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Last active July 12, 2019 21:50
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Save anastely/de3c112464264281e38039ea837f8dcb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet, Alert, ScrollView, Dimensions, TouchableOpacity, Platform, Linking } from 'react-native';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';
import firebase from "react-native-firebase";
import { withNavigation } from 'react-navigation';
import MapView, { Marker } from 'react-native-maps';
const { width } = Dimensions.get("window")
const { height } = Dimensions.get("window")
class OrderDetails extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentUser: null,
title: this.props.navigation.state.params.title,
description: this.props.navigation.state.params.description,
time: this.props.navigation.state.params.time,
status: this.props.navigation.state.params.status,
gKey: this.props.navigation.state.params.gKey,
price: this.props.navigation.state.params.price,
region: this.props.navigation.state.params.region,
btnColor: "#5ed81c",
mobileNumber: null,
componentDidMount() {
// console.log(this.props.navigation.dangerouslyGetParent().dangerouslyGetParent())
// this.props.navigation.dangerouslyGetParent().dangerouslyGetParent().dangerouslyGetParent().setParams({showHeader:false})
if (this.state.status === "Completed") {
this.setState({ btnColor: "#c6c6c6" })
const currentUser = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
this.setState({ currentUser });
const curentUserData = firebase.database().ref(`providers/${currentUser}`)
curentUserData.on("value", (snapshot) => {
this.setState({ mobileNumber: snapshot.val().mobileNumber })
// componentDidUpdate(){
// console.log(this.props.navigation.dangerouslyGetParent().setParams({showHeader:false}))
// }
_completeOrder = () => {
const { gKey, currentUser } = this.state;
statusInfo: "Completed",
}, (error) => {
if (error) {
// The write failed...
} else {
// Data saved successfully!
console.log("Data saved successfully");
).then(() => {
alert("Great work!");
_RemoveOrder = () => {
const currentUser = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
const { gKey } = this.state;
_openMap = () => {
const { region } = this.state;
console.log('open directions');
// Linking.openURL('geo:37.484847,-122.148386');
Linking.canOpenURL(`google.navigation:q=${region.latitude},${region.longitude}`).then(supported => {
if (supported) {
} else {
alert('sorry invalid url')
// ios: () => {
// Linking.openURL('');
// },
// android: () => {
// Linking.openURL('maps://app?saddr=Cupertino&San+Francisco');
// }
// });
render() {
const { title, description, date, time, status, price, region, mobileNumber } = this.state;
return (
<ScrollView scrollEnabled={true} style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.listCard}>
<View style={{
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
margin: 5
<Icon name="ios-create" size={25} color='#4d8dd6' />
<Text style={{ color: "#1567d3", padding: 5, margin: 12 }}>
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> Title:</Text> {title}
<View style={{
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
flexWrap: 'wrap', paddingEnd: 50, marginVertical: 10
<Icon name="md-clipboard" size={25} color='#4d8dd6' style={{ margin: 5 }} />
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> Description:</Text>
<Text numberOfLines={3} ellipsizeMode=
"tail" style={{ width: '100%', color: "#1567d3", left: 40 }}>
<View style={{
flexDirection: "row",
margin: 5,
alignItems: "center"
<Icon name="ios-calendar" size={25} color='#4d8dd6' />
<Text style={{ color: "#1567d3", padding: 5, margin: 12 }}>
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> Date:</Text> {date}
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> Time:</Text> {time}
<View style={{
flexDirection: "row",
margin: 5,
alignItems: "center"
<Icon name="ios-cash" size={25} color='#4d8dd6' />
<Text style={{ color: "#1567d3", padding: 5, margin: 12 }}>
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> Price:</Text> {price}
<View style={{
flexDirection: "row",
margin: 5,
alignItems: "center"
<Icon name="ios-alert" size={25} color='#4d8dd6' />
<Text style={{ color: "#1567d3", padding: 5, margin: 12 }}>
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> status:</Text> {status}
(status == "Accepted" || status == "Completed") ?
<View style={{
flexDirection: "row",
margin: 5,
alignItems: "center"
<Icon name="ios-call" size={25} color='#4d8dd6' />
<Text style={{ color: "#1567d3", padding: 5, margin: 12 }}>
<Text style={{ color: "#828282" }}> mobileNumber:</Text> {mobileNumber}
: (
<View />
<Text style={{ marginLeft: 15, marginTop: 15 }}>Have you finished this work? Click the button</Text>
<View style={styles.btnContainer}>
disabled={this.state.status == "Completed"}
onPress={() => {
'Cancel Order',
'Do you want to cancel this order?',
{ text: 'No', onPress: () => { return null } },
text: 'Yes', onPress: () => {
alert("Canceled Order Successfully");
{ cancelable: false }
// this.setState(Object.assign(item, { statusInfo: "Rejected" }))
// this._onRemove(item);
<Text style={{ color: "#fff", fontSize: 17 }}>Cansel</Text>
<TouchableOpacity disabled={this.state.status == "Completed"} style={[styles.btnAccept, { backgroundColor: this.state.btnColor }]} onPress={() => this._completeOrder()} >
<Text style={{ color: "#fff", fontSize: 17 }}>Completed</Text>
<View style={{ width: width - 20, height: height - 200, marginTop: 10 }}>
description={"Marker description"}
onPress={() => this._openMap()}
<Icon name="ios-navigate" size={70} color="#2F98AE" />
{/* <Text
style={{ fontSize: 13, fontWeight: "700", lineHeight: 14 }}
>Open Google Map</Text> */}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
alignSelf: "center"
listCard: {
flex: 1,
padding: 15,
borderRadius: 5,
width: width - 20,
alignItems: "flex-start",
justifyContent: "flex-start",
backgroundColor: "#eee",
marginTop: 20
}, btn: {
width: width - 50,
borderRadius: 5,
height: 45,
marginVertical: 20,
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center"
map: {
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: - 1,
top: 10,
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
width: width - 20,
}, btnContainer: {
width: width - 50,
flexDirection: "row",
justifyContent: "space-around",
margin: 10, marginBottom: 0
}, btnAccept: {
backgroundColor: "#5ed81c",
width: 170,
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
margin: 10,
padding: 10
btnReject: {
backgroundColor: "#c6c6c6",
width: 100,
justifyContent: "center",
margin: 10,
padding: 10, alignItems: "center"
navigateBtn: {
alignItems: "flex-end",
justifyContent: "flex-end",
borderRadius: 100,
position: "absolute",
bottom: 20,
left: 0,
right: 10
export default withNavigation(OrderDetails);
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