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Created October 5, 2021 05:32
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Save anandwana001/6dfaea0c64ecf9af661d704164acc47e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
id: "16"
title: "Test of all interactions"
init_state_name: "Text Input state name with unicode"
states {
key: "Algebraic Expression Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Algebraic Expression Input. Provide the formula for calculating the area of a circle with radius = r.</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
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states {
key: "Code Editor"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Code Editor. Write a program which prints \'Hello Oppia\' to me.</p>"
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states {
key: "Continue"
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content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Continue. Please press the continue button.</p>"
interaction {
continue_ {
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Graph Theory"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>Moving onward!</p>"
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key: "ca_buttonText_0"
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states {
key: "Drag And Drop Sort"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Sort the following fractions in ascending order.</p>"
interaction {
drag_and_drop_sort_input {
customization_args {
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_2"
html: "<p>Choice 1</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_3"
html: "<p>Choice 2</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Set Input"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>Yes, well done!</p>"
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Drag And Drop Sort"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>No, that\'s not right.</p>"
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states {
key: "End Exploration"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Congratulations, you have finished!</p>"
interaction {
end_exploration {
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states {
key: "Fraction Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Write 20/50 as a fraction in simplest terms.</p>"
interaction {
fraction_input {
customization_args {
requires_simplest_form: true
allow_improper_fractions: true
allow_nonzero_integer_part: true
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Number With Units"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>Yes, well done!</p>"
rule_specs {
is_exactly_equal_to {
input {
numerator: 2
denominator: 5
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Fraction Input"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>No, that\'s not right. The answer is 2/5.</p>"
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translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
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states {
key: "Graph Theory"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Graph Theory. Please create a pentagon.</p>"
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key: "hint_1"
value {
states {
key: "Image Region"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Image Region. Please click on the constructor in the Python code shown.</p>"
interaction {
image_click_input {
customization_args {
image_and_regions {
image_file_path: "code_sample_height_333_width_466.png"
labeled_regions {
normalized_rectangle_2d {
upper_left {
x: 0.004291845493562232
y: 0.004692192192192192
lower_right {
x: 0.40987124463519314
y: 0.05874624624624625
label: "classdef"
labeled_regions {
normalized_rectangle_2d {
upper_left {
x: 0.07296137339055794
y: 0.06475225225225226
lower_right {
x: 0.9892703862660944
y: 0.1218093093093093
label: "docstring"
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normalized_rectangle_2d {
upper_left {
x: 0.07296137339055794
y: 0.15183933933933935
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x: 0.6995708154506438
y: 0.44012762762762764
label: "instancefunc"
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normalized_rectangle_2d {
upper_left {
x: 0.06866952789699571
y: 0.46114864864864863
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x: 0.6931330472103004
y: 0.776463963963964
label: "classfunc"
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upper_left {
x: 0.06437768240343347
y: 0.821509009009009
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x: 0.740343347639485
y: 0.9926801801801802
label: "ctor"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Image Region"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>That\'s the class definition. Try again.</p>"
rule_specs {
is_in_region {
input_region: "classdef"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Image Region"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_2"
html: "<p>That\'s the class\'s docstring. Try again.</p>"
rule_specs {
is_in_region {
input_region: "docstring"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Image Region"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_3"
html: "<p>That\'s a function, which is close to what you\'re looking for. Try again!</p>"
rule_specs {
is_in_region {
input_region: "instancefunc"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Image Region"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_4"
html: "<p>That\'s a classmethod. It does execute code, but it doesn\'t construct anything. Try again!</p>"
rule_specs {
is_in_region {
input_region: "classfunc"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Continue"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_5"
html: "<p>You found it! This is the code responsible for constructing a new class object.</p>"
rule_specs {
is_in_region {
input_region: "ctor"
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Image Region"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>Constructors <em>initialize</em> an object, or <em>init</em> it.Constructors are also functions themselves.</p>"
hints {
hint_content {
content_id: "hint_1"
html: "<p>sdf</p>"
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key: "hint_1"
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states {
key: "Item Selection Multi"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Item selection. Please select the good options.</p>"
interaction {
item_selection_input {
customization_args {
min_allowable_selection_count: 2
max_allowable_selection_count: 2
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_5"
html: "<p>Good option A.</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_6"
html: "<p>Bad option B.</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_7"
html: "<p>Good option C.</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Image Region"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>That\'s right!</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Multi"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_2"
html: "<p>That\'s not a good option!</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Multi"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_3"
html: "<p>That\'s not all of the good options!</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Multi"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_4"
html: "<p>That\'s good! No bad options, but make sure to choose all good options!</p>"
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Multi"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>The two good options actually have the word \'good\' in them.</p>"
hints {
hint_content {
content_id: "hint_1"
html: "<p>sdf</p>"
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key: "ca_choices_5"
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value {
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key: "ca_choices_7"
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key: "feedback_4"
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key: "hint_1"
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key: "feedback_3"
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key: "feedback_4"
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translation_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
states {
key: "Item Selection Single"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Item Selection with one choice. Select \"Choice 2\" below.<br></p>"
interaction {
item_selection_input {
customization_args {
min_allowable_selection_count: 1
max_allowable_selection_count: 1
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_4"
html: "<p>Choice 1</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_5"
html: "<p>Choice 2</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_6"
html: "<p>Choice 3</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Single"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>No, you want the one below this one.</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Multi"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_2"
