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deprecated changelog generator from
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: @andersonbosa
# Description: This script generates a changelog based on Git commit history.
# It identifies the last release commit, parses the commit messages, and
# categorizes them into different sections based on semantic keys. The resulting
# changelog is formatted and saved to a specified file location.
function __moshell:tools::changelog::get_last_release_commit() {
local release_version_regex="$1"
if [[ -z "$release_version_regex" ]]; then
local default_regex="release([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+)"
local awk_query_first_item_on_the_row='NR==1'
local last_release_commit=$(git log --grep=$release_version_regex --pretty=format:"%H" | awk "$awk_query_first_item_on_the_row")
echo "$last_release_commit"
# Function to add header levels based on the key
function __moshell:tools::changelog::parse_commit_format() {
local commit_hash="$1"
local author="$2"
local date="$3"
shift 3 # Shifts the first 3 arguments
local commit_message="$@"
local link_to_repository=""
# Specify the list of keys to include in the changelog
declare -a semantic_keys=("build" "chore" "docs" "feat" "fix" "perf" "refactor" "style" "test" "release")
case "$commit_message" in
cat <<EOF
## $commit_message - $date
> - [Commit $commit_hash]($link_to_repository/commit/$commit_hash)\r
echo -e "\n- $commit_message\r"
function __moshell:tools::changelog::parse_line_to_changelog() {
local line="$@"
local fields_delimiter=","
IFS="$fields_delimiter" read -r -a fields <<<"$line"
local commit_hash="${fields[0]}"
local author="${fields[1]}"
local date="${fields[2]}"
local message="${fields[3]}"
# echo -e $commit_hash $author $date $message
__moshell:tools::changelog::parse_commit_format $commit_hash $author $date $message
function __moshell:tools::changelog::main() {
local changelog_file="$_MOSHELL_DIR_BASE_PATH/../docs/"
local changelog_file_content_backup=""
if [ -f "$changelog_file" ]; then
changelog_file_content_backup=$(cat "$changelog_file")
# Cleans/init the file
echo '' >"$changelog_file"
local tmp_file=$(mktemp)
git log --pretty=format:"%h,%an,%as,%s" "$LAST_RELEASE_COMMIT..HEAD" >"$tmp_file"
local tmp_file_reversed=$(mktemp)
awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' $tmp_file >$tmp_file_reversed
# TODO: add awk as script dependency
while IFS=$line_delimiter read -r line; do
parsed_line=$(__moshell:tools::changelog::parse_line_to_changelog $line)
# echo -e "parsed_line: $parsed_line"
# echo -e "line: $line"
echo -e "$parsed_line" >>$changelog_file
done <<<$(cat $tmp_file)
rm $tmp_file $tmp_file_reversed &>/dev/null
# cat $tmp_file
# echo "------"
# cat $reversed_tmp_file #&>/dev/null
echo -e "\r$changelog_file_content_backup" >>"$changelog_file"
# echo "[+] Changelog generated and saved to: '$changelog_file'"
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