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Last active July 21, 2016 00:59
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  • It's where to look for things.
  • Javascript has function scope only.
  • There are 2 predominant modules:
    • Lexical scope: building example - goes up one level looking for there. The top of the building is the global scope
    • Dynamic scope: this example. Moves to any level of the building as if it were looking for an address.
  • Cheating scope: eval and with (bad mechanisms, avoid it).

IIFE Pattern

var foo = "foo";
  var foo = "foo2";
  console.log(foo); // "foo2"
console.log(foo);  // "foo"
var foo = "foo";
  var foo = bar
  console.log(foo); // "foo"
console.log(foo);  // "foo"


Every function while executing, has a reference to its current execution context, called this.

What determines which object a function's this points to? What's the default?

There are 4 rules for how the this keyword gets bound and they all depend on the call side (place in code where a function gets executed ()) in order of precedence from higher they are:

  • new keyword
  • Explicit binding (call, apply or bind)
  • Implicit binding (owning or containing object
  • Default rule (foo())

What happens when the new keyword is written?

  • Brand new object gets created
  • Object gets linked
  • The context it set to the this
  • It returns this

How can you seal a specific this to a function? Why do that? Why not?

  • The .bind utility
  • Why do that? hard binding, if you want to be predictable, you always want your methods to go to a particular object
  • Tradeoff is the flexibility
  • If you find yourself using bind all the time think about why you're even using this.

How do you create a new this?

  • Using the new keyword.


What is a closure and how is it created?

  • Is when a function remembers and accesses its lexical scope even when that function is executed ouside of its lexical scope
  • It's created when an inner function is transported outside of the outer function.

How do you use a closure to create an encapsulated module? What's the benefits of that approach?

  • Has to be an outer functions, return one or more inner functions that are closure of the scope.
  • Benefitial for hiding stuff, not exposing inner details.


function foo(){
  var bar = "bar";
  return function() {

function bam(){
  foo()(); // "bar"

function foo(){
  var bar = "bar";
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 1000);

function foo(){
  var bar = "bar";


Module pattern

Classic module pattern

var foo = (function(){
  var o = { bar : "bar" };
  return {
    bar: function(){

Modified module pattern

var foo = (function(){
  var publicAPI = { 
    bar: function(){
    baz: function(){
  return publicAPI;

Modern module pattern

define("foo", function(){
  var o = { bar: "bar" };
  return {
    bar: function(){

Object orienting


  • Every single "object" is built by a contructor function
  • A constructor makes an object linked to its own prototype
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