adapter
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.ViewGroup
import androidx.databinding.DataBindingUtil
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import com.bumptech.glide.Glide
import com.example.exam3.R
import com.example.exam3.databinding.ItemBinding
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.Article
class TestAdapter (var list: List<Article>): RecyclerView.Adapter<TestAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
var dataBinding: ItemBinding ? = null
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
dataBinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context),
R.layout.item,parent ,false)
return ViewHolder(dataBinding!!)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val item: Article = list[position]
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return list.size
fun setData(data: List<Article>){
this.list = data
class ViewHolder (var binding: ItemBinding) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root){
fun bindData(article: Article) {
binding.itemDate.text = article.publishedAt
binding.itemDescription.text = article.description
// binding.postTitle.text = pojoItem.title
// = pojoItem.body
// binding.postId.text =
package com.example.exam3.view.viewmodel
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.Article
import com.example.exam3.model.datamodel.PojoItems
import com.example.exam3.repository.PostRepository
import retrofit2.Call
import retrofit2.Callback
import retrofit2.Response
class TestViewModel(val repository: PostRepository): ViewModel() {
val postList = MutableLiveData<List<Article>>()
fun getAllData(){
val response = repository.getPost()
response.enqueue(object : Callback<PojoItems> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<PojoItems>,
response: Response<PojoItems>,){
val data = response.body() as PojoItems
postList.value= (data.articles)
override fun onFailure(call: Call<PojoItems>, t: Throwable) {
Log.e("Fail", "${t.message}")
package com.example.exam3.view.viewmodel
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider
import com.example.exam3.repository.PostRepository
class TestViewModelFactory(private val repository: PostRepository): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return TestViewModel(repository) as T
Copy link

Body through Postman -

"status": "ok",
"totalResults": 15748,
"articles": [
"source": {
"id": "bild",
"name": "Bild"
"author": null,
"title": "*** BILDplus Inhalt *** Tumult-Jahr für Tesla-Boss - Das ist die „Sex-Akte“ Musk",
"description": "Tumult-Jahr für Elon Musk (51) – und es ist kein Ende immer neuer Höhepunkte in Sicht!Foto: picture alliance / NurPhoto, BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",5b115131?w=1280",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T05:12:06Z",
"content": "Tumult-Jahr für ElonMusk(51) und es ist kein Ende immer neuer Höhepunkte in Sicht!\r\nWaren Twitter-Flop, Geheimzwillinge, Jacht-Fahrten in der Ägäis im Käsebleich-Taint oder Starship-Raketenexplosione… [+553 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "NDTV News"
"author": null,
"title": "Twitter To Hold Shareholder Vote On Musk's Offer In September, Before Trial",
"description": "Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on September 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T05:01:27Z",
"content": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Musk's offer in September\r\nTwitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on September 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billi… [+992 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "CleanTechnica"
"author": "David Waterworth",
"title": "Second-Hand Electric Cars — Buyer Beware",
"description": "By David Waterworth, with suggestions from Paul Wildman It’s a long time since I have bought a second-hand car. But over the years, I have had a quite a few. In the ’70s, it was old British cars that were cheap to purchase and I had a Vauxhall Viva and a Hill…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T05:00:20Z",
"content": "Want to buy a LEAF?\r\nBy David Waterworth, with suggestions from Paul Wildman\r\nIts a long time since I have bought a second-hand car. But over the years, I have had a quite a few. In the ’70s, it was … [+4123 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Bitcoin Magazine"
"author": "Bitcoin Magazine",
"title": "How A Bitcoin Standard Makes The World A Better Place",
"description": "Michael Saylor and Aleks Svetski discuss the numerous ways Bitcoin will improve the quality of life for billions of people around the world.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T05:00:00Z",
"content": "This is a transcribed version of a special edition “Bitcoin Magazine” podcast with Aleks Svetski and Michael Saylor having a long-form conversation about the implications of Bitcoin and its effects o… [+63989 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "AFP",
"title": "Les actionnaires de Twitter voteront le 13 septembre sur le rachat par Musk",
"description": "Le vote des actionnaires de Twitter sur son acquisition par Elon Musk aura lieu le 13 septembre, avant que s'ouvre en octobre le procès que le réseau social a intenté à l'homme le plus riche du monde.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",0,-0,0,100)/",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:59:06Z",
"content": "Twitter a convoqué ses actionnaires pour une "réunion spéciale" par vidéoconférence, d'après des documents officiels déposés mardi auprès de la SEC, le gendarme boursier américain.\r\nLe contexte du vo… [+2123 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "",
"title": "Twitter setzt Votum über Musk-Deal auf 13. September an",
"description": null,
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:55:27Z",
"content": "Twitter will seine Aktionäre Mitte September über die Übernahme des Dienstes durch Elon Musk abstimmen lassen obwohl der Tech-Milliardär den Deal für aufgekündigt erklärt hat. Twitter setzte für den … [+1757 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Дмитрий Ласьков",
"title": "Subaru Outback против Volkswagen Passat Alltrack",
"description": "Не будь Аутбэка, не случилось бы в индустрии и Оллтрека. Потому что именно Subaru в 1994 году стала первой маркой, которой удалось выпустить успешный универсал повышенной проходимости. И остается одной из немногих, у кого модель этого формата до сих пор хорош…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:45:00Z",
"content": "Alltrack, Outback . Subaru - . Outback «». Subaru , ( - , ) . , .\r\n «» ; Tesla, ; ; Harman Kardon ; . Subaru, - , ?"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "林羽彤",
"title": "慣性開玩笑擾市場、投資人臉上三條槓!一文盤點馬斯克 CEO 之路的脫軌爭議事件",
"description": "本月初(7月8日)馬斯克發佈重訊,宣告取消收購推特的提議,為三個月來的紛擾再投震撼彈。馬斯克自今年初陸續買進推特股票,在四月成為推特最大單一股東後,一度提議以 400 多億美元收購推特,震驚市場。 當[...]\nThe post 慣性開玩笑擾市場、投資人臉上三條槓!一文盤點馬斯克 CEO 之路的脫軌爭議事件 appeared first on TechOrange 科技報橘.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:43:13Z",
"content": "78 400 \r\n CEO\r\n \r\n 5% 8% \r\n 2018 Securities and Exchange CommissionSEC SEC SEC \r\n2020 5 BBC 140 \r\n 11 5%\r\nDogecoin  6 2580 \r\n 20202021 SpaceX\r\n 0.7 0.07 10 \r\n2016 \r\n 2020 10 Full Self-DrivingFSDCent… [+311 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Juan Antonio Pascual",
