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Last active October 5, 2015 10:27
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Save anders/2793147 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- RemoveDuplicates - remove duplicate tracks in an iTunes playlist
-- Anders Bergh <>, May 2012
-- Public Domain
tell application "iTunes"
set fi to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
-- list of records with the following structure:
-- {
-- trackObj = iTunes track object
-- trackID = database ID of track
-- trackCount = occurrences in playlist
-- }
set trackCounts to {}
set myPlaylist to view of front window
-- count duplicates in playlist
repeat with n from 1 to count tracks of myPlaylist
set currentTrack to track n of myPlaylist
set trackID to database ID of currentTrack
set found to false
-- look for record in list
repeat with i from 1 to length of trackCounts
set o to item i of trackCounts
-- is it the correct track record?
if trackID of o is equal to trackID then
set found to true
set trackCount of o to (trackCount of o) + 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- it hasn't been seen yet, add it to the list with an initial count
if not found then
set o to {trackObj:currentTrack, trackID:trackID, trackCount:1}
copy o to the end of trackCounts
end if
end repeat
-- infinite loop to delete duplicates
repeat with n from 1 to length of trackCounts
set trackInfo to item n of trackCounts
set trackCount to trackInfo's trackCount
set trackObj to trackInfo's trackObj
-- only deal with duplicates
if trackCount > 1 then
set sArtist to trackObj's artist
set sName to trackObj's name
set s to sArtist & " - " & sName
log s & "; " & trackCount & " track(s), " & (trackCount - 1) & " track(s) left to delete)"
repeat with i from 1 to count tracks of myPlaylist
set theTrack to track i of myPlaylist
if theTrack's database ID is equal to trackInfo's trackID and theTrack is not trackObj then
set trackInfo's trackCount to trackCount - 1
delete track i of myPlaylist
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
end repeat
-- are there any records left with a trackCount > 1?
set duplicates to false
repeat with n from 1 to length of trackCounts
set trackInfo to item n of trackCounts
if trackCount of trackInfo > 1 then
set duplicates to true
end if
end repeat
-- exit loop if we're finished
if not duplicates then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set fixed indexing to fi
end tell
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