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Last active June 23, 2020 14:04
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data MessageType = Info
| Warning
| Error Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
type TimeStamp = Int
data LogMessage = LogMessage MessageType TimeStamp String
| Unknown String
deriving (Show, Eq)
parseMessage :: String -> LogMessage
parseMessage msg = case parseCode $ words msg of
(Just messageType, Just timestamp, rest) -> LogMessage messageType timestamp rest
_ -> Unknown msg
parseCode :: [String] -> (Maybe MessageType, Maybe TimeStamp, String )
parseCode ("E":code:ts:rest) = (parseError code, toInt ts, unwords rest)
parseCode ("W":ts:rest) = (Just Warning, toInt ts, unwords rest)
parseCode ("I":ts:rest) = (Just Info, toInt ts, unwords rest)
parseCode msg = (Nothing, Nothing, unwords msg)
parseError :: String -> Maybe MessageType
parseError code = Error `fmap` toInt code
toInt :: String -> Maybe Int
toInt = readMaybe
parseMessage :: String -> LogMessage
parseMessage s =
let (maybeMtype, s1) = parseType $ words s
(maybeTs, s2) = parseTs s1
lm = liftA3 LogMessage maybeMtype maybeTs (Just $ unwords s2)
in fromMaybe (Unknown s) lm
parseType :: [String] -> (Maybe MessageType, [String])
parseType ("I":xs) = (Just Info, xs)
parseType ("W":xs) = (Just Warning, xs)
parseType s@("E":code:rest) = (Error <$> readMaybe code, rest)
parseType s = (Nothing, s)
parseTs :: [String] -> (Maybe TimeStamp, [String])
parseTs (x:xs) = (readMaybe x, xs)
parseMessage :: String -> LogMessage
parseMessage s = fromMaybe (Unknown s) (pure fst <*> runParser logMessage s) where
logMessage = parseError <|> parseInfo <|> parseWarn
parseLogMessage code = liftA3 LogMessage parseECode parseTs parseMsg
parseError = liftA3 LogMessage parseECode parseTs parseMsg
parseInfo = liftA3 LogMessage parseICode parseTs parseMsg
parseWarn = liftA3 LogMessage parseWCode parseTs parseMsg
parseECode = ( Error . fromInteger) <$> (char 'E' *> char ' ' *> posInt)
parseICode = char 'I' *> pure Info
parseWCode = char 'W' *> pure Warning
parseTs = fromInteger <$> (char ' ' *> posInt)
parseMsg = many <$> satisfy $ const True
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = Parser f
f [] = Nothing
f (x:xs)
| p x = Just (x, xs)
| otherwise = Nothing
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = satisfy (== c)
posInt :: Parser Integer
posInt = Parser f
f xs
| null ns = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (read ns, rest)
where (ns, rest) = span isDigit xs
inParser f = Parser . f . runParser
first :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
first f (x,y) = (f x, y)
instance Functor Parser where
fmap = inParser . fmap . fmap . first
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser (\s -> Just (a, s))
(Parser fp) <*> xp = Parser $ \s ->
case fp s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (f,s') -> runParser (f <$> xp) s'
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser (const Nothing)
Parser p1 <|> Parser p2 = Parser $ liftA2 (<|>) p1 p2
parseMessage :: String -> LogMessage
parseMessage str = fromJust $ runLogMessageParser str where
runLogMessageParser s = fst <$> runParser logMessage s
logMessage = parseError <|> parseInfo <|> parseWarn <|> parseUnknown
parseUnknown = fmap Unknown parseMsg
parseLogMessage code = liftA3 LogMessage parseECode parseTs parseMsg
parseError = LogMessage <$> parseECode <*> parseTs <*> parseMsg
parseInfo = liftA3 LogMessage parseICode parseTs parseMsg
parseWarn = liftA3 LogMessage parseWCode parseTs parseMsg
parseECode = Error . fromInteger <$> (char 'E' *> char ' ' *> posInt)
parseICode = char 'I' $> Info
parseWCode = char 'W' $> Warning
parseTs = fromInteger <$> (char ' ' *> posInt)
parseMsg = many <$> satisfy $ const True
I 11 Initiating self-destruct sequence
E 70 3 Way too many pickles
E 65 8 Bad pickle-flange interaction detected
W 5 Flange is due for a check-up
I 7 Out for lunch, back in two time steps
Bad message
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