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Created November 3, 2023 11:50
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AWS SSM using Maintenance Windows to Start and Stop EC2 Instances

How to set up an EC2 schedule using AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Maintenance Windows


  1. Make sure you have AWS CLI installed and configured.
  2. Ensure you have an IAM Role with the necessary permissions for SSM and EC2 start/stop operations.

Step-by-Step Playbook:

  1. Create the Maintenance Window for Stopping the EC2 instance:
aws ssm create-maintenance-window \
    --name "StopEC2Window" \
    --schedule "cron(0 20 ? * MON-FRI *)" \
    --duration 2 \
    --cutoff 1 \

The above command will create a maintenance window to stop your EC2 instance at 8 pm UTC+1 from Monday to Friday.

  1. Create the Maintenance Window for Starting the EC2 instance:
aws ssm create-maintenance-window \
    --name "StartEC2Window" \
    --schedule "cron(0 7 ? * MON-FRI *)" \
    --duration 2 \
    --cutoff 1 \

This will create a maintenance window to start your EC2 instance at 7 am UTC+1 from Monday to Friday.

  1. Register the EC2 instance as a target:

Let's assume the instance ID you want to target is i-0abcd1234efgh5678.

For stopping:

aws ssm register-target-with-maintenance-window \
    --window-id "<StopEC2Window_ID_from_step_1>" \
    --resource-type "INSTANCE" \
    --targets "Key=InstanceIds,Values=i-0abcd1234efgh5678"

For starting:

aws ssm register-target-with-maintenance-window \
    --window-id "<StartEC2Window_ID_from_step_2>" \
    --resource-type "INSTANCE" \
    --targets "Key=InstanceIds,Values=i-0abcd1234efgh5678"
  1. Register the Maintenance Window Tasks:

For stopping:

aws ssm register-task-with-maintenance-window \
    --window-id "<StopEC2Window_ID_from_step_1>" \
    --targets "Key=WindowTargetIds,Values=<Target_ID_from_previous_step>" \
    --task-type "RUN_COMMAND" \
    --task-arn "AWS-StopEC2Instance" \
    --service-role-arn "<Your_IAM_Role_ARN>" \
    --max-concurrency "1" \
    --max-errors "1" \
    --priority 1 \
    --task-invocation-parameters '{"RunCommand":{"DocumentVersion":"1"}}'

For starting:

aws ssm register-task-with-maintenance-window \
    --window-id "<StartEC2Window_ID_from_step_2>" \
    --targets "Key=WindowTargetIds,Values=<Target_ID_from_previous_step>" \
    --task-type "RUN_COMMAND" \
    --task-arn "AWS-StartEC2Instance" \
    --service-role-arn "<Your_IAM_Role_ARN>" \
    --max-concurrency "1" \
    --max-errors "1" \
    --priority 1 \
    --task-invocation-parameters '{"RunCommand":{"DocumentVersion":"1"}}'


  • Replace placeholders like <Your_IAM_Role_ARN>, <StopEC2Window_ID_from_step_1>, and <StartEC2Window_ID_from_step_2> with appropriate values.
  • This playbook uses AWS CLI. If you prefer the Management Console, you can follow similar steps in the AWS Systems Manager Dashboard.

Final Advice: Always double-check your configurations, especially when scheduling automated tasks. A typo or a misconfiguration could lead to unexpected behavior. And make sure you test these on non-critical environments first!

Happy automating! 🤖🕒👍

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