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Last active December 16, 2015 17:49
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Lennard-Jones with Numba and NumPy
import numpy
from numba import double, jit
rc2 = 6.25
@jit(argtypes=[double[:,:], double[:]])
def lennardjones(U, box):
# Can't use (ndim, npart) = numpy.shape(U)
# with Numba. No unpacking of tuples.
ndim = len(U)
npart = len(U[0])
F = numpy.zeros((ndim, npart))
Epot = 0.0
Vir = 0.0
for i in range(npart):
for j in range(npart):
if i > j:
X = U[0, j] - U[0, i]
Y = U[1, j] - U[1, i]
Z = U[2, j] - U[2, i]
# Periodic boundary condition
X -= box[0] * numpy.rint(X/box[0])
Y -= box[1] * numpy.rint(Y/box[1])
Z -= box[2] * numpy.rint(Z/box[2])
# Distance squared
r2 = X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z
if(r2 < rc2):
r2i = 1.0 / r2
r6i = r2i*r2i*r2i
Epot = Epot + r6i*(r6i-1.0) - ecut
ftmp = 48. * r6i*(r6i- 0.5) * r2i
F[0, i] -= ftmp * X
F[1, i] -= ftmp * Y
F[2, i] -= ftmp * Z
F[0, j] += ftmp * X
F[1, j] += ftmp * Y
F[2, j] += ftmp * Z
Vir += ftmp
Epot = Epot * 4.0
return Epot, F, Vir
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