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Created April 13, 2016 10:24
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-- Database: `sp_store`
-- Dumping data for table `reviews`
INSERT INTO `reviews` (`id`, `product_id`, `review`, `analyzed`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'I got into a nasty routine of waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep for 1 or 2 hours. First night and every night since taking this before I go to bed I sleep like a rock! I almost went to my doctor before ordering this product but am happy I did not. I did not want the side effects from prescription drugs that I have read about.', 0),
(2, 1, 'I started to use Melatonin several years ago to get some help adjusting from jet-lag. During these years, I have tried different brands and dosage and I discovered that you can really tell the difference.This Melatonin is by far the best I have ever tried. It really makes me sleepy and give me a solid night of sleep.', 0),
(3, 1, 'Very powerful - this is not one of those "I think I can tell a difference" type supplements. Within an hour of taking these, I cannot keep my eyes open. One downside is that I cannot take them on work nights as I wake at 0500 and I cannot function on these until around 0800. They are GREAT on the weekend and provide a deep restful sleep. I avoid Rx at all costs and try to use supplements when they are proven to work - and these do. I may try the 2.5 mg for work week sleep.', 0),
(4, 1, 'I have no complaints about this product. On nights where I do not feel sleepy, I will take one of these pills about an hour before my bedtime. The melatonin makes me tired just around my bedtime. One important thing that readers should know is that 5mg is a higher dose of melatonin. If you take one of these pills and start to feel dizzy, then it would probably be best to drop down to a lower dose.', 0),
(5, 1, 'I use this as part of a sleep "cocktail" when I travel along with Valerian root and GABA. I have found that two of these along with 4 Valerian root and 2 GABA does the trick for me ( I am 170lb male). The NOW product line I have always found to be very good quality and not through the roof expensive. A nice combination.', 0),
(6, 1, 'Seems to be a very good product.. and the only reason that I didnt give it five stars is simply about me... for I am one of the people that seem to get adverse side effects to a lot of medicines or products... and this was no exception. It did mellow me out and put me to sleep.. I was trying this out for a sleep disorder having to do with acting out dreams. When I researched what treatments for this were...Melatonin was one of the treatments.. so thought I would give it a try. It did help me to sleep.. it certainly works for that, but unfortuantely for me I had side effects when I woke up.. which included a slight feeling of nausea and grogginess that took several hours to go away. I did not like the groggy feeling so did not take anymore. I think this is a very good product and for most people will probably work .. but for me... I did not want to deal with the druggy groggy feeling in the morning....', 0),
(7, 1, 'I frequently have a lot of trouble sleeping, and have tried quite a few different over the counter sleep aids. I had even tried melatonin, though only in the variety where you dissolve the tablet in your mouth. This seems to consistently do the trick and help me sleep. The downside is that while it works better than the dissolving tablets, I feel grogginess the next morning than I did with those.', 0),
(8, 1, 'For some reason when I take these melatonin I have been drowsey in the morning, its strange because I never have felt that with other meletonin, but after I get out of bed im wide awake, its just been SO HARD getting out of bed since I got these.', 0),
(9, 1, 'My wife has depression and she has a hard time falling asleep because of her medicine. He doctor remembered these and they did the trick. she takes it right before bed and it really helps her get a good night sleep. My wife has had a hard time sleeping for 5 yrs and now she sleeps great', 0),
(10, 1, 'I am a huge fan of melatonin, especially while traveling. I used to take extended released, which I found made me feel groggy in the morning. I like these because they are just as effective and really help put me to sleep, but with no side effects.One tip that has really worked for me: no light sources once you take a pill, not even your phone! Especially not your phone. Your pituitary gland naturally produces the hormone melatonin in the absence of light. By taking this supplement you are helping things along, but exposing yourself to a light source negates the effects!This product will NOT make you sleepy or help you fall asleep unless you take it when you are ready to sleep, with lights off. I used to think melatonin did not work for me but that was because I would play on my iPhone while waiting for it to "kick in," which it of course never did!', 0),
(11, 1, 'Recommended dose by WebMD and other sites is 1 to 3 mg. So 5mg is high enough. We had previously purchased 10 mg but then heard that can disrupt insulin levels and cause strange scary dreams. So we chose the lower dose. Hope it works as well.', 0),
(12, 1, 'Ever since I bought these on a whim and started using them on occasion, my sleep improved drastically.To start off, I’m a college student, and so often have terrible sleeping times and habits I’m trying to kick, especially when you have to study late or even pull all-nighters. As such, my sleep cycle is often erratic during school semesters, but fine during breaks, summer, and most weekends.As such, I usually take them once in a while, when I need it to supplement my own hormonal melatonin in cases when I have not had a lot of sleep yet. I typically take it about 30m before I plan to go to sleep. I typically fall asleep faster and have a deeper and calmer sleep. There is the rare occasion where, after I take one, I feel like it’s not having any effect and wonder if it actually works. However, given my body size (large, ~190lbs), I typically find that most supplements/pills (like caffeine pills) of this sort will sometimes have a varying effect on me.If you’re thinking about buying it, I’d recommend trying so! If you don’t like it, then it’s a minor investment. But if it works for you and you love it, it’ll be a worthwhile purchase.', 0),
(13, 1, 'Ever since I had my baby, I have had trouble sleeping. I lay awake at night with my mind racing. Melatonin has been my cure. I take it most nights and it just helps put my mind to sleep. It does not make me drowsy or groggy so I am easily able to wake up at night and meet my babies needs.', 0),
(14, 1, 'I was looking for a natural sleep remedy to replace my Ambien, which I suspect contributes to my headaches. My visiting nurse friend recommended Melatonin. I like the fact that this bottle contains capsules rather than tablets. I find that they dissolve better in my system and cause no stomach discomfort. I do believe that two 5mg capsules helps me get to sleep. I thought I would start with one 5mg capsule, but I am more confident that I will get to sleep and feel rested with two. NOW Foods is a recognized brand in health stores, so I feel confident in its quality.', 0),
