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Last active September 14, 2015 01:44
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module 4 - cleaner and improved bar graph!
state obamaEv romneyEv netEv obamaPv romneyPv otherPv totalVote
AL 0 9 -9 795696 1255925 22717 2074338
AK 0 3 -3 122640 164676 13179 300495
AZ 0 11 -11 1025232 1233654 40368 2299254
AR 0 6 -6 394409 647744 27315 1069468
CA 55 0 55 7854285 4839958 344304 13038547
CO 9 0 9 1323102 1185243 61177 2569522
CT 7 0 7 905083 634892 18985 1558960
DE 3 0 3 242584 165484 5853 413921
DC 3 0 3 267070 21381 5313 293764
FL 29 0 29 4237756 4163447 72976 8474179
GA 0 16 -16 1773827 2078688 47535 3900050
HI 4 0 4 306658 121015 7024 434697
ID 0 4 -4 212787 420911 18576 652274
IL 20 0 20 3019512 2135216 87286 5242014
IN 0 11 -11 1152887 1420543 51104 2624534
IA 6 0 6 822544 730617 29019 1582180
KS 0 6 -6 440726 692634 26611 1159971
KY 0 8 -8 679370 1087190 30652 1797212
LA 0 8 -8 809141 1152262 32662 1994065
ME 4 0 4 401306 292276 19598 713180
MD 10 0 10 1677844 971869 57614 2707327
MA 11 0 11 1921290 1188314 58163 3167767
MI 16 0 16 2564569 2115256 51136 4730961
MN 10 0 10 1546167 1320225 70169 2936561
MS 0 6 -6 562949 710746 11889 1285584
MO 0 10 -10 1223796 1482440 51087 2757323
MT 0 3 -3 201839 267928 14281 484048
NE 0 5 -5 302081 475064 17234 794379
NV 6 0 6 531373 463567 19978 1014918
NH 4 0 4 369561 329918 11493 710972
NJ 14 0 14 2125101 1477568 37623 3640292
NM 5 0 5 415335 335788 32635 783758
NY 29 0 29 4485741 2490431 104987 7081159
NC 0 15 -15 2178391 2270395 56586 4505372
ND 0 3 -3 124827 188163 9637 322627
OH 18 0 18 2827709 2661437 91701 5580847
OK 0 7 -7 443547 891325 0 1334872
OR 7 0 7 970488 754175 64607 1789270
PA 20 0 20 2990274 2680434 82962 5753670
RI 4 0 4 279677 157204 9168 446049
SC 0 9 -9 865941 1071645 26532 1964118
SD 0 3 -3 145039 210610 8166 363815
TN 0 11 -11 960709 1462330 35538 2458577
TX 0 38 -38 3308124 4569843 115884 7993851
UT 0 6 -6 251813 740600 25027 1017440
VT 3 0 3 199239 92698 7353 299290
VA 13 0 13 1971820 1822522 60147 3854489
WA 12 0 12 1755396 1290670 79450 3125516
WV 0 5 -5 238269 417655 14514 670438
WI 10 0 10 1620985 1407966 39483 3068434
WY 0 3 -3 69286 170962 8813 249061
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>2012 Electoral Vote</h1>
<p>Electoral votes won by Obama and Romney in 2012 general election by state. Source: <a href="">FEC</a>, 2015</p>
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var w = 800;
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return d3.descending(+a.netEv, +b.netEv);
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return Math.abs(+d.netEv);
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return +d.netEv;
heightScale.domain( { return d.state; } ));
//calculates "midpoint" for scales to start at
var minw = d3.min(data, function(d) {
return +d.netEv;
var maxw = d3.max(data, function(d) {
return +d.netEv;
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return "blue";
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.text(function(d) {
if(+d.netEv > 0){
return d.state + " gave Obama " + d.obamaEv + " electoral votes in 2012";
} else {
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