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Last active July 20, 2017 09:09
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The interlock at
integrates Avi with Docker UCP.
To use interlock, perform following steps:
0. Pre-requisites:
a. UCP version 2.1 or above
b. Docker version 1.13 or above
c. docker-compose 1.11 or above
1. If docker-compose is not installed, install it.
2. It is assumed that you have access to UCP master (anyone from the
cluster). If not, atleast you have the client bundle downloaded so that
you can connect to UCP master. More on client bundle:
The client bundle should be for a user having admin role in UCP.
If you have access to UCP master, go to step 3 otherwise go to step 4.
3. Create a directory (e.g. ~/interlock) on UCP master if you have
access to, otherwise any other host which as connectivity to UCP master
and copy the docker-compose.yaml file in that directory.
** SWARM_HOST is host where master is running, usually tcp://<ucp-master-node>:2376
4. If you want to run interlock from any other host having access to
UCP master, then you need to do this step. Create a directory on you
host (e.g. ~/interlock) and copy the contents of client bundle in that
directory and create a mount point in docker container to point to that
directory. Assuming you have extracted the contents in ~/ucp-certs. Make
changes to the docker-compose file, edit the volumes section:
- ~/ucp-certs:/certs:ro
5. run "docker-compose up" command and you should be able to see the
interlock running.
6. Now you can create services with publish mode as host and see the
Virtual services getting created in Avi. The services are synced with
Avi after every PollInterval and when the services scale up or down, the
pools' sizes are scaled accordingly.
e.g. docker service create -p mode=host,target=8080 --name=avisw1 avinetworks/server-os
The above command will create a docker service with one replica running
on one of the worker nodes. The interlock will then create a virtual
service in Avi with a pool having one pool memeber corresponding to the
container running on the worker node.
image: anantpatil/avi-docker-interlock:latest
command: -D run
tty: true
- 8080
ListenAddr = ":8080"
DockerURL = "${SWARM_HOST}"
TLSCACert = "/certs/ca.pem"
TLSCert = "/certs/cert.pem"
TLSKey = "/certs/key.pem"
PollInterval = "10s"
Name = "avi"
AviUser = "admin"
AviPassword = "avipasswd"
AviControllerAddr = "controller_host_or_ip"
AviControllerPort = "443"
SSLServerVerify = "false" # set to true if you have Avi ca certs
AviCloudName = "" # defaults to Default-Cloud otherwise give cloud you have
AviDNSSubdomain = "avi.test"
- ucp-node-certs:/certs
restart: always
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