(15, 1, 'I was very skeptical about using this, as I toss and turn horribly every night and my wife is always complaining. The very first night I took this, I noticed an improvement. I take it in conjunction with the NOW True Calm about 1 and 1/2 hours before bed, and I sleep much better than I have in a long time. What a relief.', 0),
(16, 1, 'Melatonin def. helps me fall asleep after too much staring at a screen before bed. Works in about 10-15 minutes. I very much like the NOW line of products and this one seems to be fine. No complaints.', 0),
(17, 1, 'Very nice quality, I have been using this brand for years and never disappointed. I was using Melatonin 3mg before and was too weak for me so I switched to 5mg and I sleep perfect now without the drowsiness in the morning or the feeling that you have taken something to help you sleep.', 0),
(18, 1, 'This product has been a great help for me since I moved to college. I moved across 15 time zones, and needed to readjust to a new sleeping schedule. Just taking 1 capsule knocks me out in about half an hour. I have taken 2 capsules before, and while it does work, it actually makes my sleep restless and uncomfortable. I sleep amazingly when I only take 1 capsule though. I totally recommend this product!', 0),
(19, 1, 'Worked one night for me but not the next night. I am thinking it worked because I was tired the first night after a long flight. My doctor tells me that it takes one day for every hour of time difference to get over jet lag.', 0),
(20, 1, 'I have been using these for a few months and I think they work. I did not use them one night and I could not stay asleep, other than that as long as I take them I stay asleep. I am 240 lbs and I take one a day', 0),
(21, 1, 'I purchase these to use on occasion, to help me get to sleep a bit earlier. I am a night owl and these help me get in the bed a little bit earlier. Thely really help me relax and feel relaxed more than sleepy.', 0),
(22, 1, 'Started to work grave shifts from 9pm-8am. My wife got me these to re-adjust my sleep cycle so I could sleep through the day to be ready for work in the evenings. These things are amazing! I now give them to all of my employees who are having the same problems making the transitions.', 0),
(23, 1, 'Wow this brand Melatonin works! I have used many brands over the years. They all work to a degree. But I take 10mg (2 capsules) about 15 minutes before lights out and I get VERY drowsy. This brand is the one I will use from now on.', 0),
(24, 1, 'I was able to fall asleep but the issue was it takes a long time to fall asleep. I take it 30min to 1 hour prior to bed but it takes about 2 hours for me to fall asleep and I have used up the bottle just to finish it off.', 0),
(25, 1, 'I have used this product for years. I used to have a horrible time falling asleep and now I take one of these 30 minutes or so before I want to sleep and I am out like a light. This bottle lasts a long time and the product works as promised.', 0),
(26, 1, 'This dosage was too strong for me. I experienced unrelenting drowsiness for the duration of the day after taking this the night before. I also experienced pounding headaches the following night after taking this.', 0),
(27, 1, 'Wow this has helped me get a restful sleep. I had my doubts but not only do I fall to sleep faster but I have a deeper REM sleep that I typically do not experience. Rather than wake up 10 times a night and lay there hoping to get back to sleep I wake up only once or twice and fall back asleep quickly. I feel so much better rested in the morning.', 0),
(28, 1, 'I have been taking these for 2 weeks now and I dont know why I hadnt gotten them sooner. I fall asleep faster and obviously have a greater quality sleep because I wake feeling more alert than I can ever recall feeling. I take one within an hour of bedtime and I am seeing amazing results.', 0),
(29, 1, 'It really helped me fall asleep quickly, and stay asleep. Make sure you take this about an hour before bed. One side-effect, is that it made me groggy and drowsy in the morning when waking up. I would only recommend it go those who plan to sleep for 7 hours or more.', 0),
(30, 1, 'I have always had trouble getting to sleep and staying there. This product works wonderfully. Twenty minutes after taking it, I am ready for lights out and unlike OTC sleep aids, you do not wake up groggy the next day. I will continue to use this product and recommend it to others.', 0),
(31, 1, 'One or two tablets definitely help me sleep. Only four stars because I find that while I sleep soundly with melatonin, I wake up around 4am and am solidly awake. No falling back asleep. I feel rested but who wants to get out of bed at 4am?', 0),
(32, 1, 'My Buddy "Mel" and a good book, like, A Stranger On My Land (Civil War Romance Series) (Volume 1) help put me to sleep at night. Thanks Amazon for shipping them so fast. I can tell a difference when my bottle is empty. :(', 0),
(33, 1, 'At first these worked so well that I really needed to be ready for bed very soon after taking the capsule. As time has worn on they have become less effective, thus the 4 stars. If you only need them occasionally these would probably be great.', 0),
(34, 1, 'I have been suffering from insomnia for a long while and try to stick to all-natural methods to cure ailments I have. I heard about Melatonin, but even taking 6mg did nothing for me. I still wake up several times in the middle of the night.', 0),
(35, 1, 'I have problems getting a good nights sleep because of a bad back. After three back operations I live with varying degrees of pain 24/7. Taking the melatonin an hour or two before I go to bed seems to help me sleep better through the night.', 0),
(36, 1, 'I tend to "wake up" late at night no matter how tired I am or how little sleep I got the night before. I take this and almost immediately start relaxing. Such a rare experience and I will always keep a supply of these around.', 0),
(37, 1, 'These caplets are easy to swallow and I trust the brand. They are on the less expensive side of supplements but I still feel I am getting a good product. I measure my sleep efficiency and I am always looking at ways to improve my restfulness. I take one of these every night and I believe it provides a benefit.', 0),
(38, 1, 'I love being a night owl, but some nights I must force myself to sleep earlier. I use melatonin to get the job done. You will wake up a bit drowsy and dehydrated, but this will happen with any melatonin product. I recommend this product.', 0),
(39, 1, 'Pretty good price per milligram on melatonin. The caps are easily swallowed. Results vary, but I try not to take melatonin often, and trying to come to an unbiased conclusion on its effectiveness would be difficult.', 0),
(40, 1, 'I use to spend lots of money on my melatonin pills, I have to take them to ensure my sleep is good as I work late at night in front of a bright screen and that takes a toll on my pineal gland and melatonin production, I love to use it and my sleep is good, I love the price on this poducts, NOW has a fan no more pricey pills for me... This ones work and are cheap!', 0),
(41, 1, 'I have a sleeping disorder - I wake up all the time.. night terrors, etc. this does help me calmly go to sleep.. if I take early enough I wont feel sleepy like I do with over the counter sleeping pills', 0),