"title": "26 noticias de tecnología para comenzar la mañana informado de lo último",
"description": "Google, Microsoft, Meta y Amazon han pedido a las autoridades competentes que dejen de adelantar la hora un segundo cada 2 años, para ajustarse a la rotación de la Tierra. Aseguran que provoca fallos y cortes en Internet.\r\n\n \n \r\n\n\r\n\nAyer se presentaron dos nu…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:39:16Z",
"content": "Google, Microsoft, Meta y Amazon han pedido a las autoridades competentes que dejen de adelantar la hora un segundo cada 2 años, para ajustarse a la rotación de la Tierra. Aseguran que provoca fallos… [+3264 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Oliver Schwuchow",
"title": "Förderung von Elektroautos: Neue Regelung für 2023 kommt",
"description": "Eine offizielle Stellungnahme mit den Details gibt es noch nicht, aber mehrere Medien berichteten am gestrigen Abend, dass sich der Bund ab 2023 auf eine neue Regelung zur Förderung von Elektroautos geeinigt hat.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:38:41Z",
"content": "Eine offizielle Stellungnahme mit den Details gibt es noch nicht, aber mehrere Medien berichteten am gestrigen Abend, dass sich der Bund ab 2023 auf eine neue Regelung zur Förderung von Elektroautos … [+1719 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "heise online"
"author": "dpa",
"title": "Twitter setzt Abstimmung über Musk-Deal auf 13. September an",
"description": "Bevor Twitter und Elon Musk sich im Übernahmestreit vor Gericht treffen, will das Unternehmen Klarheit über den Willen der Anteilseigner. Sie werden abstimmen.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:37:00Z",
"content": "Twitter will seine Aktionäre Mitte September über die Übernahme des Dienstes durch Elon Musk abstimmen lassen obwohl der Tech-Milliardär den Deal für aufgekündigt erklärt hat. Twitter setzte für den … [+2197 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "heise online"
"author": "Frank Schräer",
"title": "Mittwoch: Alphabet und Microsoft mit weniger Gewinn, Mini-SUV als Elektroauto",
"description": "Aktienanstieg bei Alphabet & Microsoft + Mini Aceman als kleines E-SUV + Meta für Lockerung bei Desinformation + Prime-Abo teurer + Tesla im Bedientest letzter",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:30:00Z",
"content": "Google-Mutter Alphabet sowie Microsoft bleiben mit ihren jüngsten Quartalszahlen unter dem, was Anleger erwartet hatten. Da die Konzerne aber weiterhin Gewinne schreiben und auch der Ausblick positiv… [+3943 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "the-times-of-india",
"name": "The Times of India"
"author": "Reuters",
"title": "Elon Musk asks judge to start Twitter trial on October 17",
"description": "A lawyer for Elon Musk, the world's richest person, said he was writing to ask the judge to "break the impasse to allow things to move forward promptly."",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",width-1070,height-580,imgsize-54644,overlay-ettech/photo.jpg",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:20:48Z",
"content": "Elon Musk asked a judge to schedule a five-day trial beginning October 17, not October 10 as requested by Twitter Inc, to resolve his bid to walk away from his $44 billion deal to acquire the social … [+1396 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "John C. Coffee, Jr.",
"title": "Twitter v. Musk: Where Are the Arbs?",
"description": "Every pundit and commentator has by now analyzed the ongoing battle between Elon Musk and Twitter over Musk’s attempt to walk away from their deal. Almost all of these evaluations have rated Twitter as having a considerably stronger case, because (among other…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": null,
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:05:39Z",
"content": "Every pundit and commentator has by now analyzed the ongoing battle between Elon Musk and Twitter over Musks attempt to walk away from their deal. Almost all of these evaluations have rated Twitter a… [+8852 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": null,
"title": "Συνδικαλιστές και εργασιακές συνθήκες",
"description": "Το γεγονός το πληροφορηθήκαμε από τα διεθνή μέσα ενημέρωσης πριν από λίγες ημέρες. Συνδικάτα εργαζομένων και μέτοχοι έδιωξαν Διευθύνοντα Σύμβουλο της Volkswagen H. Diess. Ο επικεφαλής της πανίσχυρης γερμανικής αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας είχε αναλάβει τη διοίκηση τ…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:01:16Z",
"content": "Financial Times Volkswagen Tesla. 300.000 VW. . CEO - - Volkswagen . Diess .\r\n, . . ( ) .89% . , . \r\n. . , , , ."
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Barbara Debusschere",
"title": "Elektrisch rijden zonder laadpaal? Dat kan straks ook in België via ‘batterijwisselstations’",
"description": "Het Chinese automerk Nio komt naar Europa met elektrische auto’s die geen laadpalen nodig hebben. Is je batterij leeg, dan haal je bij een wisselst...",
"url": "
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:00:00Z",
"content": "Het Chinese automerk Nio komt naar Europa met elektrische autos die geen laadpalen nodig hebben. Is je batterij leeg, dan haal je bij een wisselstation binnen de tien minuten een volle accu op. Volge… [+5591 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Barbara Debusschere",
"title": "Chinees bedrijf komt met innovatieve doorbraak voor elektrische auto’s, maar Europa wordt een ander verhaal",
"description": "Het Chinese automerk Nio komt naar Europa met elektrische auto’s die geen laadpalen nodig hebben. Is je batterij leeg, dan haal je bij een wisselst...",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:00:00Z",
"content": "Het Chinese automerk Nio komt naar Europa met elektrische autos die geen laadpalen nodig hebben. Is je batterij leeg, dan haal je bij een wisselstation binnen de tien minuten een volle accu op. Volge… [+5591 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "VnExpress",
"title": "Cuộc sống thị phi của Elon Musk",
"description": "Từ những phát ngôn vạ miệng trên mạng đến những mối quan hệ tình cảm gây tranh cãi, Elon Musk được coi tỷ phú thị phi nhất làng công nghệ.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T04:00:00Z",
"content": "T nhng phát ngôn v ming trên mng n nhng mi quan h tình cm gây tranh cãi, Elon Musk c coi t phú th phi nht làng công ngh.Elon Musk tr thành ngi giàu nht th gii nh nhng gì ông làm c trong lnh vc công n… [+5388 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "lenta",
"name": "Lenta"
"author": "Варвара Кузьмина",
"title": "Адвокат жены сооснователя Google отреагировал на слухи о ее романе с Маском",
"description": "Адвокат Николь Шэнахан Брайан Фридман, жены соучредителя Google Сергея Брина, отреагировал на слухи о ее романе с Илоном Маском. Адвокат заявил, что любые предположения относительно романа Николь с генеральным директором Tesla и SpaceX, являются не просто лож…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:58:06Z",
"content": ", Google , . Daily Mail.\r\n , Tesla SpaceX , .\r\n . « ».\r\n The Wall Street Journal , , .\r\n , , ."
