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Anatol Grabowski anatol-grabowski

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num_vals = 27
index = pd.DatetimeIndex(start='jan 2 2018', periods=num_vals, freq='1D', name='date')
data = np.random.randn(num_vals)
dff = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=['val'])
dff.loc[:, 'weekday'] = dff.index.weekday
dff.loc[:, 'weekstart'] = dff.index - dff.index.weekday.astype('timedelta64[D]')
piv = dff.pivot(columns='weekday', values='val', index='weekstart')
piv.rename(inplace=True, columns={0: 'Mon', 1: 'Tue', 2: 'Wed', 3: 'Thu', 4: 'Fri', 5: 'Sat', 6: 'Sun'})
git config -l, --list // list config options from system, global and local config files
git config -l --show-origin
git config --global "username" // set in $HOME/.gitconfig
git config --system // set in git/mingw/etc/gitconfig
git config --system --unset // unset in git/mingw/etc/gitconfig
git config --system --remove-section user
git config --global alias.lo "log --oneline --graph"
git init [<proj_dir>] // init repo in proj_dir or cwd (create $GIT_DIR=.git subdir)
git init --template <templ_dir> // templ_dir must be absolute path
// As per
// 1. In a module, there is a free variable "require", that is a Function.
// 2. In a module, there is a free variable called "exports", that is an object.
// 3. In a module, there must be a free variable "module", that is an Object.
//x3.1 The "module" object must have a read-only, don't delete "id" property.
// No check for 3.1 since nodejs's is both writable and deletable.
//x2.1 modules must use the "exports" object as the only means of exporting.
// Export through "module.exports" is much simpler though.
myModule = {}
@echo off
set "tool7z=%TOT_CORE%\7-Zip\7z"
set "jdk_exe=%1"
echo Extracting '.rsrc/1033/JAVA_CAB10/111'
%tool7z% e %jdk_exe% .rsrc/1033/JAVA_CAB10/111
:: %tool7z% e %jdk_exe% .rsrc/1033/version.txt
echo Extracting '111'
extrac32 111
//this function helps to avoid redrawing svg after map movement
//it has to be called after 'map.getPixelFromCoordinate' gets available
//returns scaleLonLat(lonlat) function that returns [x_px, y_px] for usage with d3
//prevent lines thickness from getting scaled through css: .map .d3-layer path { vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; }
//usage example:
//var s
//map.once('precompose', ()=>{ s=init_ol_d3(this); draw(); })
//var draw_route = d3.line().x((lonlat)=>{return s(lonlat)[0]}).y(...
//TODO: postrender event is called for each tile render
anatol-grabowski / rk4.js
Created May 5, 2016 15:32
The simplest Runge-Kutta method implementation ever (uses vector.js)
//Author: Anatoly Grabovsky (
var euler = function(p0, v0, a_f, dt) { //This method is here only for comparison
var a0 = a_f(p, v) //a=f(p0, v0)
p0.iadd(v0.mul(dt)) //p=p0+v*dt
v0.iadd(a0.imul(dt)) //v=p0+a*dt
var rk4 = function(p0, v0, a_f, dt) {
//p0 = new Vector(...), v0 = new Vector(...), a_f = function(p,v) { return new Vector(...) } }
anatol-grabowski / ceilAbsBeautiful.js
Last active February 7, 2016 13:01
round beautiful and ceilAbs beutiful
//ceils an absolute value of the number 'num' (so negative 'num' gets floored instead of being ceiled)
//so that its coefficient 'm' while 'num' is represented in scientific notation (num = m*10^n)
//is either a multiple of one of some number from 'to' array
//or exactly matches one of the numbers in 'to' array
//numbers to match exactly should be negative in 'to' array (to differ them from multiples)
var ceilAbs = function(num, to, bias) { // for example num = -165.4621
if (!to) to = [-2, 5] // to = [-2, 5] (beautiful values are: ...0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10...)
if (!bias) bias = 0 // bias = 0
var mults = to.filter(function(value) {return value > 0}) // mults = [5], m of the result should be eiter a multiple of 5