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Created January 21, 2015 06:43
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  • Save anantpatil/ac6fd0ce7edb866af4c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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config-highlight for IDLE with solarized dark, light and desert colorscheme
[Solarized Dark]
normal-foreground = #839496
normal-background = #002b36
keyword-foreground = #859900
keyword-background = #002b36
builtin-foreground = #b58900
builtin-background = #002b36
comment-foreground = #586e75
comment-background = #002b36
string-foreground = #2aa198
string-background = #002b36
definition-foreground = #268bd2
definition-background = #002b36
hilite-foreground = #93a1a1
hilite-background = #073642
break-foreground = #ffffff
break-background = #dc322f
hit-foreground = #ffffff
hit-background = #cb4b16
error-foreground = #dc322f
error-background = #002b36
cursor-foreground = #839496
stdout-foreground = #2aa198
stdout-background = #002b36
stderr-foreground = #dc322f
stderr-background = #002b36
console-foreground = #839496
console-background = #002b36
[Solarized Light]
normal-foreground = #657b83
normal-background = #fdf6e3
keyword-foreground = #859900
keyword-background = #fdf6e3
builtin-foreground = #b58900
builtin-background = #fdf6e3
comment-foreground = #93a1a1
comment-background = #fdf6e3
string-foreground = #2aa198
string-background = #fdf6e3
definition-foreground = #268bd2
definition-background = #fdf6e3
hilite-foreground = #657b83
hilite-background = #eee8d5
break-foreground = #ffffff
break-background = #dc322f
hit-foreground = #ffffff
hit-background = #cb4b16
error-foreground = #dc322f
error-background = #fdf6e3
cursor-foreground = #657b83
stdout-foreground = #2aa198
stdout-background = #fdf6e3
stderr-foreground = #dc322f
stderr-background = #fdf6e3
console-foreground = #657b83
console-background = #fdf6e3
definition-foreground = #98fb98
error-foreground = #ff0000
string-background = #333333
keyword-foreground = #cc6600
normal-foreground = #f0e68c
comment-background = #333333
hit-foreground = #ffffff
break-foreground = black
builtin-background = #333333
stdout-foreground = #eeeeee
cursor-foreground = #ffcc00
hit-background = #333333
comment-foreground = #87ceeb
hilite-background = gray
definition-background = #333333
stderr-background = #333333
break-background = #ffff55
console-foreground = #87ceeb
normal-background = #333333
builtin-foreground = #519e51
stdout-background = #333333
console-background = #333333
stderr-foreground = #ff3e40
keyword-background = #333333
string-foreground = #ffa0a0
hilite-foreground = #000000
error-background = #000000
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