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Barbara Barkhausen",
"title": "Google-Mutter Alphabet wächst deutlich langsamer",
"description": "Trotzdem legte das Werbegeschäft zur Freude der Anleger zu. Außerdem: Microsoft spürt starken US-Dollar und Twitter will Aktionäre über abgesagten Musk-Deal abstimmen lassen.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:55:00Z",
"content": "Trotzdem legte das Werbegeschäft zur Freude der Anleger zu. Außerdem: Microsoft spürt starken US-Dollar und Twitter will Aktionäre über abgesagten Musk-Deal abstimmen lassen. \r\nGuten Morgen! Während … [+5232 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "rt",
"name": "RT"
"author": "RT en Español\n , RT en Español",
"title": "VIDEO: La Cybertruck de Tesla sorprende en una simulación de rendimiento aerodinámico",
"description": "Demostró tener un coeficiente de resistencia mejor que el promedio.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:52:38Z",
"content": "La camioneta eléctrica Cybertruck de Tesla ha sorprendido en la primera prueba independiente de simulación de rendimiento aerodinámico. \r\nEn un nuevo estudio, realizado por la compañía Numeric System… [+1690 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Julio Vera",
"title": "Entre detenidos con cargamento de cocaína en CDMX, habría un miembro activo de la Guardia Nacional",
"description": "Entre los cuatro detenidos un hombre identificado como Carlos "P", señaló ser miembo en activo de la Guardia Nacional",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:39:46Z",
"content": "Durante la tarde de este martes en el Circuito Exterior Mexiquense, a la altura de Río de los Remedios, en la alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero, elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana (SSC), aseg… [+1532 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "",
"title": "पेट्रोल या चार्जिंग का झंझट खत्म, सोलर पावर से चलेगी यह Electric Car",
"description": "सोनो मोटर्स (Sono Motors) की द सायन (The Sion) कार में पांच दरवाजे मौजूद हैं. इसके साथ ही इसमें बैटरी को चार्ज करने के लिए 456 सौलर पैनल (Solar Pannel) लगाए गए हैं. कंपनी का कहना है कि फुल चार्ज होने पर यह इलेक्ट्रिक कार 300 किलोमीटर की रेंज दे सकती है.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:37:50Z",
"content": "- (Petrol-Diesel) EV . (Electric Car) , - . (Sono Motors) . \r\n(German Startup) The Sion . (Production) 2023 . .\r\nThe Sion . 2.5 . . \r\n(Battery) 300 . (Five Doors) , 456 (Solar Pannel) . 112 . \r\n. 19,… [+78 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Electrek"
"author": "Fred Lambert",
"title": "Tesla expands its own insurance based on real-time driver data to two more states – now in 10 states",
"description": "Tesla confirmed today that it expanded its own insurance based on real-time driver data to two more states, Utah and Maryland – now in 10 states or 11 if you count California, which has Tesla Insurance but not the real-time data version.\n more…\nThe post Tesla…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:33:21Z",
"content": "Tesla confirmed today that it expanded its own insurance based on real-time driver data to two more states, Utah and Maryland – now in 10 states or 11 if you count California, which has Tesla Insuran… [+4020 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "the-times-of-india",
"name": "The Times of India"
"author": "AP",
"title": "Elon Musk attorneys say Twitter stalling on document production",
"description": "Elon Musk's lawyers also said in a court filing Tuesday that Twitter Inc. attorneys have refused to consent to a proposed Oct. 17 trial date and are insisting on an Oct. 10 trial start, using the uncertainty over a trial date to delay other scheduling discuss…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",width-1070,height-580,imgsize-48874,overlay-ettech/photo.jpg",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:14:28Z",
"content": "Attorneys for billionaire Elon Musk are complaining that Twitter is slow-walking document production in advance of an October trial to decide whether the Tesla CEO should be forced to complete a $44 … [+3324 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "India Today"
"author": null,
"title": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Elon Musk's $44 Billion takeover bid on Sept 13",
"description": "At the meeting, shareholders will be asked to vote on a proposal to approve the compensation that may be payable by Twitter to certain executive officers in connection with the buyout.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:12:01Z",
"content": "Twitter said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on September 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk. The company's plan, whi… [+922 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "島田 範正",
"title": "二人の大富豪を魅了するPower Woman",
"description": "Elon Musk氏ほど、政治家は別にしてメディアを賑わすアメリカ人はいないんじゃないかな(南アフリカ生まれだけど)。私は、大好きです。まあ、電気自動車Teslaの大成功で世界一のお金持ちになりましたが、それは彼の一面でしかなく、火星移住ま…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T03:00:46Z",
"content": "Elon Musk\r\nTeslaSpaceXBoring CompanyNeura Link\r\nWSJWSJ NEWS EXCLUSIVEWSJ\r\nWikipedia\r\nGoogle895013Nicole Shanahan)12Art Basel)WSJa brief affair\r\n11\r\n1WSJPUCKTheodore Schlefer5The Next Mackenzie?\r\nMack… [+158 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "",
"title": "Fahrbericht: Cadillac Lyriq : Raumschiff USA",
"description": "Cadillac ist stolz – sehr stolz auf seinen neuen Lyriq. Der elegante Crossover ist das erste Elektromodell der amerikanischen \n\nPremiummarke und eine reale Möglichkeit, gegen Hauptwettbewerber Tesla zurückschlagen zu können. Nicht nur auf dem \n\nHeimatmarkt US…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:57:16Z",
"content": "Cadillac ist stolz sehr stolz auf seinen neuen Lyriq. Der elegante Crossover ist das erste Elektromodell der amerikanischen \r\nPremiummarke und eine reale Möglichkeit, gegen Hauptwettbewerber Tesla zu… [+5083 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "",
"title": "Raumschiff USA",
"description": "Cadillac ist stolz – sehr stolz auf seinen neuen Lyriq. Der elegante Crossover ist das erste Elektromodell der amerikanischen \n\nPremiummarke und eine reale Möglichkeit, gegen Hauptwettbewerber Tesla zurückschlagen zu können. Nicht nur auf dem \n\nHeimatmarkt US…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:57:16Z",
"content": "Cadillac ist stolz sehr stolz auf seinen neuen Lyriq. Der elegante Crossover ist das erste Elektromodell der amerikanischen \r\nPremiummarke und eine reale Möglichkeit, gegen Hauptwettbewerber Tesla zu… [+580 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": " (Jin)",
"title": "Nissan Leaf, Range Rover и Nissan Altima дешевеют быстрее остальных автомобилей",
"description": "Эксперты компании Compare The Market составили рейтинг автомобилей, которые больше всего теряют в цене после покупки, проанализировав поисковые запросы в Google по теме «подержанные автомобили» за последний год. Первое место по скорости удешевления занял япон…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:53:00Z",
"content": "Compare The Market , , Google « » .\r\n Nissan Leaf, 49% . , , Leaf.\r\n Range Rover. 44%. . 100 . .\r\n Nissan Altima, 42%. Toyota Camry Honda Accord.\r\n Jeep Wrangler , 760 940 . Toyota Tacoma, 509 490 . … [+55 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Business Today"
"author": "Reuters",
"title": "Twitter to hold shareholder meeting on Musk's $44 bn takeover offer in Sept",
"description": "The company's plan, which was disclosed in a filing, comes as the world's richest person prepares for a legal showdown with Twitter in October for walking away from his offer to buy the social media company.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:41:39Z",
"content": "Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.\r\nThe company's plan, wh… [+926 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Crikey"
"author": "Marion Rae",
"title": "Pioneering big battery key to future grid",
"description": "South Australia's 'big battery' will be the first in the world to deliver grid-scale services needed to secure supply in a system dominated by solar and wind.\nThe post Pioneering big battery key to future grid appeared first on Crikey.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:37:56Z",
"content": "South Australia’s “big battery” has won approval to provide crucial services needed to secure a volatile electricity grid dominated by renewable energy.\r\nAfter two years of trials, French energy firm… [+3249 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "independent",
"name": "Independent"
"author": "Graeme Massie",
"title": "Twitter sets date for shareholders to vote on Elon Musk’s $44bn takeover offer",
"description": "Company and Tesla boss heading to court in October as he tries to walk away from deal",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:36:38Z",