(42, 1, 'At first I was hesitant to purchase NOW products--now I am in love.The price is great and the quality is unbeatable.My house goes through several of their products a month.My health has improved immensely since starting NOW products.Great sleep! NO waking up in the middle of the night.My only complaint about the melatonin--groggy the next day.', 0),
(43, 1, 'There are many forms of Melatonin. This one is not made from an animal source which is good, as Melatonin supplements made from animal sources could contain contaminants. A common mistake that most people make is that they take Melatonin on a nightly basis. Unless directed by a doctor, Melatonin should NOT be taken for longer than a two (2) week period. Melatonin might also increase blood sugar in people with diabetes. It should not be used during pregnancy or when breast-feeding. Melatonin can also make symptoms of depression worse. Taking the proper dosage of Melatonin is extremely important. Taking too much, or too little for your body could actually hurt the sleep process. This brand of Melatonin is 5mg, which is 5 times higher than the recommended nightly dose. For that reason alone I decided not to buy this brand. Keep in mind that Melatonin is NOT a sleeping pill. It is a sleep regulator, and taking it incorrectly could do serious harm to your body. Melatonin has the best effect for those who have to go to bed at different times each night. Also as you get older your body makes less Melatonin, so elderly people can take 1/2mg (half a mg) to 1mg per night to assist in falling asleep.', 0),
(44, 1, 'I use these on nights I can not fall asleep. I used to take prescription sleep aids, but hated the hungover feeling in the morning. These help me get to sleep quickly and I feel well rested in the morning!', 0),
(45, 1, 'Did not notice it working, in fact it may have put my sleep pattern further off balance. I take a thyroid hormone replacement pill and my dosage has to be carefully monitored or else I may suffer ill effects. Since melatonin is also a hormone, I would think that dosage regulation is important here as well. Be careful or consult a doctor.', 0),
(46, 1, 'I have only used this product a couple of times but I have to say that I have slept more soundly each time. I would recommend these to anyone who has difficulty sleeping. Keep in mind that I am not a medical professional and am only providing my personal experience and opinion relative to this product.', 0),
(47, 1, 'I used to have trouble sleeping... I mean i would toss and turn for HOURS. These help so much. I open the capsule, and put one of these babies in chamomile tea before i go to bed and sleep like a baby!', 0),
(48, 1, 'This is a great sleep aide .... the other reviews were all five star. this works great but make sure to take it about and 1-2 hours before you want to go to bed. really helps you to sleep through the night. no groggy feeling when waking up if I get at least 7 hours of sleep.', 0),
(49, 1, 'Have quite a bit of trouble sleeping from anxiety and other issues and this helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. Not much else to say that has not been said in other reviews. Good stuff and it works!', 0),
(50, 1, 'It works well, you can really have a good night of sleep with it but it takes longer to kick in than other brands I tried. Sometimes I last 3-4 hours after taking a pill, then I sleep like a rock but I really would like to sleep after 1-2h of ingesting it', 0),
(51, 1, 'This did help me sleep BUT it also caused diarrhea. It took me a long to to figure it out! I had multiple tests done by my doctor - with no results. Finally decided to stop Melatonin, and the diarrhea went away immediately!', 0),
(52, 1, 'it worked for me but the next day it will keep me sleepy all the morning and some part of the afternoon so be careful ... maybe lowering the recommended dosage ? idk but in the end it help me to get asleep faster just keep in mind that MAYBE it will keep you sleepy the next day in the morning n afternoon', 0),
(53, 1, 'was hoping these would help me get to sleep easier (I have trouble falling asleep). it was actually lost in the mail (or delivered to the wrong address), so amazon kindly sent me a replacement for free, but sadly for the week I tried taking these ~30 minutes before I wanted to go to bed, it still took me another hour or so to fall asleep. YMMV.', 0),
(54, 1, 'I take one of these nightly along with a couple other herbs and I am sleeping like a kid again! Delivery was fast and I thought these were the kind that you desolve under your tongue but they are not.', 0),
(55, 1, 'Took a double dose the first night in Europe and was knocked out. First time I have ever slept through the first night. I was a little groggy the next day, but gladly accepted the consequence. After a couple of days I had adjusted to the time, much quicker than any time in the past.', 0),
(56, 1, 'These capsules help but I have found that I need a double dose. I have since order a 10 mg capsule bottle to use after this product is gone.', 0),
(57, 1, 'I have been using melatonin for about a year now to help me sleep. This brand really works. I read other reviews of this product before trying it. The reviews were correct. It does help you sleep if you are having problems falling asleep or waking up often in the middle of the night.', 0),
(58, 1, 'After using 6 mg each night of melatonin made by Pure Encapsulation, I thought that this independently verified 5 mg version by Now would help as well, but I have awakened each night around 3, so it is not as pure or as good a quality as I had hoped.', 0),
(59, 1, 'Melatonin 5mg caps have made my nights so restful. I was having the hardest time falling asleep due to a new medication I am taking and this did the trick. I fall right to sleep and sleep the whole night through.', 0),
(60, 1, 'I was skeptical about buying this but it really does work! I usually fall asleep within a half hour after taking them. I do notice once in a while it is harder to wake up the next morning but that rarely happens.', 0),
(61, 1, 'these were really great for my husband, he said they gave him a deeper sleep. they did make me feel groggy but our sleep schedule is irregular so if you are sensitive to pills like these make sure you allow enough time to get a great nights sleep!', 0),
(62, 1, 'Melatonin makes me sleep like a baby. Also - these are vegetarian, so you know your melatonin is not coming from animal brains like the brands that are not vegetarian (seriously... go google it).', 0),
(63, 1, 'This pills will knock your butt down. It takes some time to kick in, about 25-30 minutes, but after that it works like magic. I sometimes have a hard time going to sleep, I only need one of this babies and pow! Down I go to bed. However, I have noticed that sometimes I fell drowsy after I wake in the morning. Is not that bad, after I star an activity it wears off, but in my day off is a four hour effect. Overall I will recommend this pills for some my fellow insomniacs out there. Good luck.', 0),
(64, 1, 'All bodies are different and unfortunately this product did not help my insomnia. Gave it a week of attempt then gave up.', 0),