html: "<p>Yes, good choice!</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Single"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_3"
html: "<p>No, you want the choice above this one.</p>"
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Single"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
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voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "ca_choices_4"
value {
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value {
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value {
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value {
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value {
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key: "feedback_1"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_2"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_3"
value {
states {
key: "Math Equation Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Math Equation Input. Write the equation of a straight line in the slope-intercept form. Consider the slope to be \'m\' and the y-intercept to be \'c\'</p>"
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key: "content"
value {
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key: "feedback_1"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
states {
key: "Multiple Choice"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Multiple Choice. Select \"Second choice\" below.</p>"
interaction {
multiple_choice_input {
customization_args {
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_4"
html: "<p>First choice</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_5"
html: "<p>Second choice</p>"
choices {
content_id: "ca_choices_6"
html: "<p>Third choice</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Item Selection Single"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>Nice choice!</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Drag And Drop Sort"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_2"
html: "<p>Hmm, not quite. Perhaps the right option is below this one.</p>"
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Multiple Choice"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_3"
html: "<p>Hmm, not quite. Perhaps the answer is above this one.</p>"
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Multiple Choice"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
hints {
hint_content {
content_id: "hint_1"
html: "<p>sfd</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "ca_choices_4"
value {
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key: "ca_choices_5"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "ca_choices_6"
value {
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key: "content"
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value {
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value {
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key: "ca_choices_4"
value {
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key: "ca_choices_5"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "ca_choices_6"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
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key: "default_outcome"
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key: "feedback_1"
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key: "feedback_2"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_3"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
states {
key: "Music Notes Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Music Notes Input. One C note is given. Can you find the next C in the scale?</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "default_outcome"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
written_translations {
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key: "content"
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key: "default_outcome"
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translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
states {
key: "Number Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Number Input. Enter a two or higher digit number.</p>"
interaction {
numeric_input {
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Fraction Input"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>That number has more than one digit. Right!</p>"
rule_specs {
is_greater_than {
input: 9.0
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Number Input"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>That\'s only one digit! Try again.</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "default_outcome"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
written_translations {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "default_outcome"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
states {
key: "Number With Units"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Write 2 km/s in terms of m/s.</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "default_outcome"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
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key: "content"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "default_outcome"
value {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
states {
key: "Numeric Expression Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Numeric Expression Input. Break down 1234.56 into component place values.</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "ca_placeholder_0"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
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key: "default_outcome"
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voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
written_translations {
translation_language_mapping {
key: "ca_placeholder_0"
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key: "content"
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key: "feedback_1"
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translation_language_mapping {
key: "hint_1"
value {
states {
key: "Pencil Code Editor"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Pencil Code Editor. Similar to before, but instead write a goodbye message to me.</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
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key: "default_outcome"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_2"
value {
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key: "content"
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key: "default_outcome"
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translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_1"
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translation_language_mapping {
key: "feedback_2"
value {
states {
key: "Ratio Expression Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Write the equivalent ratio for half.</p>"
interaction {
ratio_expression_input {
customization_args {
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Set Input"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>Yes, well done!</p>"
rule_specs {
is_equivalent {
input {
components: 1
components: 2
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Ratio Expression Input"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>No, that\'s not right. The answer is 1:2 (or equivalent).</p>"
recorded_voiceovers {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "ca_placeholder_2"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "content"
value {
voiceover_language_mapping {
key: "default_outcome"
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value {
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key: "Set Input"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Set Input. Try entering a word which has nearly no rhymes. I am specifically looking for any of three popular ones.</p>"
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key: "rule_input_5"
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key: "rule_input_5"
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key: "Text Input state name with unicode"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>Text input. Please add a word containing \"ate\".</p>"
interaction {
text_input {
customization_args {
rows: 1
answer_groups {
base_answer_group {
outcome {
destination_state: "Multiple Choice"
feedback {
content_id: "feedback_1"
html: "<p>Omnomnom.</p>"
default_outcome {
destination_state: "Text Input state name with unicode"
feedback {
content_id: "default_outcome"
html: "<p>The answer needs to contain \"ate\".</p>"
hints {
hint_content {
content_id: "hint_1"
html: "<p>Hint 1</p>"
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states {
key: "World Map"
value {
content {
content_id: "content"
html: "<p>World Map. Can you find the capitals of Canada, Mexico, or the United States?</p>"
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key: "hint_1"
value {
content_version: 1
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