"content": "Twitter has set a date for shareholders to vote on Elon Musks $44bn takeover offer, despite now being embroiled in a legal battle with the Tesla boss who says he no longer wants to buy it.\r\nThe socia… [+1727 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Украинская правда",
"title": "Первая цифровая война. Михаил Федоров рассказывает, как Украина воюет с Россией на киберфронте",
"description": "Ввечері 27 лютого 2022-го, поки в Україні озброювали добровольців автоматами і вибуховими коктейлями "Бандера-смузі", два програмісти Мінцифри почали роботу над інструментом спротиву російській агресії для сотень тисяч українців.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:30:00Z",
"content": "27 2022-, "-", .\r\n"" . - , . : , . - 338 "".\r\n , .\r\n"" – . , -, ' 300 . – , . \u200e "1", . , .\r\n – 1960- ', . , ', , .\r\n' , , , . – " ", , " ". .\r\n , , , , .\r\n" ', "\r\n– 12 , 1800 326 . , , – . , ?\r\n– -, … [+1158 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Українська правда",
"title": "Перша цифрова війна. Михайло Федоров розповідає, як Україна воює з Росією на кіберфронті",
"description": "Ввечері 27 лютого 2022-го, поки в Україні озброювали добровольців автоматами і вибуховими коктейлями "Бандера-смузі", два програмісти Мінцифри почали роботу над інструментом спротиву російській агресії для сотень тисяч українців.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:30:00Z",
"content": "27 2022-, "-", .\r\n"" . - , . – , . - 338 "".\r\n , .\r\n"" – . , -, ’ 300 . – , . \u200e "1", . , .\r\n – 1960- ’, . , ’, , .\r\n’ , , , . – " ", , " ". .\r\n , , , , .\r\n" ', "\r\n– 12 , 1800 326 . , , – . , ?\r\n– -, … [+1158 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Business Standard"
"author": "AP",
"title": "'Twitter is slow-walking document production', Musk's attorneys complain",
"description": "Attorneys for billionaire Elon Musk are complaining that Twitter is slow-walking document production in advance of an October trial to decide on the $44 billion acquisition",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:23:00Z",
"content": "Attorneys for billionaire Elon Musk are complaining that Twitter is slow-walking document production in advance of an October trial to decide whether the Tesla CEO should be forced to complete a $44 … [+4686 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "the-times-of-india",
"name": "The Times of India"
"author": "Reuters",
"title": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Musk's offer in September",
"description": "If the buyout deal is completed, Twitter shareholders will be entitled to receive $54.20 in cash for each common share they own, the company said, adding that its board was strongly in favor of the takeover.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",width-1070,height-580,imgsize-35298,overlay-etmarkets/photo.jpg",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:08:26Z",
"content": "Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.\r\nThe company's plan, wh… [+926 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Don Dahlmann",
"title": "Wie Herbert Diess daran scheiterte, mit Volkswagen ein zweites Tesla zu bauen",
"description": "Herbert Diess wollte aus dem Volkswagen-Konzern ein digitales Mobilitätsunternehmen wie Tesla formen. Daran ist er gescheitert.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T02:05:00Z",
"content": "Wie Herbert Diess daran scheiterte, mit Volkswagen ein zweites Tesla zu bauen\r\nHerbert Diess wollte aus dem Volkswagen-Konzern ein digitales Mobilitätsunternehmen nach US-Vorbild formen. Warum das ni… [+4141 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Mark Graban",
"title": "Alan Robinson on Continuous Improvement for All and Practical Innovation in Government",
"description": "Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #451 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Dr. Alan G. Robinson. He specializes in managing ideas, building high-performance organizations, creativity, innovation, quality, and lean …",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:58:46Z",
"content": "Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more\r\nMy guest for Episode #451 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Dr. Alan G. Robinson. He specializes in managing ideas, building high-performa… [+78100 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "CNA"
"author": null,
"title": "China's industrial profits rebound in June on easing COVID curbs",
"description": "BEIJING :Profits at China's industrial firms bounced back to growth in June, bolstered by the resumption of activity in major manufacturing hubs, but worries about a COVID-19 resurgence have cast a shadow over future factory output.Profits in June grew 0.8 pe…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",g_south_east,l_one-cms:core:watermark:reuters,w_0.1/f_auto,q_auto/c_fill,g_auto,h_676,w_1200/v1/one-cms/core/2022-07-27t020016z_1_lynxmpei6q027_rtroptp_3_china-parliament.jpg?itok=SDQ0uQn4",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:58:28Z",
"content": "BEIJING :Profits at China's industrial firms bounced back to growth in June, bolstered by the resumption of activity in major manufacturing hubs, but worries about a COVID-19 resurgence have cast a s… [+2977 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Yahoo Entertainment"
"author": "Reuters",
"title": "China's industrial profits rebound in June on easing COVID curbs",
"description": "BEIJING (Reuters) -Profits at China's industrial firms bounced back to growth in June, bolstered by the resumption of activity in major manufacturing hubs...",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:58:28Z",
"content": "BEIJING (Reuters) -Profits at China's industrial firms bounced back to growth in June, bolstered by the resumption of activity in major manufacturing hubs, but worries about a COVID-19 resurgence hav… [+2987 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "CNA"
"author": null,
"title": "China's industrial profits rebound in June on easing COVID-19 curbs",
"description": "BEIJING: Profits at China's industrial firms bounced back to growth in June, bolstered by the resumption of activity in major manufacturing hubs, but worries about a COVID-19 resurgence have cast a shadow over future factory output. Profits in June grew 0.8 p…",
"url": "",
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"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:58:00Z",
"content": "BEIJING: Profits at China's industrial firms bounced back to growth in June, bolstered by the resumption of activity in major manufacturing hubs, but worries about a COVID-19 resurgence have cast a s… [+2971 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "MM",
"title": "Aandeelhouders Twitter bespreken bod Musk ondanks rechtszaak",
"description": "Twitter houdt op 13 september een aandeelhoudersvergadering waarin het voorgestelde overnamebod van 44 miljard dollar van Tesla-baas Elon Musk op de agenda staat, meldt het socialemediabedrijf. Musk heeft zijn overnamebod inmiddels teruggetrokken, maar Twitte…",
"url": "
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:51:46Z",
"content": "Tijdens de vergadering zullen aandeelhouders worden gevraagd om de voorgestelde vergoeding goed te keuren die Twitter aan bepaalde bestuurders moet betalen als de buy-out door multimiljardair Musk do… [+787 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Electrek"
"author": "Seth Weintraub",
"title": "Mercedes EQB first drive: $55K small 3rd row SUV doesn’t have to go fast or far to impress",
"description": "The most accessible and likely most popular Mercedes EV, the EQB, is soon going to be hitting dealerships in the US, joining Europe and Canada. And it might seem a little \r\nlot familiar if you’ve experienced the Mercedes GLB ICE vehicle, yet far improved beca…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:44:21Z",
"content": "The most accessible and likely most popular Mercedes EV, the EQB, is soon going to be hitting dealerships in the US, joining Europe and Canada. And it might seem a little \r\nlot familiar if you’ve exp… [+7207 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "",
"title": "Twitter lässt Aktionäre im September über Übernahme durch Musk abstimmen",
"description": "Twitter lässt seine Aktionäre am 13. September über die ursprünglich von Tesla-Gründer Elon Musk angestrebte Übernahme des Kurzbotschaftendienstes abstimmen - obwohl der High-Tech-Milliardär das Geschäft abblasen will. Die Twitter-Führung schrieb in einem am …",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T01:06:36Z",
"content": "Twitter lässt seine Aktionäre am 13. September über die ursprünglich von Tesla-Gründer Elon Musk angestrebte Übernahme des Kurzbotschaftendienstes abstimmen - obwohl der High-Tech-Milliardär das Gesc… [+1394 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "CarScoops"
"author": "Sebastien Bell",
"title": "Koenigsegg Wonders How Hypercars Can Justify Their Prices In An Electric Age",
