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Created January 27, 2024 01:06
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Compare CUDA values from C++ and CuPy in Python using IPC
// This assumes the following CUDA array wrapping interface
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DevVector //
template< typename T >
class DevVector
// Types
typedef typename thrust::device_ptr< T > iterator;
// Properties
thrust::device_ptr< T > _ptr;
size_t _size;
size_t _capacity;
bool _owned;
DevVector( ) : _size( 0 ), _capacity( 0 ) {}
DevVector( size_t n ) : _size( 0 ), _capacity( 0 )
resize( n );
DevVector( size_t n, T value ) : _size( 0 ), _capacity( 0 )
assign( n, value );
void free()
if ( _capacity > 0 && _owned )
CudaSafeCall( cudaFree( _ptr.get() ) );
_size = 0;
_capacity = 0;
// Use only for cases where new size is within capacity
// So, old data remains in-place
void expand( size_t n )
assert( ( _capacity >= n ) && "New size not within current capacity! Use resize!" );
_size = n;
// Resize with data remains
void grow( size_t n )
assert( ( n >= _size ) && "New size not larger than old size." );
if ( _capacity >= n )
_size = n;
DevVector< T > tempVec( n );
thrust::copy( begin(), end(), tempVec.begin() );
swapAndFree( tempVec );
void resize( size_t n )
if ( _capacity >= n )
_size = n;
if ( !_owned && _capacity > 0 )
std::cerr << "WARNING: Resizing a DevVector with borrowing pointer!" << std::endl;
_size = n;
_capacity = ( n == 0 ) ? 1 : n;
_owned = true;
_ptr = thrust::device_malloc< T >( _capacity );
catch( ... )
// output an error message and exit
const int OneMB = ( 1 << 20 );
std::cerr << "thrust::device_malloc failed to allocate " << ( sizeof( T ) * _capacity ) / OneMB << " MB!" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "size = " << _size << " sizeof(T) = " << sizeof( T ) << std::endl;
exit( -1 );
void assign( size_t n, const T& value )
resize( n );
thrust::fill_n( begin(), n, value );
size_t size() const { return _size; }
size_t capacity() const { return _capacity; }
thrust::device_reference< T > operator[] ( const size_t index ) const
return _ptr[ index ];
const iterator begin() const { return _ptr; }
const iterator end() const { return _ptr + _size; }
void erase( const iterator& first, const iterator& last )
if ( last == end() )
_size -= (last - first);
assert( false && "Not supported right now!" );
void swap( DevVector< T >& arr )
size_t tempSize = _size;
size_t tempCap = _capacity;
bool tempOwned = _owned;
T* tempPtr = ( _capacity > 0 ) ? _ptr.get() : 0;
_size = arr._size;
_capacity = arr._capacity;
_owned = arr._owned;
if ( _capacity > 0 )
_ptr = thrust::device_ptr< T >( arr._ptr.get() );
arr._size = tempSize;
arr._capacity = tempCap;
arr._owned = tempOwned;
if ( tempCap > 0 )
arr._ptr = thrust::device_ptr< T >( tempPtr );
// Input array is freed
void swapAndFree( DevVector< T >& inArr )
swap( inArr );;
void copyFrom( const DevVector< T >& inArr )
resize( inArr.size() );
thrust::copy( inArr.begin(), inArr.end(), begin() );
void fill( const T& value )
thrust::fill_n( _ptr, _size, value );
void copyToHost( thrust::host_vector< T >& dest ) const
dest.insert( dest.begin(), begin(), end() );
// Do NOT remove! Useful for debugging.
