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Forked from jayascript/
Created April 13, 2020 16:55
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A basic outline of the steps I take to go from raw data to deployed model.

Data Science Process

Steps to take for a comprehensive analysis.

Stage 1: Define

Project background.

Step 1.1: Describe.

Define project goals and objectives.

  • What is the project about?
  • What is the goal of this project?

Step 1.2: Deter.

Consider potential setbacks.

  • What are some areas of trouble?
  • Are there any disadvantages to the models you're planning on building?
  • Do you anticipate anything to be wrong with the data?
  • What precautions should be taken?

Stage 2: Data

Manipulation and analysis.

Step 2.1: Download.

Collect and store the data.

  • Where is the data coming from?
  • How did you get it?
  • Did you import the data successfully?
  • Can you access it correctly?
    • check the head and tail

Step 2.2: Distill.

Preprocess and tidy data.

  1. Take a look through the dataset.
  • check the dimensions, shape
  • look at the structure and summary statistics
  • use this source for inspiration
  1. Check for bad or irrelevant data.
  • remove any duplicate data points
  • minimize the dataset by choosing observations beneficial to analysis
  • drop any features that will prove inconsequential to analysis or modeling
  1. Check for missing data.
  • drop any egregiously unavailable observations
  • note any remaining missing data
  1. Check for mislabeled or inconsistent data.
  • clean and combine variations on the same response
  • rename column headers if necessary
  • create or consolidate columns where helpful

Step 2.3: Discover.

Perform exploratory analysis.

  1. What does the data look like now?
  • check the dimensions, shape
  • look at the structure and summary statistics
  1. What kind of data are you working with?
  • use this resource
  • check for useless, nominal, binary, ordinal, count, time, interval, + image, video, audio, text
  • will the data need any transformation at this point?
  1. What's the distribution of the data?
  • use histograms for a visual check
  • use plots to confirm
  • do you need to normalize the data for your model(s)?
  1. Are there any correlated variables?
  • use correlation plot for visual check
  • use correlation matrix to confirm
  • do you need to remove these relationships?
  1. Are there any outliers?
  • use boxplots for a visual check
  • use hypothesis tests to confirm
  • do you need to remove these outliers? look at them more closely?
  1. Is there any missing data?
  • check for NULL values
  • use the missingno package to visualize
  • do you need to remove these observations?
  • can you impute the missing data? should you?
  • what affect will this have on your model(s)?
  1. Summarize your findings so far.
  • what does the data mean?
  • what kind of data do you have?
  • what transformations, if any, are needed?
  • what can you see with this data? what CAN'T you see?
  • can this data help you achieve the objectives outlined in Part 1?

Step 2.4: Dissect.

Transform the dataset.

  • Perform any necessary transformations before building models.
    • encoding, imputation, outlier removal
    • normalization, scaling, centering
    • dimensionality reduction
  • Explain why certain transformations were not done.
  • Explain if the data set needs no transformation.

Step 2.5: Divide.

Split the data for modeling.

  • Split the data into train/validation/test sets.

Stage 3: Develop

Modeling and prediction.

Step 3.1: Deliberate.

Train on a few different models.

  • Identify candidate models.

    • what kind of model(s) do you need to achieve the Part 1 goal?
    • what kind of model(s) work best with the data you have on hand?
    • will you build your own models or use available ones?
    • how will you measure the quality of your chosen model(s)?
  • Build preliminary models on the training set.

  • Store preliminary measures of model quality.

    • use a cross-model validation measure, if possible

Step 3.2: Decide.

Validate to choose the best model.

  • Identify final model(s).
    • how did the model(s) perform on the training set?
  • Check preliminary models on the validation set.
  • Store intermediary measures of model quality.
    • may need to use cross-validation on multiple models

Step 3.3: Declare.

Test to evaluate model performance.

  • Test chosen model(s).
    • how well does the model perform on unseen data?
  • Check chosen models on the test set.
  • Store final measures of model quality.

Stage 4: Deploy

Production and distribution.

Step 4.1: Demonstrate.

Demonstrate model performance.

  • Make predictions on unseen data.

Step 4.2: Distribute.

Deploy model to production.

  • Make model available to other users.

Stage 5: Discuss

Recap and reflection.

Step 5.1: Determine.

Review the final model.

  • What conclusion(s) did you reach?
  • How did your results align with or differ from your expectations?

Step 5.2: Discourage.

Discuss challenges and obstacles.

  • Did you run into any major issues?
  • Did you run into any minor issues?
  • Were there any bugs to work through?
  • Was there anything you just couldn't solve this go round?

Step 5.3: Direct.

Opportunities for future research.

  • What could you do differently next time?
  • How could you extend this project?
  • What would you like to try next?

Step 5.4: Disseminate.

Resources for more information.

  • How can we access resources used in this analysis?
  • Where can readers find more information?
    • "The following resources were of immense help to me as I completed this project:"
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