"description": "In a world where an electric sedan can hit 60 mph in two seconds, what does an electric hypercar have to do to make an impact?.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:47:47Z",
"content": "The performance of normal electric vehicles is so impressive that they put current supercars to shame – and as the industry embraces electrification, that could pose a problem.\r\nThat’s according to C… [+1740 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Bangkok Post"
"author": "AFP",
"title": "Twitter shareholders to vote on Musk buy in September",
"description": "SAN FRANCISCO: Twitter on Tuesday urged shareholders to endorse the $44 billion deal Elon Musk made to buy the online podium, setting a vote on the merger for Sept 13.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:45:00Z",
"content": "SAN FRANCISCO: Twitter on Tuesday urged shareholders to endorse the $44 billion deal Elon Musk made to buy the online podium, setting a vote on the merger for Sept 13.\r\nThe firm is locked in a legal … [+1950 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Redactie",
"title": "Aandeelhouders Twitter bespreken bod Musk ondanks rechtszaak",
"description": "Twitter houdt op 13 september een aandeelhoudersvergadering waarin het voorgestelde overnamebod van 44 miljard dollar van Tesla-baas Elon Musk op de agenda staat, meldt het socialemediabedrijf. Musk heeft zijn overnamebod inmiddels teruggetrokken, maar Twitte…",
"url": "
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:38:36Z",
"content": "Tijdens de vergadering zullen aandeelhouders worden gevraagd om de voorgestelde vergoeding goed te keuren die Twitter aan bepaalde bestuurders moet betalen als de buy-out door multimiljardair Musk do… [+753 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Daily Mail"
"author": "Hazel Jones",
"title": "Lawyer for Sergey Brin's estranged wife says affair with Musk 'outright lie'",
"description": "Nicole Shanahan's lawyer has come out swinging and denied his client had an affair with Elon Musk.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:34:38Z",
"content": "Nicole Shanahan's lawyer has come out swinging and denied his client had an affair with Elon Musk.\r\n'Make no mistake, any suggestion that Nicole had an affair with Elon Musk is not only an outright l… [+5511 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "Sputnik International"
"author": "Sputnik International",
"title": "Twitter to Hold Shareholder Vote on Musk Takeover of Company on September 13",
"description": "WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Twitter will hold a shareholder vote on Tesla CEO Elon Musk's acquisition deal of the company on September 13, the company revealed in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:32:46Z",
"content": "\r\nTwitter to Hold Shareholder Vote on Musk Takeover of Company on Septembe… [+2684 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "CNA"
"author": null,
"title": "LG Energy Solution quarterly profit slightly misses estimates",
"description": "SEOUL :Tesla-supplier LG Energy Solution Ltd (LGES) posted on Wednesday a quarterly profit that slight missed expectations due to rising raw material costs and COVID-19 curbs in China.South Korea's LGES, which also sells electric vehicle (EV) batteries to aut…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",q_auto/c_fill,g_auto,h_676,w_1200/v1/mediacorp/one-cms/images/2021-06/business_1.png?itok=rGtz_C8Z",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:30:36Z",
"content": "SEOUL :Tesla-supplier LG Energy Solution Ltd (LGES) posted on Wednesday a quarterly profit that slight missed expectations due to rising raw material costs and COVID-19 curbs in China.\r\nSouth Korea's… [+1459 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": "CNA"
"author": null,
"title": "LG Energy Solution quarterly profit slightly misses estimates",
"description": "SEOUL :Tesla-supplier LG Energy Solution Ltd (LGES) posted on Wednesday a quarterly profit that slight missed expectations due to rising raw material costs and COVID-19 curbs in China.South Korea's LGES, which also sells electric vehicle (EV) batteries to aut…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",q_auto/c_fill,g_auto,h_676,w_1200/v1/mediacorp/one-cms/images/2021-06/business_1.png?itok=rGtz_C8Z",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:30:36Z",
"content": "SEOUL :Tesla-supplier LG Energy Solution Ltd (LGES) posted on Wednesday a quarterly profit that slight missed expectations due to rising raw material costs and COVID-19 curbs in China.\r\nSouth Korea's… [+1459 chars]"
"source": {
"id": "reuters",
"name": "Reuters"
"author": null,
"title": "LG Energy Solution Q2 profit plunges 73%, misses estimates - Reuters",
"description": "Tesla-supplier LG Energy Solution Ltd (LGES) <a href="" target="_blank">(373220.KS) posted on Wednesday a 73% plunge in quarterly profit versus a year earlier, hurt partly by rising raw material costs and COVID-1…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:30:00Z",
"content": "SEOUL, July 27 (Reuters) - Tesla-supplier LG Energy Solution Ltd (LGES) (373220.KS) posted on Wednesday a 73% plunge in quarterly profit versus a year earlier, hurt partly by rising raw material cost… [+680 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": "Efe Udin",
"title": "Tesla plans to add $1 billion to increase production at two new factories",
"description": "American electric car manufacturing giant, Tesla, has been in the news for multiple reasons in recent times. While its CEO, Elon Musk sexual issue is ...\nThe post Tesla plans to add $1 billion to increase production at two new factories appeared first on Gizc…",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": "",
"publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:08:28Z",
"content": "American electric car manufacturing giant, Tesla, has been in the news for multiple reasons in recent times. While its CEO, Elon Musk sexual issue is still making the rounds, the company is making so… [+2467 chars]"
"source": {
"id": null,
"name": ""
"author": null,
"title": "Daily Hacker News for 2022-07-26",
"description": "The 10 highest-rated articles on\nHacker News\non July 26, 2022 which have not appeared on any previous\nHacker News Daily\nare:\n

  • \nShow HN: Pipes puzzle (a.k.a. Net) on a hexagonal grid\n(comments)\n
  • \n
  • \nI bought a cheap electric pickup truck from Ali…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": null,
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-27T00:00:00Z",
    "content": "The 10 highest-rated articles on\r\nHacker News\r\non July 26, 2022 which have not appeared on any previous\r\nHacker News Daily\r\nare:"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Forbes"
    "author": "Joe Walsh, Forbes Staff, \n Joe Walsh, Forbes Staff\n",
    "title": "Twitter Shareholders Will Vote On Elon Musk’s Purchase Offer In September—Weeks Before Trial With Musk",
    "description": "Twitter will ask its shareholders to vote in favor of Musk’s offer to buy the social network during a September 13 meeting, just one month before Twitter and Musk go to court over the billionaire's attempts to terminate the deal.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": ",3240,x0,y179,safe&width=1200",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:37:47Z",
    "content": "Twitter will ask its shareholders to vote on Elon Musks offer to buy the social network at a mid-September meeting, just one month before Twitter and Musk are scheduled to go to court over the billio… [+1971 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "Finance.UA",
    "title": "Tesla откроет станции Supercharger в США для всех",
    "description": "Компания Tesla хочет, чтобы как можно больше владельцев электромобилей смогли пользоваться зарядными станциями Supercharger. И сейчас у компании появился дополнительный стимул реализовать эту идею.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:32:00Z",
    "content": ""
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "El Financiero"
    "author": "AP",
    "title": "Abogados de Musk se quejan de Twitter por tardar la entrega de documentos rumbo a juicio",
    "description": "El abogado de Elon Musk asegura que Twitter no acepta una fecha de juicio para demorar otras discusiones programadas.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:30:22Z",
    "content": "Los abogados del multimillonario Elon Musk se quejaron de que Twitter está demorando la entrega de documentos de cara a un juicio en octubre, en el que se decidirá si el director general de Tesla deb… [+1857 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "cnn",
    "name": "CNN"
    "author": "Rocío Muñoz-Ledo",
    "title": "Twitter ha fijado una fecha para que sus accionistas voten sobre la adquisición de Elon Musk",
    "description": "Twitter fijó una fecha para que sus accionistas voten para aprobar su millonario acuerdo con Musk, a pesar de la batalla legal en curso que mantiene con el multimillonario.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:24:57Z",
