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Created April 2, 2019 05:40
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Fundamentals of Dart
// void main() {
// Lizard liz = Lizard();
// // Cat kitty = Cat();
// // kitty.test();
// liz.test(); // Testing in Lizard, Animal, and Reptile
// liz.crawl(); // Now we can call crawl() from Reptile class
// }
// class Animal {
// void test() => print("Testing in Animal");
// }
// class Reptile {
// bool canCrawl = true;
// void crawl() => print("Crawl");
// void test() => print("Testing in Reptile");
// }
// class Cat extends Animal {
// bool hasTwoPointyEars = true;
// void meow() => print("Meow!!");
// @override
// void test() {
// print("Testing in Cat");
// super.test();
// }
// }
// class Lizard extends Animal with Reptile {
// bool hasTail = true;
// @override
// void test() {
// print("Testing in Lizard");
// super.test();
// }
// }
// void main(){
// Manager srd = new Manager();
// srd.printSomething();
// }
// class Worker {
// String name = "";
// void printSomething() => print("Worker Printing");
// }
// class Manager implements Worker {
// String name = "Sharad";
// void printSomething() => print("Manager Printing");
// }
// void main() {
// var rect = Rectangle();
// rect.draw();
// }
// abstract class Shape {
// String x; // Can also define instance variable
// void draw(); // abstract method
// // We can also define normal functions as well
// }
// // Whenever we extend a abstract class, then its mendatory to override that class's abstract methods
// class Rectangle extends Shape {
// String x = "yo!";
// void draw() => print("Overrided!!");
// }
// void main(){
// add<int>(1, 2); // prints 3
// add<double>(1.0, 2.0); // prints 3.0
// add<String>("Sharad", "Ghimire"); // prints SharadGhimire
// //addNumbers<String>("a", "b"); // Gives error but still work??
// }
// void add<T>(T a, T b) { // T is shorthand for type
// print(a + b); // But, for String, the operator + isn't defined for the class 'Object'
// }
// void addNumbers<T extends num>(T a, T b){ // num includes int and doubles so it does not work for String
// print(a +b);
// }
// void main() {
// var studentName = "John Doe";
// print(studentName?.toUpperCase());
// }
// String printRoll() {
// //int rollNo = 52;
// print("The roll number alloted to you is : $rollNo.toString()");
// }
// CASE 1 - when the exception is known
// void main() {
// // int result = 12~/0;
// // print("The answer is: $result");
// // on IntegerDivisionByZero {
// // print("Cannot divide by zero");
// // }
// print(" ");
// // CASE 2: When the specific exception is not known
// try {
// int result = 12~/0;
// print(" The result is $result");
// } catch(e) {
// print("The exception raised is $e");
// }
// print("");
// // CASE 3: When the stack trace needs to be printed
// try {
// int result = 24~/0;
// print("Result: $result");
// } catch(e,s) {
// print("Exception raised is $e and the stack trace is \n $s");
// }
// print("");
// // CASE 4 : Whether or not an exception is thrown execute the FINALLY clause
// try {
// int result = 24~/12;
// print("Result: $result");
// } catch(e) {
// print("Exception raised is $e");
// } finally {
// print("FINALLY clause executed");
// }
// print(" ");
// // CASE 5: Custom exception handling
// try {
// amountDeposit(-200);
// } catch(e){
// print(e.errorMessage());
// }
// }
// class DepositException implements Exception {
// String errorMessage() {
// return "Cannot enter amount less than 0";
// }
// }
// void amountDeposit(int amount) {
// // int amount = -100;
// if(amount < 0) {
// throw DepositException();
// }
// }
// class Person {
// DateTime birthday;
// String name;
// final int DAYS = 365;
// Person(, {this.birthday});
// void set age(double years) {
// var d = new;
// var dur = new Duration(days: (DAYS*years).toInt());
// d = d.subtract(dur);
// birthday = d;
// }
// double get age {
// var d = new;
// return d.difference(birthday).inDays / DAYS;
// }
// double myage() {
// var d = new;
// return d.difference(birthday).inDays / DAYS;
// }
// }
// main() {
// var p = new Person("Foo");
// print(;
// p.age = 18.0;
// print(p.age);
// print(p.myage()); // () required because it is not a real getter
// var o = new Person("Bar", birthday: DateTime.parse("19900212"));
// print(;
// print(o.birthday);
// print("${o.age} is the age in years");
// }
// accepts a function as a parameter OR returns a function
void main() {
// calling the higher order function
Function addNum = (int a, int b) => print(a + b);
helloMessage("Hello", addNum);
var squaredNumber = squareNum();
// Case 1 : higher order function, with function as a parameter
void helloMessage(String message, Function myFunc) {
// print("FUNCTION");
myFunc(3, 7);
// Case 2 : higher order function which returns a function
Function squareNum() {
Function square = (int number) => number * number;
return square;
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