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Created March 3, 2010 12:56
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  • Save ananthakumaran/320589 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ananthakumaran/320589 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
:: @author ananth
:: Blogging
@echo off
:: start the Git Bash
start "Git Bash" /DD:\Git_Repo\ "cmd" /c ""e:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i "
:: start the server
start D:\Git_Repo\
:: go to the project directory
cd /d D:\Git_Repo\
:: start the server
jekyll --server --auto
:: @author ananth
@echo off
:: start the Git Bash
start "Git Bash" /DD:\Eclipse\Kenai\SocialSite\trunk\socialsite "cmd" /c ""e:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i "
:: start the eclipse
start "Eclipse" "E:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe"
:: go to the project directory
cd /d D:\Eclipse\Kenai\SocialSite\trunk\socialsite
:: keep the cmd prompt open
cmd /k
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