    "content": "Elon Musk Vs. Twitter ¿Quién ganará? 3:53\r\nNueva York (CNN Business) -- Twitter fijó una fecha para que sus accionistas voten para aprobar su acuerdo de adquisición de US$ 44.000 millones por parte d… [+1809 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Yahoo Entertainment"
    "author": "AFP",
    "title": "Twitter shareholders to vote on Musk buy in September",
    "description": "Twitter on Tuesday urged shareholders to endorse the $44 billion deal Elon Musk made to buy the online podium, setting a vote on the merger for September 13.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:22:57Z",
    "content": "Twitter on Tuesday urged shareholders to endorse the $44 billion deal Elon Musk made to buy the online podium, setting a vote on the merger for September 13.\r\nThe firm is locked in a legal battle wit… [+1948 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "El Financiero"
    "author": "Bloomberg / George Lei y Michael O'Boyle",
    "title": "No es un pájaro, no es un avión, es el ‘superpeso’: así ha plantado resistencia al dólar en 2022",
    "description": "El peso mexicano se ha apreciado hasta 15% frente a la divisa de China.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:15:28Z",
    "content": "En medio de la masacre que ha habido en el universo de las monedas de mercados emergentes este año, una sorprende con su resistencia atípica: elpeso mexicano.\r\nHa logrado sostenerse mientras casi tod… [+6849 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Autocar"
    "author": "James Disdale",
    "title": "Which sports cars can tow?",
    "description": "The Polestar 2 can tow up to 1500kg\n\n\nOffering driving thrills and decent towing ability, here's our rundown of the best caravan-friendly performance cars\n\nWhen you think of a tow car, it’s no doubt something rather sensible that springs to mind. A solid and …",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T23:01:24Z",
    "content": "When you think of a tow car, its no doubt something rather sensible that springs to mind. A solid and steady SUV or a dependable diesel estate, certainly, but its unlikely to be the sort of machine t… [+2243 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Page Six"
    "author": "Ian Mohr, Mara Siegler",
    "title": "Elon Musk power lunches with Ari Emanuel, ‘attractive’ people in Greece",
    "description": "A source claimed, “He was with 12 attractive people," and, "ran up a 12,000 Euro bill." But Musk told us the tab was, "nowhere near that high.”",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:58:41Z",
    "content": "Tesla billionaire Elon Musk had a pricey power lunch in Mykonos, Greece, after shooting down reports of an alleged affair with the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. \r\nA source told us of the mog… [+1903 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "eduardo.morales",
    "title": "Accionistas de Twitter votarán en septiembre oferta de Elon Musk",
    "description": "E. Morales / AFP / Estados Unidos\r\nTwitter Inc dijo el martes que celebrará una reunión de accionistas el 13 de septiembre para votar sobre la oferta de adquisición por 44 mil millones de dólares presentada por el presidente ejecutivo de Tesla, Elon Musk.\r\n\nE…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:57:57Z",
    "content": "Twitter Inc dijo el martes que celebrará una reunión de accionistas el 13 de septiembre para votar sobre la oferta de adquisición por 44 mil millones de dólares presentada por el presidente ejecutivo… [+1222 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Barron's"
    "author": "Liz Moyer",
    "title": "Twitter Sets Shareholder Vote on Musk Deal",
    "description": "The social media company set the vote for Sept. 13. The invitation appears to presume the deal will go through at Musk's $54.20 a share offer back in April.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:56:01Z",
    "content": "Twitter\r\n invited shareholders to vote on Elon Musks proposed $44 billion takeover at a meeting on Sept. 13, which is before a trial that is supposed to decide whether \r\n Twitter\r\n can force Musk to … [+2259 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "Expansió",
    "title": "Twitter propone a sus accionistas votar la compra de la empresa por parte de Elon Musk",
    "description": "Twitter ha propuesto a sus accionistas votar la compra de la empresa por parte del empresario Elon Musk, con quien mantiene una batalla legal sobre la operación, el próximo 13 de septiembre, según documentos publicados este martes por la Comisión del Mercado …",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:55:50Z",
    "content": "El CEO de Tesla Elon Musk.\r\nEP EXPANSION\r\nTwitter ha propuesto a sus accionistas votar la compra de la empresa por parte del empresario Elon Musk, con quien mantiene una batalla legal sobre la operac… [+572 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "la-nacion",
    "name": "La Nacion"
    "author": null,
    "title": "Accionistas de twitter votarán en septiembre sobre oferta de adquisición de musk",
    "description": "Accionistas de twitter votarán en septiembre sobre oferta de adquisición de musk",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:48:28Z",
    "content": "26 jul (Reuters) - Twitter Inc dijo el martes que\r\ncelebrará una reunión de accionistas el 13 de septiembre para\r\nvotar sobre la oferta de adquisición por 44.000 millones de\r\ndólares presentada por e… [+1272 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "independent",
    "name": "Independent"
    "author": "Graeme Massie",
    "title": "Twitter sets date for shareholders to vote on Elon Musk’s $44bn takeover offer",
    "description": "Twitter has set a date for shareholders to vote on Elon Musk’s $44bn takeover offer, despite now being embroiled in a legal battle with the Tesla boss who says he no longer wants to buy it.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:39:36Z",
    "content": "Twitter has set a date for shareholders to vote on Elon Musks $44bn takeover offer, despite now being embroiled in a legal battle with the Tesla boss who says he no longer wants to buy it.\r\nThe socia… [+372 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Crikey"
    "author": "Emma Elsworthy",
    "title": "‘Give people the power’: an interview with CelebJets founder — aka the man Elon Musk tried to ground",
    "description": "What began as a homemade bot tracking Elon Musk quickly ballooned into @CelebJets, a tool monitoring the carbon footprint of celebrities. \nThe post ‘Give people the power’: an interview with CelebJets founder — aka the man Elon Musk tried to ground appeared f…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:35:59Z",
    "content": "When 19-year-old Jack Sweeney created a bot to track the private jets belonging to the likes of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Drake, Kim Kardashian and Steven Spielberg — as well as Vladimir P… [+4390 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "NDTV News"
    "author": null,
    "title": "Twitter To Hold Shareholder Vote On Musk's $44 Billion Offer In September",
    "description": "Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:32:41Z",
    "content": "The move comes as Elon Musk plans to walk away from an agreed $44 billion takeover bid.\r\nSan Francisco:  Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the soc… [+1144 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "business-insider",
    "name": "Business Insider"
    "author": " (Samantha Delouya)",
    "title": "Twitter says it 'significantly' slowed hiring in the second quarter as it sets a shareholder vote on Elon Musk's buyout for September 13",
    "description": "Twitter set a shareholder vote on the Musk takeover for September. The company also said it 'significantly' slowed hiring in the second quarter.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:30:42Z",
    "content": "Twitter said it "significantly" slowed hiring in the second quarter today in order to manage costs as the company faces a legal fight with billionaire Elon Musk over whether the Tesla CEO will purcha… [+1087 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Yahoo Entertainment"
    "author": "Andreea Papuc",
    "title": "US Futures Jump as Earnings Alleviate Stock Gloom: Markets Wrap",
    "description": "(Bloomberg) -- US equity futures rallied Wednesday after resilient earnings from Google parent Alphabet Inc. and an upbeat outlook from Microsoft Corp...",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:29:06Z",
    "content": "(Bloomberg) -- US equity futures rallied Wednesday after resilient earnings from Google parent Alphabet Inc. and an upbeat outlook from Microsoft Corp. helped to salve investor sentiment somewhat.\r\nM… [+3107 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "(abc)",
    "title": "Musk, Brin y Nicole: el triángulo amoroso que ha puesto en jaque Silicon Valley",
