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Created September 28, 2012 12:27
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Presidentpoll - get data fra HuffPost president pollofpoll and pass to Django template
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404, get_list_or_404
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404, HttpResponse
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.core.cache import cache
import iso8601
from pollster import Pollster
def presidentmatch(request):
#See if we have a resent poll in cache
cachedpoll = cache.get('2012-general-election-romney-vs-obama', None)
if cachedpoll is None:
#This is a cache miss
pollster = Pollster()
#get the latest estimates from Huffington Post API
cachedpoll = pollster.chart('2012-general-election-romney-vs-obama')
#cache the results for an hour
cache.set('2012-general-election-romney-vs-obama', cachedpoll, 60*60)
except Exception,e:
#when an exception occurs, just show a blank snippet, better than to display an error message inline
return HttpResponse("")
#format the estimates dict, get just values and replace . with , for Norwegian formatting:
estimates = dict([[e['choice'].lower(), str(e['value']).replace(".", ",")] for e in cachedpoll.estimates])
updated = iso8601.parse_date(cachedpoll.last_updated)
return render_to_response('presidentpolls/presidentmatch.html',
{'estimates': estimates,
'updated': updated},
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