(65, 1, 'Item came as advertised, was exactly what I ordered and everything about the product was as stated. That is why I gave the highest rating for everything related to the product. I would recommend to anyone needing the product.', 0),
(66, 1, 'as well as human usage- Helps my Pom quiet down before sudden thunderstoms or company- She tends to get anixious when children or thunder invade her space- Giving her a fourth of a 5 mg works & does not make her lethargic. My vet said I could give her a half of the 5 mg- --but I tried a smaller dose & got her calm with out sedation- I have not personally tried them- but have many senior friends who use them being of a natural rather than a side effect expected precription or over the counter that may not mix with meds or side effets un wanted- But read the warnings- Take only as precribed & certially if giving to our canine friends who trust us to read what they can not- .Budget friend- Recommend-', 0),
(67, 1, 'I suffer from anxiety that at times of things in my life that provoke stress I have difficulty falling asleep and more importantly will wake up in the middle of the night with little or no chance of falling back to sleep. Without any help I tend to cycle from little or no sleep one night to sleeping ok the next night due to exhaustion. Taking the OTC artificial medication worked well but I was concerned about all the things you are to worry about taking artificial something for an ongoing basis.These Melatonin tablets have worked very well. I take one tablet before going to bed and I am good to go for the most part. For supplements like this the quality and price combination is really special in my eyes.A couple of things from reading other reviews when I went researching this item. 1) Many allude to not helping fall asleep but just helps you get a good nights sleep. For me personally, I did find that about a half hour after taking a tablet I felt quite noticeably more tired and certainly help me fall asleep. I am not saying that I would buy it for that property but it does help me fall asleep. 2) Yes, you do not get the stay sleepy feeling of the OTC artificial medicines in the morning when starting your day. But for this item does help me to sleep more hours as it appears to wear off in the night to a certain extent. I normally sleep six hours a night but when time allows I like to get an additional hour or two but I wake up my normal time or even an hour before my normal time and it is just as tough to go back to sleep if I had not taken a tablet.But overall, very impressed and satisfied.', 0),
(68, 1, 'This stuff does work, although maybe a little to well sometimes. It gives me this sensation sometimes in which my body feels asleep and unmovable while my mind still awake. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this sensation but it can be a little creepy. I do feel better rested in the morning however.', 0),
(69, 1, 'Good product. Wife used as sleep aid while pregnant. Safe for Mom and baby. Good natural product. I would recommend.', 0),
(70, 1, 'I bought these pills to help my insomnia. Instead it didnt even work and made things worse by giving me headaches.', 0),
(71, 1, 'I have no idea why but I took one of these before bed and ended up completely knocked out until the next evening. It gave me a terrible migraine and it made me feel like I was in a drug-induced coma.. .I will never take another one again.', 0),
(72, 1, 'I am used to taking the "Finest" brand time released 5mg w B6. That would turn me into a zombie with a whole pill, so often I only took half a pill (2.5 mg). I expected similar results with one of these 3mg pills, but I find I have to take 9mg (3 pills) of NOW brand to equal the effect of half a pill (2.5mg) of "Finest" brand. However, the effect is par, not remarkable.', 0),
(73, 1, 'Good product, I always can trust the Now brand.', 0),
(74, 1, 'I have purchased this product for mydog as prescribed by his Vet specialistfor years by another manufacturer. WhenI switched to this brand, my dog started to lose his coat. His Vet did blood work & tests & everything was normal. Then she asked if I had changed brands. I put himback on SuperNutrion and his coat returned to normal in a short time.All melatonin is not equal, even if the same strength', 0),
(75, 1, 'I took one 5 mg as recommended. I could not get to sleep and it gave me a headache. I took two the next night and once again...nothing but a bad headache, which I am not usually prone to.', 0),
(76, 1, 'So, if you find yourself waking up often at night, I recommend these.I sleep much heavier with 1 capsule a couple minutes before bed. I wake up feeling pretty damn good as well.', 0),
(77, 1, 'I use this product regularly as I have trouble going to sleep and sleeping soundly. This product works very well with no side effects.', 0),
(78, 1, 'I took a few nights experimenting with the dosage before I figured it out. But, I am so happy I tried it. Sleep, lovely sleep. And, no groggy morning after.', 0),
(79, 1, 'very good product helps me get to sleep without any harmful drugs ,it just gets you tranquiled ,no stimulants.Natural Product', 0),
(80, 1, 'Easy to take and made a noticeable difference the first time i took one. However effects seemed to have dissipated some.', 0),
(81, 1, 'Works for Me.Try ed other products almost gave up on Melatonin .Dreams yes indeed no nightmares here.', 0),
(82, 1, 'Nice dosage (5mg) for great sleep. I have recommended this to friends who have sleep problems. I swear by it.', 0),
(83, 1, 'this product works, however, I have read some negatives on the long-term effects of Melatonin on the body!', 0),
(84, 1, 'Inexpensive and shipped quickly. Works to help my husband go to sleep, so we are very happy with it.', 0),
(85, 1, 'in combination with more natural ValerianMelatonin ensures a good night sleep', 0),
(86, 1, 'This is by far the best melatonin formulation I have taken. Works very well!', 0),
(87, 1, 'Compare with Natrol brand - EXACTLY the same review, the same wording....', 0),
(88, 1, 'take it half an hour before bed, works like a charm', 0),
(89, 1, 'Wonderfull!11 easy to sleep with no side effects', 0),
(90, 1, 'it helped me to sleep well during the jet lag.', 0),
(91, 1, 'Melatonin, works. Good nights sleep.', 0),
(92, 1, 'Good product, works well.', 0),
(93, 1, 'I love this product. Since I have been taking this, I have been sleeping so much better which is a great thing due to I have fibromyalgia .. The better sleep I can get then the less I will hurt.', 0),
(94, 1, 'This stuff knocks me out and is fast acting. I have taken melatonin before but this seems to be stronger... I am not sure how many mg I was taking before but I am assuming this is higher.', 0),
(95, 1, 'Product works as advertised. I used them to help me sleep and it worked very nicely. I did not have a hazy feeling in the morning either when I wake up. And, these were a decent price.', 0),
(96, 1, 'I have used this product, Melatonin, in the past. This version is no exception. It works well. Tells your body that it is nighttime and time to settle down to sleep. Works very well.', 0),
(97, 1, 'This product works well. I go to sleep better and sleep better. I have learned to take it about an hour before bedtime and I can feel sleepiness coming on so I know to prepare for bed.', 0),
(98, 1, 'I use this at night. It works well to get me sleepy. I take it about 45 mins to an hour before I am going to bed and I get good and sleepy without having to take benedryl or anything.', 0),