    "description": "La empresaria y filántropa Nicole Shanahan Brin se encuentra en el vértice de un triángulo amoroso entre su ex marido y fundador de Google, Sergey Brin , y el multimillonario y CEO de Tesla, Elon Musk . Según 'Insider', el multimillonario Brin, de 48 años, pr…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:29:05Z",
    "content": "La empresaria y filántropa Nicole Shanahan Brin se encuentra en el vértice de un triángulo amoroso entre su ex marido y fundador de Google, Sergey Brin, y el multimillonario y CEO de Tesla, Elon Musk… [+4616 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "the-verge",
    "name": "The Verge"
    "author": "Umar Shakir",
    "title": "Nest co-founder Matt Rogers invests in EV conversion company Everrati",
    "description": "UK-based Everrati, which converts and re-engineers prestige cars like Porsche's 911 into electric cars, is now operating in the US in partnership with Aria Group. We interviewed CEO Justin Lunny and former Nest co-founder Matt Rogers.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:27:46Z",
    "content": "We sit down with CEO Justin Lunny and Matt Rogers and find out why they arent into the term restomod\r\nEverrati and Irvine, California-based Aria Group take apart a Porsche 911 to begin its EV rebirth… [+15154 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "FX Empire"
    "author": "Reuters",
    "title": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Musk’s offer in September",
    "description": "(Reuters) - Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:22:06Z",
    "content": "At the meeting, shareholders will be asked to vote on a proposal to approve the compensation that may be payable by Twitter to certain executive officers in connection with the buyout, Twitter said i… [+596 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "la-nacion",
    "name": "La Nacion"
    "author": null,
    "title": "Abogados de Musk: Twitter lastra proceso de juicio",
    "description": "Abogados de Musk: Twitter lastra proceso de juicio",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:20:57Z",
    "content": "DOVER, Delaware, EE.UU. (AP) Los abogados del multimillonario Elon Musk se quejaron de que Twitter está demorando la entrega de documentos de cara a un juicio en octubre en el que se decidirá si el d… [+1894 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "CNET"
    "author": "Queenie Wong",
    "title": "Twitter Shareholders to Vote in September on Musk Deal: What You Need to Know",
    "description": "Twitter and Elon Musk are in a legal battle after the billionaire said he wanted to end the $44 billion deal.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:19:00Z",
    "content": "Twitter shareholders are expected to vote in September on billionaire Elon Musk's $44 billion proposal to buy the influential social network after he tried to back out of the deal.\r\nTwitter scheduled… [+7947 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "CNA"
    "author": null,
    "title": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Musk's offer in September",
    "description": "Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.The company's plan, which was disclosed in a filing, comes as the world's richest pe…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": ",g_south_east,l_one-cms:core:watermark:reuters,w_0.1/f_auto,q_auto/c_fill,g_auto,h_676,w_1200/v1/one-cms/core/2022-07-26t221531z_1_lynxmpei6p0yp_rtroptp_3_twitter-m-a-trial.jpg?itok=h9fU8caO",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:15:31Z",
    "content": "Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.\r\nThe company's plan, wh… [+926 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Yahoo Entertainment"
    "author": "Reuters",
    "title": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Musk's offer in September",
    "description": "The company's plan, which was disclosed in a filing, comes as the world's richest person prepares for a legal showdown with Twitter in October for walking...",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:15:31Z",
    "content": "(Reuters) - Twitter Inc said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla chief Elon Musk.\r\nThe compan… [+995 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "reuters",
    "name": "Reuters"
    "author": null,
    "title": "Twitter to hold shareholder vote on Musk's offer in September - Reuters",
    "description": "Twitter Inc <a href="" target="_blank">(TWTR.N) said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla <a href="https://www…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:15:00Z",
    "content": "July 26 (Reuters) - Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) said on Tuesday it would hold a shareholder meeting on Sept. 13 to vote on the social media company's proposed $44 billion takeover offer by Tesla (TSLA.O) ch… [+1205 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "the-washington-post",
    "name": "The Washington Post"
    "author": "Rachel Lerman",
    "title": "Twitter schedules shareholder vote for embattled Elon Musk deal",
    "description": "Twitter said its shareholders could vote on a deal to be taken over by Elon Musk, despite a pending trial.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:12:44Z",
    "content": "Comment on this story\r\nSAN FRANCISCO Twitter is charging forward on its acquisition deal with billionaire Elon Musk, despite the worlds richest man wanting to pull the plug.\r\nThe social media company… [+1874 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Barron's"
    "author": "Al Root",
    "title": "The Consumer Isn't Weak. People Want Teslas Over T-Shirts.",
    "description": "Why is Walmart seeing weakness in merchandise sales while car companies are touting long lead times and strong demand?",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:11:47Z",
    "content": "There is a growing concern that U.S. consumers spending power is weakening as inflation reaches levels not seen in generations. That might not be the case: People are buying \r\n Tesla\r\n s instead of T… [+3333 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "André Luiz Dias Gonçalves",
    "title": "Elon Musk tenta mudar data de julgamento com o Twitter",
    "description": "A batalha judicial entre Elon Musk e o Twitter pode começar no dia 17 de outubro, caso o tribunal responsável pelo caso acate a solicitação feita pelo bilionário. A sugestão dada por ele em relação ao processo judicial foi feita nesta terça-feira (26), de aco…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:07:00Z",
    "content": "A batalha judicial entre Elon Musk e o Twitter pode começar no dia 17 de outubro, caso o tribunal responsável pelo caso acate a solicitação feita pelo bilionário. A sugestão dada por ele em relação a… [+1943 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "abc-news",
    "name": "ABC News"
    "author": "ABC News",
    "title": "Twitter sets September shareholder vote on Elon Musk buyout",
    "description": "Twitter has set September 13 as the date for its shareholders to vote on the company’s pending buyout by Tesla CEO Elon Musk",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:02:56Z",
    "content": "DOVER, Del. -- Twitter has set Sept. 13 as the date for its shareholders to vote on the companys pending buyout by Tesla CEO Elon Musk. \r\nThe company said in a regulatory filing on Tuesday that it is… [+3843 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "nagazou",
    "title": "テスラ、「モデル3」の車体亀裂で訴えられる",
    "description": "あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、Road and Track誌経由独Bild紙の報道によると、テスラは主力車「モデル3」のタイヤ交換中に見つかった車体亀裂について訴えられており、原告はテスラが車体をペンキで塗ることで欠陥を隠蔽したと主張しているという。訴訟が起こされた法廷は第三者調査を命じ、その結果ドイツTÜVの安全基準に違反することが確認されたとされている。同じ法廷では別のテスラ車に関してジャッキポイントの傷と変形に関する訴訟も行われており、こちらも第三者調査によって経年劣化に関する基準に違反するこ…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:02:00Z",
    "content": "-- Malcolm Douglas McIlroy"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Berliner Morgenpost"
    "author": "Redaktion",
    "title": "Kurznachrichtendienst: Twitter setzt Abstimmung über Musk-Deal auf 13. September an",
    "description": "Eigentlich will Elon Musk Twitter gar nicht mehr übernehmen, doch so einfach macht der Konzern es ihm nicht. Es geht vor Gericht - und auch die Aktionäre sollen bald über den Deal abstimmen.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:01:27Z",
    "content": "San Francisco. Twitter will seine Aktionäre Mitte September über die Übernahme des Dienstes durch Elon Musk abstimmen lassen - obwohl der Tech-Milliardär den Deal für aufgekündigt erklärt hat. Twitte… [+1180 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "山崎潤一郎,ITmedia",
    "title": "Teslaのワクワク感はなぜ伝わらないのか",
    "description": "今回はTesla連載へのネットでの反応について。",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T22:00:00Z",
    "content": "iPhoneTeslaIT\r\n20219SNSEVTeslaTeslaEVEVTesla\r\n9EVTesla\r\nTesla \r\nTesla Model 3Model YTesla2Tesla22\r\nCopyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\r\nIDITmedia NEWS"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Electrek"
