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Last active January 2, 2023 14:20
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# Cred to Chris.Childerhose on the Veeam community forum for the initial script.
# This is version works with 1 och 2 dns addresses.
$path = "C:\TEMP\NetIP.json"
if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
$NetIP = Get-NetIPConfiguration
# Check if IP address is not APIPA
if ($NetIP.IPv4Address.IPAddress -notlike "169.25*") {
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
IPAddress = $NetIP.IPv4Address.IPAddress
Subnet = $NetIP.IPv4Address.PrefixLength
Gateway = $NetIP.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop
# Filter out $NetIP.DNSServer.ServerAddresses[] to only include IPv4 addresses
$dnsAddresses = $NetIP.DNSServer.ServerAddresses | Where-Object {
# Check if the address is a valid IPv4 address
$_ -match "\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b"
# Add DNS server addresses
if ($dnsAddresses.Count -eq 1) {
$myObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DNS1 -Value $dnsAddresses
if ($dnsAddresses.Count -ge 2) {
$myObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DNS1 -Value $dnsAddresses[0]
$myObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DNS2 -Value $dnsAddresses[1]
# Save IP configuration to JSON file
$myObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1 | Out-File $path
$hypervisor = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Manufacturer
# Check if VM is running on VMware
if ($hypervisor -match "vmware") {
# Get CD-ROM drive letter and path to VMTools installer
$cddrive = Get-Volume | Where-Object{$_.DriveType -eq "CD-ROM"}
$installer = "$($cddrive.DriveLetter):\setup64.exe"
$arg = '/S /v /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL'
# Check if VMTools ISO is mounted
if (Test-Path $installer) {
Start-Process $installer -ArgumentList $arg -Wait
# Check if there is a backup of the IP configuration and restore to new VMXNET3
elseif (Test-Path $path) {
$myObject = Get-Content $path | ConvertFrom-Json
$alias = Get-NetIPConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.InterfaceDescription -like "*vmxnet*" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InterfaceAlias
New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $alias -IPAddress $myObject.IPAddress -PrefixLength $myObject.Subnet -DefaultGateway $myObject.Gateway
if ($myObject.DNS2) {
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias $alias -ServerAddress ($myObject.DNS1,$myObject.DNS2)
} else {
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias $alias -ServerAddress $myObject.DNS1
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