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Created February 24, 2020 11:07
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Split Raw transaction
# define P1_FIRST 0x00
# define P1_MORE 0x80
# define P1_LAST 0x90
from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import _DecodeVarint32
from base import parse_bip32_path
def decode_varint32(raw, offset):
key, pos = _DecodeVarint32(raw, offset)
# print(f"! Remain: {len(raw[offset:])}")
# print(f"! Varint: fieldNo={key >> 3} type={key & 0x7}, pos={pos}")
return key, pos
def get_next_length(tx):
field, pos = decode_varint32(tx, 0)
size, newpos = decode_varint32(tx, pos)
if field & 0x07 == 0:
return newpos
return size + newpos
transactionRaw = bytes.fromhex(
# set_permission
transactionRaw = bytes.fromhex(
transactionRaw = bytes.fromhex(
path = "44'/195'/0'/0/0"
donglePath = parse_bip32_path(path)
def apduMessage(INS, P1, P2, MESSAGE):
hexString = "E0{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{}".format(INS, P1, P2, len(MESSAGE) // 2, MESSAGE)
print('send hex:', hexString)
def sign(path, tx, signatures=[], verbose=False):
max_length = 255
to_send = []
start_bytes = []
data = bytearray.fromhex(f"05{path}")
while len(tx) > 0:
# get next message field
newpos = get_next_length(tx)
assert newpos < max_length
if (len(data) + newpos) > max_length:
# add chunk
data = bytearray()
# append to data
tx = tx[newpos:]
# append last
token_pos = len(to_send)
if len(to_send) == 1:
for i in range(1, len(to_send) - 1):
if i >= token_pos:
start_bytes.append(0xA0 | 0x00 | i - token_pos)
if not (signatures is None) and len(signatures) > 0:
start_bytes.append(0xA0 | 0x08 | len(signatures) - 1)
result = None
for i in range(len(to_send)):
pack = apduMessage(0x04, start_bytes[i], 0x00, to_send[i])
# result, status =, True)
# if not (status == 0x9000):
# return None, status
return result, 0x9000
# send signature if any
sign(donglePath, transactionRaw)
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