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Last active October 4, 2017 11:54
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CUDA kernal compile at runtime
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <nvrtc.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
// simple kernel to compile and run
const char *cuda_kernel = " \n\
extern \"C\" __global__ void global_test_function (int *a, int *b) \n\
{ \n\
*a = 11; \n\
*b = 12; \n\
return; \n\
} \n";
// compile a source string to ptx
auto compile_string_to_ptx (const char *source_string) -> std::vector<char>
nvrtcResult res;
nvrtcProgram prog;
std::vector<char*> options
#if _DEBUG
res = nvrtcCreateProgram (&prog, source_string, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
res = nvrtcCompileProgram (prog, options.size(),;
if (res != NVRTC_SUCCESS)
size_t log_len;
std::string log;
res = nvrtcGetProgramLogSize (prog, &log_len);
log.resize (log_len + 1);
res = nvrtcGetProgramLog (prog, const_cast<char*>( ()));
std::cout << log.c_str () << std::endl;
return std::vector<char>{};
// get compiled code
size_t ptx_len = 0;
std::vector<char> ptx_src;
res = nvrtcGetPTXSize (prog, &ptx_len);
ptx_src.resize (ptx_len);
res = nvrtcGetPTX (prog,;
res = nvrtcDestroyProgram (&prog);
return ptx_src;
// create a module from a ptx string
auto module_from_ptx (const std::vector<char>& ptx) -> CUmodule
CUresult res;
CUmodule mod = NULL;
std::string info_log (1024, '\0');
std::string error_log (1024, '\0');
std::vector<CUjit_option> options
std::vector<void*> values
(void *)(size_t)info_log.size (),
(void *) (),
(void *)(size_t)error_log.size (),
(void *) (),
(void *)(int)1,
(void *)0
res = cuModuleLoadDataEx (&mod, (), options.size (), (), (void **) ());
if (res != NVRTC_SUCCESS)
return mod;
std::cout << "compiled in : " << (float)((int)(values[5]))/1000.0f << "s" << std::endl;
return mod;
// locate a pre-defined entry point in the module,
// setup device memory and copy some data in,
// execute the kernel,
// copy the contents of device memory back into host memory.
void execute_function (CUmodule module)
CUresult res;
CUfunction fn = NULL;
// get the entry point we want to use for this module
res = cuModuleGetFunction (&fn, module, "global_test_function");
// allocate some memory on the device and copy data into it
int h_A = 2;
int h_B = 3;
CUdeviceptr d_A, d_B;
cuMemAlloc (&d_A, sizeof (int));
cuMemAlloc (&d_B, sizeof (int));;
cuMemcpyHtoD (d_A, &h_A, sizeof (int));
cuMemcpyHtoD (d_B, &h_B, sizeof (int));
void *args[] = { &d_A, &d_B, };
// run the kernel
res = cuLaunchKernel(
1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,
// wait for the kernel
res = cuCtxSynchronize();
// copy the device variables back into host memory
cuMemcpyDtoH (&h_A, d_A, sizeof (int));
cuMemcpyDtoH (&h_B, d_B, sizeof (int));
cuMemFree (d_A);
cuMemFree (d_B);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
CUdevice device;
CUcontext context;
cuDeviceGet (&device, 0);
cuCtxCreate (&context, 0, device);
// compile source into ptx representation
auto ptx = compile_string_to_ptx (cuda_kernel);
// write the ptx to stdout
std::copy (
std::begin (ptx),
std::end (ptx),
std::ostream_iterator<char> (std::cout, ""));
// load a cuda module from the ptx source
auto cuda_module = module_from_ptx (ptx);
if (cuda_module == NULL)
std::cout << "ERR: Could not load module" << std::endl;
// enumerate some properties of the module and execute the function
execute_function (cuda_module);
cuCtxDetach (context);
return 0;
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