(99, 1, 'It does what it says. However it always gives me some really crazy dreams every time I take it. Like I might as well be on drugs. May also leave you feeling sleepy after you wake up.', 0),
(100, 1, 'I bought one bottle to see if it would help me sleep, I am now on their subscription plan for monthly deliveries.Very happy with the company and their product.Thank-you!', 0),
(101, 1, 'Very effective. Feel great in the AM.Love how it envelops sleep and slowly eases me into relaxation and sleep mode.NOW is always good, this maybe their best product yet.', 0),
(102, 1, 'Excellent quality and potency. I was used to lower quality melatonin......5mg of this is like 10 of other brands. Sometimes have to use only half a capsule. Highly recommended!', 0),
(103, 1, 'It really does make you sleep better. But i have experienced sleepiness during the day wich is something not that cool. But to take it at night it will help you sleep better.', 0),
(104, 1, 'i love it, it made my sleep deeper and when i wake up, i am more relaxed..when I take 10mg, after 30 mins i start to feel sleepy and fall asleep faster than usual...', 0),
(105, 1, 'My daughter and her husband have sleep problems. They use Now Foods Melatonin and it gives them that extra nudge that they need to fall asleep and get a good nights rest.', 0),
(106, 1, 'It gives the extra needed sleeping boost that I truly love. Helps prevent those early morning wake ups! Now is a great company and their products are very high quality.', 0),
(107, 1, 'NOW, excellent brand with good prices. Melatonin works very well for people with sleep problems. Our body naturally produces melatonin, but it does decrease as we age.', 0),
(108, 1, 'This product is excellent and will buy more. I love the quality of the product and it is exactly what I wanted. Everyone should buy this it is worth the money Love it', 0),
(109, 1, 'Two out like a turned off light. Great product and refreshed in the AM. Make sure you give your enough time to sleep. I would say 10 hours prior to having to wake.', 0),
(110, 1, 'I have tried different melatonin products before and I can tell you that this stuff actually works. This particular product is very potent. Definitely real stuff', 0),
(111, 1, 'wonderful product - best thing to help me sleep. I tried all kinds of routines, supplements, and varied sleep aids.... hands down, this one has helped the most.', 0),
(112, 1, 'Use it all the time helps me sleep better at night. Works great! Sometime I find capsules not full. So need to do a better job of inspection by the manufacturer.', 0),
(113, 1, 'After the opening, a significant improvement in sleep quality results, as to whether the secretion of melatonin helps the body, yet does not show such an effect.', 0),
(114, 1, 'I have been using this for over a month now and it has definitely helped with my insomnia. After about fifteen minutes, the pill kicks in and I would be asleep!', 0),
(115, 1, 'Good bargain. These are capsules, not tablets, and hence they slide down the gullet with ease. Highly recommended. Price point is great. Not much else to say.', 0),
(116, 1, 'It works great. I take one pill, it knocks me out within 45 minutes and I wake up the next morning feeling well rested and energized. Highly recommend this!', 0),
(117, 1, 'Within 15-20 minutes I will be so sleepy! These work amazing! My one downside is I feel more groggy in the morning, but it helps me fall asleep no problem.', 0),
(118, 1, 'I use it once in a while, if thoughts and worries are disturbing my falling asleep.It is not a medicine, and melatonin, in this dosage, really helps.', 0),
(119, 1, 'Takes about an hour or so to make me sleepy but product definitely works and my quality of sleep is much better every night. I wake up feeling rested now.', 0),
(120, 1, 'Strong stuff! It works! Anyone that is ultra sensitive, dosage is high. For those musclemen out there, this product will make yousleep like a baby!', 0),
(121, 1, 'They work. would not recommend taking daily. When I take these daily, I feel that they become less effective (this could just be psychological, hover).', 0),
(122, 1, 'Very good product. I ve been use it for more than a year and saw a lot of improvement. I m going to use it untill something better comes along. Thanks.', 0),
(123, 1, 'I have used several brands, but this is one seems to work at least as good as any and better than most.I use this product exclusively now.', 0),
(124, 1, 'Gently eases you into sleep after about 30 minutes from ingestion. No drowsy side effects in AM like the prescription ones. Fantastic. Hello sleep!', 0),
(125, 1, 'Great item to take before sleep to help with getting better sleep. It is part of subscribe and save, so you can set it up for automatic refills.', 0),
(126, 1, 'This is the youth vitamin, needed by all senior citizens who want to stay healthy and alert. As a side feature, it also acts as a sleeping pill.', 0),
(127, 1, 'This is a good product made by a reliable manufacturer. If you have problems with getting good solid sleep, look up the benefits of this product', 0),
(128, 1, 'So far it is not doing hat it is supposed to be doing. I still lie awake at night and I may go back to Kirkland product similar to Tylenol PM.', 0),
(129, 1, 'I read a study that said melatonin is not too effective in putting a person to sleep. All I can say is, ha-ha-ha. Big pharma is at it again.', 0),
(130, 1, 'Great, works as directed.You can undo the capsules and dissolve the flavorless powder in water if you want to get to sleep faster.', 0),
(131, 1, 'Best Melatonin I have ever taken!!!!!!!!! Works as good as the liquid kind and twice as good as any other brand I have tried which are many!', 0),
(132, 1, 'I have learned to take this product at LEAST two hours prior to bedtime, but I sleep very well and wake rested without the hangover feeling.', 0),
(133, 1, 'Melatonin is a natural way that I use to get to sleep at night. It helps and does not make me groggy in the am. I would be lost without it.', 0),
(135, 1, 'Best sleep aid I have ever used. I take 15mg and sleep like a baby. Highly recommend. All NOW Foods products I have used are awesome..', 0),
(136, 1, 'works as advertised. i suggest getting the extended release if you have trouble staying asleep, but for falling asleep, this works great', 0),
(137, 1, 'I took 3. It did not work getting me sleepy at all. But it did make me drowsy in the morning and I had a hard time getting out of bed.', 0),
(138, 1, 'I prefer another source of Melatonin, but this will work in a pinch. Natural Sources is what I use but not included in "Prime"', 0),
(139, 1, 'I really see no advantage with my sleep when I have used melatonin. I have tried it alone and with other natural sleep aid products.', 0),
(140, 1, 'My husband and I have been taking these for about a month and really noticed a difference. Life is better when you get more sleep!', 0),
(141, 1, 'Ordered them to help me sleep. I am getting more restful nights. I took one but two about an hour before bed seems to work better.', 0),
(142, 1, 'Works like a charm. I had tried a different type of Melatonin before and it didnt work. This one knocked me out in about 1 hour.', 0),
