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Created February 13, 2019 19:05
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import './index.scss';
import osjs from 'osjs';
import {name as applicationName} from './metadata.json';
import {h, app} from 'hyperapp';
import {Box, BoxContainer, Button, Toolbar, TextField, SelectField} from '@osjs/gui';
// Custom GUI Elements
* A container that holds a label and input
const FieldContainer = (props, children) =>
h(Box, {margin: false}, [
h(BoxContainer, {}, props.label),
* A container that holds a text field
const TextFieldContainer = props => (state, actions) =>
h(FieldContainer, props, h(TextField, {
value: state.form[],
oninput: ev => actions.onInput(ev)
* A container that holds a select field
const SelectFieldContainer = props => (state, actions) =>
h(FieldContainer, props, h(SelectField, {
choices: props.choices,
value: state.form[],
onchange: ev => actions.onInput(ev)
// Windows
* Our main window
const renderMainWindow = (core, proc) => ($content, win) => {
document.createTextNode('This is just some window')
* Our form window
const renderFormWindow = (core, proc) => ($content, win) => {
const defaultValues = {
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
gender: ''
// This is our GUI view with the form
const view = (state, actions) =>
h(Box, {
grow: 1,
shrink: 1
}, [
h(Box, {
grow: 1,
shrink: 1,
margin: false
}, [
h(TextFieldContainer, {
name: 'first_name',
label: 'First Name'
h(TextFieldContainer, {
name: 'last_name',
label: 'Last Name'
h(SelectFieldContainer, {
name: 'gender',
label: 'Gender',
choices: ['', 'Male', 'Female']
h(Toolbar, {justify: 'flex-end'}, [
h(Button, {onclick: () =>}, 'Save'),
h(Button, {onclick: () => actions.reset()}, 'Clear')
// This is our GUI state and event handler
const happ = app({
form: defaultValues
}, {
// Reset form to default values
reset: () => {
return {form: defaultValues};
// Sends the save signal and resets values
save: () => (state, actions) => {
proc.emit('save-form', state.form);
// Sets the form values
load: form => ({form}),
// Sets a form value based on input
onInput: ev => state => {
const {name, value} =;
return {form: Object.assign({}, state.form, {[name]: value})};
}, view, $content);
// This will signal the hyperapp to reset the form with given data
proc.on('load-form', form => {
* Our list window
const renderListWindow = (core, proc) => ($content, win) => {
// This is our GUI view with the form
const view = (state, actions) =>
h(Box, {}, [
h(BoxContainer, {}, 'When you save a form it appears below. Click it to set the form data into another window'),, index) => {
return h(Box, {}, [
h('div', {}, `First Name: ${form.first_name}`),
h('div', {}, `Last Name: ${form.last_name}`),
h('div', {}, `Gender: ${form.gender}`),
h(Button, {onclick: () =>}, 'Load'),
h(Button, {onclick: () => actions.delete(index)}, 'Delete')
// This is our GUI state and event handler
const happ = app({
forms: []
}, {
// Send the load signal with the saved form values
select: form => {
proc.emit('load-form', form)
// Removes a saved form by index
delete: index => state => {
const newFormList = state.forms;
newFormList.splice(index, 1);
return {forms: newFormList};
// Adds a form to our list
addFormData: form => state => {
return {forms: [...state.forms, form]};
}, view, $content);
// This will signal the hyperapp to add a form to our list
proc.on('save-form', form => {
// Application
// Our launcher
const register = (core, args, options, metadata) => {
// Create a new Application instance
const proc = core.make('osjs/application', {args, options, metadata});
// Create our windows
title: 'Main Window',
position: {top: 100, left: 10},
dimension: {width: 400, height: 400},
.render(renderMainWindow(core, proc))
.on('destroy', () => proc.destroy());
title: 'Form Window',
position: {top: 100, left: 420},
dimension: {width: 400, height: 400},
attributes: {closeable: false}
.render(renderFormWindow(core, proc));
title: 'List Window',
position: {top: 520, left: 10},
dimension: {width: 400, height: 400},
attributes: {closeable: false}
.render(renderListWindow(core, proc));
return proc;
osjs.register(applicationName, register);
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