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Last active June 12, 2018 12:38
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Configure rabbitmq community plugin rabbitmq_auth_backend_ip_range on ubuntu

Rabbitmq-auth-backend-ip-range link is community plugin for client authorization based on source IP address. With this community plugin, we can restrict access to client on the basis of IP address

Steps To configure plugin in rabbitmq version 3.6.X

{rabbit, [
    {tcp_listeners, [5672]},
    {auth_backends, [
        [rabbit_auth_backend_internal, rabbit_auth_backend_ip_range]
{rabbitmq_auth_backend_ip_range, [
        [{'customtag', [<<"">>]}]},
    {default_masks, [<<"::0/0">>]}
  • this configuration will effect in such a way that the user with tag customtag will able to connect to rabbitmq server with IP address and all other tags can access from any IP address
  • sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
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