(143, 1, 'Now foods is a good brand and melatonin does help with sleep- unfortunately I can no longer take because of heart palpitations', 0),
(144, 1, 'Very good product. Helps me sleep very well.After I started using Melatonin, my sleep is being more regular and constant.', 0),
(145, 1, 'very ineffective compared to the dissolvable version of this product. takes me 4x the amount and 2x the time for it to work.', 0),
(147, 1, 'Highly recommend! We supply these for our company travelers from different time zones. VERY helpful to get then adjusted.', 0),
(148, 1, 'Perfect dose for me, 3 was too little, 10 is too much. Just enough to help me feel sleepy. Best thing I have discovered.', 0),
(149, 1, 'Top notch product to help a person sleep for occasional wakefulness.Easy on the system, not addictive. Good product.', 0),
(150, 1, 'Does what it says on the box. Great quality melatonin and was happy to have capsules as I have trouble digesting tablets.', 0),
(151, 1, 'Really low price with really good quality! I like it very much. And I Would introduce this brand to my friend in future.', 0),
(152, 1, 'First melatonin that really works for me. No after effects, totally natural! Have tried others and sleep well at night.', 0),
(153, 1, 'Melatonin is the best. I can usually rely on it to help me get to sleep, provided I take it an hour or two before bed.', 0),
(154, 1, 'loving it i got used to it however you dont suffer from the side effects of othe product this does the trick amazingly', 0),
(155, 1, 'did not help me fall asleep at all. Seemed to take me longer than usual and I woke up several times during the night.', 0),
(156, 1, 'the higher dosage of Melatonin really helps a person fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. they work very well', 0),
(157, 1, 'Love NOW brand. These worked perfectly for my needs and at a price point i like as well as a good honest company!', 0),
(158, 1, 'Taking melatonin has not helped me sleep any better. I am taking diphenhydramine with it and still wake up a lot.', 0),
(159, 1, 'Best price to quantity ratio I have found yet. I use these daily and as such, like to buy in bulk. A+ product.', 0),
(160, 1, 'I sleep like a baby when I take this product. Never feel groggy like you do with over the counter sleeping aids.', 0),
(161, 1, 'I found other types that work more quickly. This definitely did not feel like it was as strong as other types.', 0),
(162, 1, 'Work real well! Especially since I have an extrraordinaryly hard time of falling asleep and staying asleep/', 0),
(163, 1, 'I really like the NOW brand. All of their vitamins and supplements work really well and have no side effects', 0),
(164, 1, 'If anyone has a problem getting to sleep Melatonin really works. I take about 2-3 pills, but it does work.', 0),
(165, 1, 'These dont seem to do anything for me. I hear its effective for mild insomnia but not for extreme insomnia.', 0),
(166, 1, 'Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. For sleepless nights I prefer Niquil or a similar sleep aid.', 0),
(167, 1, '2 of these and I am fricken out. No more obnoxious roommate keeping me up for hours throughout the night.', 0),
(168, 1, 'Very good for sleep. I take 10 mg. Sometimes 5mg will work but I usually need 10mg. I like NOW products.', 0),
(169, 1, 'works well, kicks in within 30 mins and puts you into a deep sleep. Cant go wrong if you have insomnia.', 0),
(170, 1, 'Works well, great price, and will last quite a while with 180 capsules. Helped me adjust my sleep cycle.', 0),
(171, 1, 'I work nights. This product helps me sleep naturally. Works also great to reverse schedule on days off.', 0),
(172, 1, 'Cannot sleep without it, since I started using it when sleep patterns became disruptive as I got older.', 0),
(173, 1, 'Have been using the NOW melatonin for nearly 2 years now... Helps me get to sleep fast and rest well.', 0),
(174, 1, 'these are very good at helping you get the sleep that is needed to be awake and alert the next day ..', 0),
(175, 1, 'Great! A very nice product! Love it! You can buy it that will not regret! Very good product for sure!', 0),
(176, 1, 'I bought it for my mom who have quite serious sleeping problem. It really works 8-9 out of 10 nights.', 0),
(177, 1, 'what can I say ? It does what it is intended to do. Better than over the counter "sleep aid"', 0),
(178, 1, 'This has really helped me sleep. It helps most with falling asleep versus staying asleep all night.', 0),
(179, 1, 'This definitely put me to sleep but it made be feel pretty groggy and I love sleep medicine ... Hah', 0),
(180, 1, 'I take these around 2 hours before sleeping and believe they really help me to relax. Recommended.', 0),
(181, 1, 'I have been using this for a while and it seems to help me fall asleep. I will continue to use it.', 0),
(182, 1, 'Knocks me the hell out at night. exactly what i need after a busy day at the office closing deals.', 0),
(183, 1, 'Melatonin has never made me so groggy the next morning, not sure what is different about this one.', 0),
(184, 1, 'Item was received promptly. Worked as described, experienced a good night sleep without waking up.', 0),
(185, 1, 'Works great and lasts all night unlike the liquid kind which wears off halfway through the night.', 0),
(186, 1, 'It works,gets me 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep ,no hangovers or side effects.Good enough for me.', 0),
(187, 1, 'It worked pretty well. It seemed to do the job most of the time and there was no hangover affect.', 0),
(188, 1, 'Very strong. Helps me go to sleep. I usually have to take 10-20mg and a ambien to fall asleep.', 0),
(189, 1, 'This is the best Melatonin supplement we have tried. It helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.', 0),
(190, 1, 'It helps me fall asleep. the best part - it does not make me drowsy ... I wake up refreshed.', 0),
(191, 1, 'Best melatonin product ever. I have tried so many and always get good results with NOW Foods.', 0),
(192, 1, 'Really good for people who have trouble falling asleep. Great price and quick shipping too.', 0),
(193, 1, 'Just as described. This seems to always be a great brand for vitamins. Thank you so much!!', 0),
(194, 1, 'Works much better than the last brand I used and helps me to normalize sleep patterns.', 0),
(195, 1, 'They work, I take about an hour prior to lights out and sleep soundly. Love Now brand.', 0),
(196, 1, 'Now Melatonin works. Now company is quality. I recommend the 5 mgs over less dosage.', 0),
(197, 1, 'Helps me sleep I definitely recommend this to people that have trouble falling asleep', 0),
(198, 1, 'I have used other brands in this past and this leaves me really groggy when I wake up', 0),
(199, 1, 'Very effective and low cost. I did have some weird flavored burps with these though!', 0),
(200, 1, 'Works great! Please note that Melatonin is not for long term use (ask your doctor).', 0),
(201, 1, 'Im satisfied, it relaxes me at night! ,, ,, ... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. ..', 0),
(202, 1, 'This stuff knocks you out cold and then you wake up with no grogginess. HELL YEA!', 0),
(203, 1, 'I love it I pair this with L-Phenylalanine 500 from. Now and I sleep no problems', 0),
(204, 1, 'Has to build in your system before working correctly. Swanson Calm is immediate', 0),
(205, 1, 'Very effective. I had long term sleep disorder. This product helped me greatly.', 0),
