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Last active May 26, 2020 21:25
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MY experiments with various Gnome Shell extensions and tweaks that i had to apply


I have come back for the first time to Gnome after they moved to version 3. This environment is very new for me and hence a lot of my experiments are around fixing things which i feel are wrong.

I have realized that they want a certain experiance and then they allow extensions to customize that experiance as per users needs.

I have applied a whole bunch of extensions as per my need to get things working for myself.

list of extensions

Annoyance Fixers

This category contains fixes which i think should be part of the system from day 1.

  1. Alt-Tab Switcher Popup Delay Removal by xhfhope -> Causes the alt-tab popup overlay to display immediately.

  2. Docker integration by trejjam -> Hide Docker network (veth*)

  3. Extend Panel Right Box -> Extend the top bar's right box so my indicators don't get fucking truncated

  4. Frippery Move Clock by rmyorston -> Move clock to left of status menu button

  5. Magnifier Improvements by andrej.gricenko -> Makes a number of improvements in the magnifier mode: the pointer moves smoothly, corrects the appearance of scrolling lists, such as the application menu or search results.

  6. vmnethider by liKe2k1 -> GNOME Extension to hide the vmnet Interfaces

  7. Weeks Start on Monday Again... by philippetroin -> ... or maybe not, and that's why the start day is configurable in the preferences.

  8. Status Area Horizontal Spacing by p91paul -> Reduce the horizontal spacing between icons in the top-right status area

  9. NoAnnoyance by bjoerndaase -> Another extension, that removes the 'Windows is ready' notification and puts the window into focus. In contrast to all the other extensions, this uses ES6 syntax and is actively maintained.

  10. Remove Dropdown Arrows by mpdeimos -> Removes the dropdown arrows which were introduced in Gnome 3.10 from the App Menu, System Menu, Input Menu, Access Menu, Places Menu, Applications Menu and any other extension that wants to add dropdown arrows.

  11. Refresh Wifi Connections by kgshank -> This extension adds a refresh button to the Wifi connection selection dialog to request for a network scan manually.

Visual stuff

Arc Menu by LinxGem33 The extension application menu for Gnome 3.

Dash to Dock by michele_g A dock for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash out of the overview transforming it in a dock for an easier launching of applications and a faster switching between windows and desktops. Side and bottom placement options are available. Icon Hider by theychx Show/Hide icons from top panel

Lock Keys by kazimieras.vaina Numlock & Capslock status on the panel

Transparent GNOME panel by ttomovcik Make GNOME top panel transparent!

micro-camera-privacy by jmas Shows an icon when microphone or camera are used

Multi Monitors Add-On by spin83 Add multiple monitors overview and panel for gnome-shell.

NetSpeed by hedayaty Displays Internet Speed

  1. Places Status Indicator by fmuellner -> Add a menu for quickly navigating places in the system.

Removable Drive Menu by fmuellner A status menu for accessing and unmounting removable devices.

Helper plugins

system-monitor by Cerin Display system informations in gnome shell status bar, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates…

Audio Output Switcher by adaxi Adds a switch for choosing audio output to the system menu.

AVD applet by maxxx1313 Provide menu to run android virtual devices

Caffeine by eon Disable the screensaver and auto suspend

Docker Integration by gpouilloux A status menu for managing docker containers.

GNOME Vagrant Indicator by fffilo Easily manage your vagrant machines from status area

Google Cast Control by lukearran Quickly and easily control the playback of your Google Home and Chromecast devices from the GNOME Shell.

GSConnect by andyholmes GSConnect is a complete implementation of KDE Connect especially for GNOME Shell with Nautilus, Chrome and Firefox integration. It does not rely on the KDE Connect desktop application and will not work with it installed.

VirtualBox applet by eugene-rom Provide menu to run VirtualBox machines and switch between running VMs

User Themes by fmuellner Load shell themes from user directory.

Screenshot Tool by oal Conveniently create, copy, store and upload screenshots

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