    "author": "Fred Lambert",
    "title": "Tesla locks 80 miles of customer’s battery range for $4,500 ransom",
    "description": "Tesla tried to force a customer to pay $4,500 ransom over 80 miles of range that the company software-locked in his battery pack. The automaker only started to walk back on the strategy to squeeze $4,500 out of its customers after an uproar on social media.\n …",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:59:01Z",
    "content": "Tesla tried to force a customer to pay $4,500 ransom over 80 miles of range that the company software-locked in his battery pack. The automaker only started to walk back on the strategy to squeeze $4… [+4080 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "handelsblatt",
    "name": "Handelsblatt"
    "author": "Handelsblatt",
    "title": "Übernahme: Twitter setzt Abstimmung über Musk-Deal auf 13. September an",
    "description": "Elon Musk hat den Deal zur Übernahme von Twitter zwar schon aufgekündigt. Das Netzwerk will seine Aktionäre trotzdem darüber abstimmen lassen.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:57:00Z",
    "content": "TwitterFür die Aktionäre wäre die Übernahme durch Elon Musk zum abgemachten Preis derzeit sehr lukrativ. \r\n(Foto: Reuters)\r\nSan FranciscoTwitter will seine Aktionäre Mitte September über die Übernahm… [+1357 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "wirtschafts-woche",
    "name": "Wirtschafts Woche"
    "author": "Wirtschaftswoche",
    "title": "Übernahme: Twitter setzt Abstimmung über Musk-Deal auf 13. September an",
    "description": "Elon Musk hat den Deal zur Übernahme von Twitter zwar schon aufgekündigt. Das Netzwerk will seine Aktionäre trotzdem darüber abstimmen lassen.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:57:00Z",
    "content": "Twitter will seine Aktionäre Mitte September über die Übernahme des Dienstes durch Elon Musk abstimmen lassen obwohl der Tech-Milliardär den Deal für aufgekündigt erklärt hat. Twitter setzte für den … [+1117 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "cnn",
    "name": "CNN"
    "author": "Clare Duffy, CNN Business",
    "title": "Twitter has set a date for its shareholders to vote on Elon Musk acquisition",
    "description": "Twitter has set a date for its shareholders to vote to approve its $44 billion acquisition deal by Elon Musk, despite the company's ongoing legal battle with the billionaire Tesla CEO over the deal.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:54:57Z",
    "content": "New York (CNN Business)Twitter has set a date for its shareholders to vote to approve its $44 billion acquisition deal by Elon Musk, despite the company's ongoing legal battle with the billionaire Te… [+1458 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "MarketWatch"
    "author": "Emily Bary",
    "title": "Twitter shareholders to vote on Elon Musk's takeover deal on Sept. 13",
    "description": "Twitter Inc. announced Tuesday that it has scheduled its special meeting at which shareholders will vote on whether to approve Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk's $44 billion takeover of the company. The meeting will take place Sept. 13. at 10 a.m. Pacific…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:54:21Z",
    "content": "Twitter Inc. \r\n TWTR,\r\n +0.25%\r\nannounced Tuesday that it has scheduled its special meeting at which shareholders will vote on whether to approve Tesla Inc. \r\n TSLA,\r\n -3.57%\r\nChief Executive Elon Mu… [+729 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": "der-tagesspiegel",
    "name": "Der Tagesspiegel"
    "author": null,
    "title": "Twitter lässt am 13. September über Musk-Deal abstimmen",
    "description": "Der Kurznachrichtendienst will die Kehrtwende des Tech-Milliardärs Musk nicht hinnehmen. Im September gibt es nun eine Versammlung der Twitter-Aktionäre.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:54:07Z",
    "content": "Twitter will seine Aktionäre Mitte September über die Übernahme des Dienstes durch Elon Musk abstimmen lassen - obwohl der Tech-Milliardär den Deal für aufgekündigt erklärt hat. Twitter setzte für de… [+1325 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "Bloomberg",
    "title": "Twitter dice que ha gastado US$ 33 millones en acuerdo propuesto por Musk - La Tercera",
    "description": "Twitter y Elon Musk están discutiendo sobre la fecha de inicio del juicio en Delaware por la adquisición fallida.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:48:38Z",
    "content": "Twitter dijo que ha gastado US$ 33,1 millones tras la propuesta de adquisición de Elon Musk de la empresa de redes sociales.\r\nMusk, quien en abril ofreció US$ 54,20 por acción para comprar la red soc… [+1589 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Deadline"
    "author": "jillg366",
    "title": "Twitter Sets Date For Special Stockholder Vote On Sale To Unwilling Elon Musk",
    "description": "Twitter has set a Sept. 13 date for a special meeting of shareholders to vote on its sale to Elon Musk. It’s the month before a trial set for October in Delaware Chancery Court where the social media company hopes to force the billionaire Tesla founder to act…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:47:35Z",
    "content": "Twitter has set a Sept. 13 date for a special meeting of shareholders to vote on its sale to Elon Musk. It’s the month before a trial set for October in Delaware Chancery Court where the social media… [+775 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": ""
    "author": "RANDALL CHASE AP Business Writer",
    "title": "Elon Musk's attorneys say Twitter is stalling on document production",
    "description": "Earlier this month, the billionaire said he wanted out of the $44 billion acquisition deal.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:44:15Z",
    "content": "WASHINGTON Attorneys for billionaire Elon Musk are complaining that Twitter is slow-walking document production in advance of an October trial to decide whether the Tesla CEO should be forced to comp… [+3287 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "CarScoops"
    "author": "Sebastien Bell",
    "title": "U.S. Energy Department To Lend GM Battery Cell Manufacturing Arm $2.5 Billion",
    "description": "The money comes from a loan program that's investing in expanding U.S. EV manufacturing capacity.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:29:49Z",
    "content": "The United States Energy Department said it intends to loan Ultium Cells, the joint venture company founded by GM and LG Energy Solution, $2.5 billion in order to help it built EV battery cell manufa… [+1841 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "MobileSyrup"
    "author": "Karandeep Oberoi",
    "title": "GM secures enough EV battery material for more than five million vehicles",
    "description": "Lithium-ion batteries use CAM (Cathode active minerals), and General Motors (GM) has just signed a deal with LG Chem that will see the South Korean company provide up to 950,000 tons of CAM to GM until 2030. Cathode is a mineral that is common in nature; howe…",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:29:37Z",
    "content": "Lithium-ion batteries use CAM (Cathode active minerals), and General Motors (GM) has just signed a deal with LG Chem that will see the South Korean company provide up to 950,000 tons of CAM to GM unt… [+1390 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "The Boston Globe"
    "author": "TOM KRISHER",
    "title": "Hobbled by chip, other shortages, GM profit slides 40% in 2nd quarter",
    "description": "The Detroit automaker earned $1.67 billion from April through June, in part because it couldn’t deliver 95,000 vehicles because they were built without one part or another. A year ago, it made $2.79 billion.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:23:41Z",
    "content": "Unlike Walmart, which on Monday lowered its profit outlook for the year and said that consumers are cutting back on discretionary spending, GM said demand remains strong for its vehicles.\r\nRight now,… [+4307 chars]"
    "source": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Cointelegraph"
    "author": "Cointelegraph By Turner Wright",
    "title": "Crypto Council for Innovation hires government insiders to build leadership team",
    "description": "Linda Jeng will be the CCI's chief global regulatory officer and general counsel, while Brett Quick will join as the council's head of government affairs for North America.",
    "url": "",
    "urlToImage": "",
    "publishedAt": "2022-07-26T21:21:19Z",
    "content": "The Crypto Council for Innovation, or CCI, a crypto advocacy group that establishes dialogues with governments and regulatory agencies on the benefits of crypto, has hired two new experts with experi… [+2388 chars]"

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