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Created January 27, 2017 18:13
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def is_consonant(char):
return char not in "aeiouAEIOU"
def pigLatin(word):
Translate a single lowercase word to pig Latin.
if w begins with a consonant,
move the leading consonant to the end of the word
add 'ay' as a suffix
if w begins with a vowel,
add 'yay' as a suffix
'y' is a vowel; 'y' is not a consonant.
Test data (you should add more):
input: 'pig' output: 'igpay'
input: 'eagerly' output: 'eagerlyyay'
Params: w (string) a single lowercase English word (all alphabetic letters)
Returns: (string) w in pig Latin
# INSERT YOUR CODE HERE, replacing 'pass'
from collections import deque
string_array = []
# return initial str + "way" if it starts with vowel
# if not - convert str to array
if not is_consonant(word[0]):
return word + "yay"
# import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
string_array = list(word)
while is_consonant(string_array[0]):
val = string_array[0]
string_array = string_array[1:]
return "".join(string_array) + "ay";
print pigLatin('eagerly')
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