(206, 1, 'It works for bed time. But my boyfriend says he feels tired the next morning.', 0),
(207, 1, 'Dr. Oz recommends 0.5 mg to help this....this packs a wallop at 5 mg. It strong enough to overcome hotflashes at night. Be sure to take earlier in the evening to avoid the fuzzy in the morning. I will buy again.', 0),
(208, 1, 'tried it on a few people, didnt do what was expected - would not recommend.', 0),
(209, 1, 'one pill puts me right to sleep, without any identifiable negative effects', 0),
(210, 1, 'Excellent', 0),
(211, 1, 'excellent', 0),
(212, 1, 'Works as needed - helps me fall asleep with no drowsiness in the morning.', 0),
(213, 1, 'It seams to help me sleep with no hangover like other items I have tried.', 0),
(214, 1, 'Very good product - I get asleep almost directly - exactly what I needed.', 0),
(215, 1, 'good for dropping off when your mind is going a "mile a minute."', 0),
(216, 1, 'Great product, great value! It is hard to find 5mg melatonin in stores', 0),
(217, 1, 'Now sleeping so much better. Small capsule makes them easy to swallow.', 0),
(218, 1, 'I am sleeping at least 5 hours straight! Should have used this sooner!', 0),
(219, 1, 'finally I can sleep soundly without feeling like I have been drugged.', 0),
(220, 1, 'Excellent price and delivery. Great for helping get over our jet lag.', 0),
(221, 1, 'I did not feel any difference so perhaps I need a stronger version.', 0),
(222, 1, 'Very good for happy sleeping. It is a natural way to a good life.', 0),
(223, 1, 'I buy this product regularly and take it every night. I love it.', 0),
(224, 1, '"NOW" can always be trusted and is an excellent product.', 0),
(225, 1, 'They work great. I take one and get drowse about an hour later.', 0),
(226, 1, 'Love it! Came on time as expected and the quality is great!!!', 0),
(227, 1, 'Great price and packaging but no noticeable results for me.', 0),
(228, 1, 'Helps me sleep, available in the right dosage and quantity.', 0),
(229, 1, 'Oh, sleep, my good friend. So glad to have you back again!', 0),
(230, 1, 'Very potent caps -- will get me sleepy within 20 minutes!', 0),
(231, 1, 'I like the brand and I liked the price...thank you....JP', 0),
(232, 1, 'I found these to really help me go to sleep. Good value.', 0),
(233, 1, 'I found it works very well and very happy I purchased it', 0),
(234, 1, 'Works well not to knock you out but to ease you alseep.', 0),
(235, 1, 'perfect nightly 5mg, and takes effect within 15 minutes', 0),
(236, 1, 'Great product, great cost and working well...zzzzzzzzzz', 0),
(237, 1, 'take one and good night. Feel great in the morning too.', 0),
(238, 1, 'It works for me! Really helps to improve sleep quality!', 0),
(239, 1, 'Very good product and always delivered early. thank you', 0),
(240, 1, 'This product did not work for me.', 0),
(241, 1, 'Works great, but thought it was stronger still aamzing', 0),
(242, 1, 'This is great + awesome for quality sleep! THANK U!!!!', 0),
(243, 1, 'I use Gaba and Melatonin together and they work great.', 0),
(244, 1, 'Very large capsule. Much smaller available elsewhere.', 0),
(245, 1, 'Works well. I suggest taking it an hour before sleep.', 0),
(246, 1, 'Works as advertised, fast delivery and great product.', 0),
(247, 1, 'I take one before bed every night and I sleep better.', 0),
(248, 1, 'Didnt really work for me but great bang for the buck', 0),
(249, 1, 'They Worked Better At Beginning BUT Glad all Natural', 0),
(250, 1, 'Great stuff right here, knocks me out every time.', 0),
(251, 1, 'I love ordering from Now, they have my business!!', 0),
(252, 1, 'Worked better for me than the time released kind.', 0),
(253, 1, 'Now is a great product line. Purchase frequently.', 0),
(254, 1, 'I work nights so taking melatonin can be what is needed to help me sleep during the day. I have been using this product for a couple weeks now and really like the results. I am tired about 20-30 min after taking the melatonin and I am not waking up with a groggy or sleepy feeling. I would recommend this product to help you sleep no matter what time of day or night', 0),
(255, 1, 'Knocks me right out, feel great in the morning.', 0),
(256, 1, 'they relax me but hoping they will do more soon', 0),
(257, 1, 'These do the trick at a better price than most!', 0),
(258, 1, 'Sleep is good. These helped my insomnia a bit.', 0),
(259, 1, 'it can make you sleep without any side effects', 0),
(260, 1, 'Helped me sleep pretty well, would use again!', 0),
(261, 1, 'It did help me sleep through the nite better.', 0),
(262, 1, 'I would do business with this merchant again.', 0),
(263, 1, 'Fine. I just have not noticed any difference.', 0),
(264, 1, 'very good product will reorder in the future', 0),
(265, 1, 'Best melatonin I have tried. Very satisfied.', 0),
(266, 1, 'Great melatonin. Helps knock me out quickly.', 0),
(267, 1, 'I had to take 2 pills to make it effective.', 0),
(268, 1, 'A great product that is just what I needed.', 0),
(269, 1, 'One tablet a night and sleep like a baby. ☺', 0),
(270, 1, 'Love melatonin. Works great. Great quality.', 0),
(271, 1, 'Works great! better than most Melatonin!!!', 0),
(272, 1, 'Works as intended to do so. Good product.', 0),
(273, 1, 'Not sure why this kept me up all night..', 0),
(274, 1, 'It helps promote restful sleep naturally', 0),
(275, 1, 'very pleased definitely sleeping better', 0),
(277, 1, 'Knocks me out. Dream vividly as well.', 0),
(278, 1, 'part of my sleep stack. works great.', 0),
(279, 1, 'Really helps me sleep well at night.', 0),
(280, 1, 'I love using this to he;p with sleep', 0),
(281, 1, 'These are great and work as expected', 0),
(282, 1, 'Have used a long time and does help.', 0),
(283, 1, 'HELPS ME GO TO SLEEP RIGHT AWAY!!!!', 0),
(284, 1, 'All delivered as promised thank you', 0),
(285, 1, 'I take this every night! Wonderful!', 0),
(286, 1, 'Great Item Shipped fast works Great', 0),
(287, 1, 'Gret honest labelinh. Good product', 0),
(288, 1, 'good stuff. helped my sleep better', 0),
(289, 1, 'Very helpful for sleeping soundly.', 0),
(290, 1, 'I would recommend it to my friend.', 0),
(291, 1, 'good quality - knocks me out quick', 0),
(292, 1, 'helps me sleep doctor recommended.', 0);
INSERT INTO `reviews` (`id`, `product_id`, `review`, `analyzed`) VALUES
(293, 1, 'Great stuff. Works like a charm.', 0),
(294, 1, 'Made my eyes dry and that was it.', 0),
(295, 1, 'Works like a charm and natural.', 0),
(296, 1, 'It did nothing for my insomnia.', 0),
(297, 1, 'perfect! fast shipping! thanks!', 0),
(298, 1, 'Works well and is a good value.', 0),
(299, 1, 'Has helped me to get to sleep', 0),
(300, 1, 'Works well. No after effects.', 0),
(301, 1, 'Did not make me sleepy at all', 0),
(302, 1, 'Seems to work as advertised.', 0),
(303, 1, 'great price, prompt delivery', 0),
(304, 1, 'I was skeptical, but it works - helps me sleep. Not as reliable as Ambien, but a natural hormone. A bit groggy the next day tho', 0),
(305, 1, 'Just as described! Thanks!!', 0),
(306, 1, 'Very good quality vitamins.', 0),
(307, 1, 'Good,my family all like it.', 0),
(308, 1, 'Very good, will buy again.', 0),
(309, 1, 'good for sleep. and safety', 0),
(310, 1, 'works great and save money', 0),
(311, 1, 'Very good for sleepy said.', 0),
(312, 1, 'does not help me to sleep', 0),
(313, 1, 'NOW, around for very long', 0),
