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Last active August 23, 2022 12:51
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Rails React GraphQL Typescript Apollo 1 2 3 4 5

Base installation

# Create a new rails project
$ rails new my_app -j esbuild -c tailwind
$ cd my_app

# Add Sorbet
$ bundle add sorbet-static-and-runtime
$ bundle add tapioca -g development --require false

$ bundle add spoom -g development # optional to manage incremental typing of individual files

# Add Graphql
$ bundle add graphql
$ rails g graphql:install

# Make some folders and files for our React application
$ mkdir app/javascript/components
$ touch app/javascript/components/application.tsx

# Add in our React and Apollo dependencies
$ yarn add react react-dom
$ yarn add @apollo/client graphql

# Graphql codegen
$ yarn add -D @graphql-codegen/cli
$ yarn graphql-codegen init

# or
$ yarn add graphql-typescript-definitions

# Front end testing
$ yarn add @shopify/react-testing

Start the server

# we use `bin/dev` instead of `bin/rails s`
$ bin/dev

Codegen Init Configuration

  • Application built with: Choose "React"
  • Schema: app/javascript/graphql/schema.graphql
  • Operations and fragments: app/javascript/**/*.tsx
  • Plugins: Leave default selected
  • Output path: app/javascript/graphql/types.tsx
  • Generate introspection file: Choose "no" because the graphql gem has done this already with the Rake task we just ran.
  • Name config file: Leave it as the default, codegen.yml
  • Script in package.json: gql:codegen

Rake task to generate the graphql schema

require "graphql/rake_task"
  schema_name: "BooksSchema",
  directory: "./app/javascript/graphql",
  dependencies: [:environment]
# generate a Graphql type
$ rails g graphql:object Book

# make the schema available to Apollo and Typescript
$ rake graphql:schema:dump && yarn gql:codegen







Simple rails application

Model setup

rails g model book title:string
rails db:migrate

Add some data to the model

rails c
Book.create! title: "Active Rails"

Setup a graphql object to represent books

rails g graphql:object Book

To use the generated type, we can declare a field over in app/graphql/types/query_type.rb. We'll delete the example one that is there at the moment and turn this file into this:

module Types
  class QueryType < Types::BaseObject
    field :books, [Types::BookType], null: false
    def books

Components controller setup

rails g controller components index
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