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Created May 24, 2016 11:49
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An implementation of DataFrame comparison functions from spark-testing-base's DataFrameSuiteBase trait in specs2
package utils
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
import org.specs2.matcher.{Expectable, Matcher}
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
* Utility class to compare DataFrames and Rows inside unit tests
trait DataFrameTesting extends Specification {
val maxUnequalRowsToShow = 10
* Utility method to create dataframes from a sequence
* @param sqlContext
* @param seq content of dataframe
* @param schema schema of dataframe
* @return datafram with schema and content
def createTestDataframe(sqlContext: SQLContext, seq: Seq[Row], schema: StructType): DataFrame = {
sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(seq), schema
* Compares if two [[DataFrame]]s are equal, checks the schema and then if that matches
* checks if the rows are equal.
def dataFrameEquals(res: DataFrame, tol: Double = 0.01): Matcher[DataFrame] = new Matcher[DataFrame] {
def apply[S <: DataFrame](s: Expectable[S]) = {
val expected: DataFrame = s.value
if (expected.schema != res.schema) {
result(test = false,
"same schema",
s"Schema of left dataframe \n ${expected.schema} \n " +
s"is different from schema of right dataframe \n ${res.schema} \n",
} else if (expected.rdd.count != res.rdd.count) {
result(test = false,
"same length",
s"Length of left dataframe ${expected.rdd.count} is different from length of right dataframe ${res.rdd.count}",
else {
try {
val toleranceValue = tol // this is to prevent serialization failures later on
val expectedIndexValue = zipWithIndex(expected.rdd)
val resultIndexValue = zipWithIndex(res.rdd)
val unequalContent = expectedIndexValue.join(resultIndexValue)
.map { case (idx, (r1, r2)) => (idx, (r1, r2), DataFrameTesting.rowApproxEquals(r1, r2, toleranceValue))
.filter { case (idx, (r1, r2), (isEqual, errorMessage)) => !isEqual }
.map { case (idx, (r1, r2), (isEqual, errorMessage)) => s"On row index $idx, \n left row ${r1.toString()} \n right row ${r2.toString()} \n $errorMessage" }
"same dataframe",
} finally {
private def zipWithIndex[U](rdd: RDD[U]) = rdd.zipWithIndex().map { case (row, idx) => (idx, row) }
object DataFrameTesting {
* Approximate equality between 2 rows, based on equals from [[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]]
* @param r1 left row to compare
* @param r2 right row to compare
* @param tol max acceptable tolerance for comparing Double values, should be less than 1
* @return (true if equality respected given the tolerance, false if not; error message)
def rowApproxEquals(r1: Row, r2: Row, tol: Double): (Boolean, String) = {
if (r1.length != r2.length) {
return (false, "rows don't have the same length")
} else {
var idx = 0
val length = r1.length
while (idx < length) {
if (r1.isNullAt(idx) != r2.isNullAt(idx))
return (false, s"there is a null value on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)}")
if (!r1.isNullAt(idx)) {
val o1 = r1.get(idx)
val o2 = r2.get(idx)
o1 match {
case b1: Array[Byte] =>
if (!java.util.Arrays.equals(b1, o2.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])) return (false, s"$b1 is not equal to ${o2.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]} on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
case f1: Float =>
if (java.lang.Float.isNaN(f1) != java.lang.Float.isNaN(o2.asInstanceOf[Float])) return (false, s"null value on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
if (Math.abs(f1 - o2.asInstanceOf[Float]) > tol) return (false, s"$f1 is not equal to ${o2.asInstanceOf[Float]} on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
case d1: Double =>
if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(d1) != java.lang.Double.isNaN(o2.asInstanceOf[Double])) return (false, s"null value on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
if (Math.abs(d1 - o2.asInstanceOf[Double]) > tol) return (false, s"$d1 is not equal to ${o2.asInstanceOf[Double]} at $tol tolerance on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
case d1: java.math.BigDecimal =>
if (d1.compareTo(o2.asInstanceOf[java.math.BigDecimal]) != 0) return (false, s"$d1 is not equal to ${o2.asInstanceOf[java.math.BigDecimal]} on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
case _ =>
if (o1 != o2) return (false, s"$o1 is not equal to $o2 on column ${r1.schema.fieldNames(idx)} (column index $idx)")
idx += 1
(true, "ok")
import utils.DataFrameTesting
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
class TestSpec extends DataFrameTesting {
val schema = StructType(Seq(
StructField("Name", StringType, nullable = true),
StructField("Number", DoubleType, nullable = true)
"DataFrameTesting" should {
"compare similar dataframes" in {
// Given
val input = createTestDataframe(Seq(
Row("Fanilo", 3000.0),
Row("Me", 3000.5),
Row("Myself", 4000.0)
), schema)
val expectedDataFrame = createTestDataframe(Seq(
Row("Fanilo", 3000.2),
Row("Me", 3000.3),
Row("Myself", 4000.0)
), schema)
// Then
input must dataFrameEquals(expectedDataFrame)
* Output should be :
* On row index 0,
* left row [Fanilo,3000.0]
* right row [Fanilo,3000.2]
* 3000.0 is not equal to 3000.2 at 0.01 tolerance on column Number (column index 1)
* On row index 1,
* left row [Me,3000.5]
* right row [Maa,3000.5]
* Me is not equal to Maa on column Name (column index 0)
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can you please confirm is result() method custom or it has been imported from some API. Please provide reference.

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Hey @mintuchoudhary ! I honestly don't remember, it was 6 years ago and I forgot all of my Scala days :-(

I did find part of the code I was using and it was

import org.specs2.mutable.SpecificationWithJUnit

trait DataFrameTesting extends SpecificationWithJUnit {

instead, maybe the result comes from SpecificationWithJUnit

Otherwise I don't know, sorry!

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