(314, 1, 'Fast shipment,great price', 0),
(315, 1, 'Great price. Works well.', 0),
(316, 1, 'Get a full nights sleep!', 0),
(317, 1, 'Puts me right too sleep.', 0),
(318, 1, 'works as meletnin should', 0),
(319, 1, 'NOW is a quality product', 0),
(320, 1, 'great value! works well!', 0),
(321, 1, 'Works but watch dosage/', 0),
(322, 1, 'This stuff really works', 0),
(323, 1, 'Worked well. Thank you!', 0),
(324, 1, 'Great price and product', 0),
(325, 1, 'Helps me get to sleep.', 0),
(326, 1, 'Great good night sleep', 0),
(327, 1, 'Just what I expected.', 0),
(328, 1, 'It served the purpose', 0),
(329, 1, 'Love all NOW products', 0),
(330, 1, 'I was expecting more.', 0),
(331, 1, 'Seems to work for me.', 0),
(332, 1, 'They great thank you', 0),
(333, 1, 'Knocks you right out', 0),
(334, 1, 'All expectations met', 0),
(335, 1, 'Made me very dizzy!', 0),
(336, 1, 'Didnt do anyting...', 0),
(337, 1, 'It is what it is.', 0),
(338, 1, 'Excellent product', 0),
(339, 1, 'Puts you to sleep', 0),
(340, 1, 'Zzzzzzzzz.... :)', 0),
(341, 1, 'Helps with sleep', 0),
(342, 1, 'best thing ever', 0),
(343, 1, 'Great melatonin', 0),
(344, 1, 'helps me sleep', 0),
(345, 1, 'Puts me out!!!', 0),
(346, 1, 'Turns skin red', 0),
(347, 1, 'helps me sleep', 0),
(348, 1, 'great product!', 0),
(349, 1, 'Great product', 0),
(350, 1, 'Crazy dreams!', 0),
(351, 1, 'Great product', 0),
(352, 1, 'worked for me', 0),
(353, 1, 'Product works', 0),
(354, 1, 'works for me!', 0),
(355, 1, 'No working :(', 0),
(356, 1, 'Good product', 0),
(357, 1, 'good product', 0),
(358, 1, 'Excellent!!!', 0),
(359, 1, 'good quality', 0),
(360, 1, 'does the job', 0),
(361, 1, 'Dont Work For Me. I tried BLACKOUT, works way better', 0),
(362, 1, 'As Expected', 0),
(363, 1, 'works great', 0),
(364, 1, 'As Expected', 0),
(365, 1, 'great value', 0),
(366, 1, 'Life saver!', 0),
(367, 1, 'no problems', 0),
(368, 1, 'No so sure!', 0),
(369, 1, 'Works well!', 0),
(370, 1, 'works great', 0),
(371, 1, 'Works great', 0),
(372, 1, 'works well', 0),
(373, 1, 'Love this!', 0),
(374, 1, 'Works good', 0),
(375, 1, 'All good!', 0),
(376, 1, 'Excellent', 0),
(377, 1, 'Excellent', 0),
(378, 1, 'Excellent', 0),
(379, 1, 'very good', 0),
(380, 1, 'Excelent!', 0),
(381, 1, 'good deal', 0),
(382, 1, 'it works', 0),
(383, 1, 'This is for a good night sleep.', 0),
(384, 1, 'Amazing', 0),
(385, 1, 'healthy', 0),
(386, 1, 'Perfect', 0),
(387, 1, 'perfect', 0),
(388, 1, 'Great!', 0),
(389, 1, 'GREAT!', 0),
(390, 1, 'Helps.', 0),
(391, 1, 'Works!', 0),
(392, 1, 'My daughter takes Nature Now 5mg Melatonin regularly with great success. This product did absolutely nothing for her sleeplessness. I suspect that it has significantly less Melatonin than advertised.', 0),
(393, 1, 'great', 0),
(394, 1, 'great', 0),
(395, 1, 'works', 0),
(396, 1, 'Good.', 0),
(397, 1, 'Works', 0),
(398, 1, 'If you like tossing and turning followed by nightmares, this is the product for you. Switching back to the other brand I have used for about a year. It is 3 mg and twice as effective.', 0),
(399, 1, 'Now Melatonin worked so much better than the product available at a big box store. My husband and I finally are sleeping longer at night and feeling refreshe when we wake', 0),
(400, 1, 'My back and knees feel way better than before. I will take a break after I finish this bottle and see how different my body feels after I have a bit of a break.', 0),
(401, 1, 'Good', 0),
(402, 1, 'love', 0),
(403, 1, 'Good', 0),
(404, 1, 'good', 0),
(405, 1, 'good', 0),
(406, 1, 'Good', 0),
(407, 1, 'Great Product! Purchased for my mom who has Alzheimers and it seems to help keep her calmer at night.I would reccomend this product', 0),
(408, 1, 'does what it says-you sleep with no hangover-easy to take-better than tablets that you put under your tongue-very good item', 0),
(409, 1, 'Melatonin helps me sleep through the night and this version is both fast acting and seems more potent. Very happy with it.', 0),
(410, 1, 'I have never use melatonin before this purchase. I have been using it for two nights now. Sleeping like a baby', 0),
(411, 1, 'Ok!', 0),
(412, 1, 'It is very good.I think my friend will like it too.My friend like it .His wife like it too.', 0),
(413, 1, 'I lived it. Puts me right to bed. Meletonin is a natural sleep aid. Not addictive in any form. Buy.', 0),
(414, 1, 'I bought it for my mother, I wish it could works and wish she could have a good sleep from now on.', 0),
(415, 1, 'deep sleep', 0),
(416, 1, 'The product was just as we expected and we liked to use it. We are satisfied with the product :)', 0),
(417, 1, 'it is not work well on me. the dose seems to much to me.I think it may because the age.', 0),
(418, 1, 'These are perfect for a Sunday evening when you have to go to sleep at a reasonable time after enjoying your weekend from work. I havent had any spider nightmares except 1 time last year that was due to reading the comments on here from other people. I have no issues with these capsules, they maybe take an hour to kick in for me... but dont take them too late in the evening.', 0),
(419, 1, 'This melatonin does not work compared to other, cheaper brands. So disappointed.', 0),
(420, 1, 'These capsules are quite a bit larger than anticipated but seem to do the trick.', 0),
(421, 1, 'ok', 0),
(422, 1, 'These are the best melatonin in our experience.', 0),
(423, 1, 'works for me.. i dont wake up as often.', 0),
(424, 1, 'b', 0),
(425, 1, 'My dog gets better rest at night.', 0),
(426, 1, 'very convenient way to buy.', 0),
(427, 1, 'I love the fact that NOW makes the capsules. Especially in 5 mg and 180 quantity. I normally see the 3 mg for 260.Melatonin really helps me relax at night and fall asleep/Getting the 5 mg is going to have me cut down because when I was taking 3 mg I was taking 3-4 nightly. You know what they sat, less is more.', 0),
(428, 1, 'OMG waste of my Money', 0),
(429, 1, 'Highly recommended.', 0),
(430, 1, 'it is what it says.', 0),
(431, 1, 'it not work in me', 0),
(432, 1, 'No further review', 0),
(433, 1, 'I really wish this worked, and I tried it for about two weeks but unfortunately it does nothing for me. If you are one of the lucky people for whom it works, I envy you!', 0),
(434, 1, 'I have insomnia', 0),
(435, 1, 'Good, very good', 0),
(436, 1, 'Helps me sleep.', 0),
(437, 1, 'Great product.', 0),
(438, 1, 'Love this product and great. For some people it will take 30 days to completely get in their system to work fully.i give it to my two autistic kids that have a sleeping disorder and it works wonderfully...', 0),
(439, 1, 'No comments', 0),
(440, 1, 'Excellent!!', 0),
(441, 1, 'Works great', 0),
(442, 1, 'very good', 0),
(443, 1, 'Good buy!', 0),
(444, 1, 'helps you fall asleep and get good sleep. it works. try it and if you dont see results...well, dont buy it again.', 0),
(445, 1, 'my husband uses it every night...he says it works to relax him for a better nights sleep...', 0),
(446, 1, 'it is useful for me.', 0),
(447, 1, 'Just began to eat', 0),
(448, 1, 'My Dr recommended these for sleep, but they have no effect whatsoever. Even taking two at at time. Can you say PLACEBO?', 0),
(449, 1, 'i would say it worked for a couple of days then after that it just did not do the job..i dont rely on this to go to sleep but *God*..he does a better job.', 0);
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