void copyFromHost( const thrust::host_vector< T >& inArr )
resize( inArr.size() );
thrust::copy( inArr.begin(), inArr.end(), begin() );
std::tuple<void*, size_t, size_t> ipcExport(size_t offset = 0) {
return std::make_tuple(reinterpret_cast<void*>(toKernelPtr(*this) + offset), (_size - offset) * sizeof(T), _size - offset);
struct Buffer
void* ptr;
size_t sizeInBytes;
bool avail;
class MemoryPool
std::vector< Buffer > _memPool; // Two items
MemoryPool() {}
void free( bool report = false )
for ( int i = 0; i < _memPool.size(); ++i )
if ( report )
std::cout << "MemoryPool: [" << i << "]" << _memPool[i].sizeInBytes << std::endl;
if ( false == _memPool[ i ].avail )
std::cerr << "WARNING: MemoryPool item not released!" << std::endl;
CudaSafeCall( cudaFree( _memPool[i].ptr ) );
template<typename T>
int reserve( size_t size )
DevVector<T> vec( size );
vec._owned = false;
Buffer buf = {
( void* ) vec._ptr.get(),
size * sizeof(T),
_memPool.push_back( buf );
return _memPool.size() - 1;
template<typename T>
DevVector<T> allocateAny( size_t size, bool tempOnly = false )
// Find best fit block
size_t sizeInBytes = size * sizeof(T);
int bufIdx = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < _memPool.size(); ++i )
if ( _memPool[i].avail && _memPool[i].sizeInBytes >= sizeInBytes )
if ( bufIdx == -1 || _memPool[i].sizeInBytes < _memPool[bufIdx].sizeInBytes )
bufIdx = i;
if ( bufIdx == -1 )
std::cout << "MemoryPool: Allocating " << sizeInBytes << std::endl;
bufIdx = reserve<T>( size );
DevVector<T> vec;
vec._ptr = thrust::device_ptr<T>( (T*) _memPool[ bufIdx ].ptr );
vec._capacity = _memPool[ bufIdx ].sizeInBytes / sizeof(T);
vec._size = 0;
vec._owned = false;
//std::cout << "MemoryPool: Requesting "
// << sizeInBytes << ", giving " << _memPool[ bufIdx ].sizeInBytes << std::endl;
// Disable the buffer in the pool
if ( !tempOnly )
_memPool[ bufIdx ].avail = false;
return vec;
template<typename T>
void release( DevVector<T>& vec )
for ( int i = 0; i < _memPool.size(); ++i )
if ( _memPool[i].ptr == (void*) vec._ptr.get() )
assert( !_memPool[i].avail );
assert( !vec._owned );
// Return the buffer to the pool
_memPool[i].avail = true;
//std::cout << "MemoryPool: Returning " << _memPool[i].sizeInBytes << std::endl;
// Reset the vector to 0 size;
return ;
std::cerr << "WARNING: Releasing a DevVector not in the MemoryPool!" << std::endl;
// Release the vector
vec._owned = true; // Set this to true so it releases itself.;
return ;
// The comparison function is implemented as follows
#include <zmq.h>
void sendMsg(std::vector<std::tuple<void*, size_t, size_t>> elems) {
for(int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
void* ptr;
size_t byte_sz;
size_t length;
std::tie(ptr, byte_sz, length) = elems[i];
cudaIpcMemHandle_t handle;
cudaIpcGetMemHandle(&handle, ptr);
zmq_send(_zmqSender, &handle, sizeof(cudaIpcMemHandle_t), ZMQ_SNDMORE);
zmq_send(_zmqSender, &byte_sz, sizeof(size_t), ZMQ_SNDMORE);
zmq_send(_zmqSender, &length, sizeof(size_t), 0);
int err = 0;
zmq_recv(_zmqRecv, &err, sizeof(int), 0);
if(err) {
// Trigger breakpoint in cuda-gdb
void main() {
// Create ZMQ context
_memPool = MemoryPool()
_zmqContext = zmq_ctx_new();
// Socket to send messages on
_zmqSender = zmq_socket(_zmqContext, ZMQ_PUSH);
zmq_bind (_zmqSender, "tcp://*:5557");
// Socket to receive messages on
_zmqRecv = zmq_socket(_zmqContext, ZMQ_PULL);
zmq_connect(_zmqRecv, "tcp://localhost:5558");
DevVector< int > tempVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( 3 );
DevVector< int > tempVec2 = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( 3 );
sendMsg({tempVec.ipcExport(), tempVec2.ipcExport()});
zmq_close (_zmqSender);
zmq_close (_zmqRecv);
zmq_ctx_destroy (_zmqContext);
# This allows direct GPU memory comparison between a C++ and a Python program
import cupy
import zmq
_zmq_ctx = zmq.Context()
_zmq_pull = self._zmq_ctx.socket(zmq.PULL)
_zmq_push = self._zmq_ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH)
def _debug_cpp(**kwargs):
err = False
for arg_name in kwargs:
arg = kwargs[arg_name]
if not arg.flags.c_contiguous:
print(f'{arg_name} is not contiguous')
err = True
# raise ValueError(f'{arg_name} is not contiguous')
handle, byte_sz, length = self._zmq_pull.recv_multipart()
byte_sz = int.from_bytes(byte_sz, 'little')
length = int.from_bytes(length, 'little')
if not err and length != arg.shape[0]:
err = True
print(f'{arg_name} has a different length from '
f'reference, got {arg.shape[0]}, '
f'expected: {length}')
# raise ValueError(f'{arg_name} has a different length from '
# f'reference, got {arg.shape[0]}, '
# f'expected: {length}')
arr_ptr = cupy.cuda.runtime.ipcOpenMemHandle(handle)
mem = cupy.cuda.UnownedMemory(arr_ptr, byte_sz, owner=None)
memptr = cupy.cuda.MemoryPointer(mem, offset=0)
# Create an ndarray view backed by the memory pointer.
arr = cupy.ndarray(arg.shape, dtype=arg.dtype, memptr=memptr)
diff = cupy.where(arr != arg)[0]
if not err and diff.shape[0] > 0:
err = True
print(f'There are mismatches in {arg_name}')
# raise ValueError(f'There are mismatches in {arg_name}')
if err:
if not err:
arr1 = cupy.zeros(3, dtype=cupy.int32)
arr2 = cupy.fill(4, -1, dtype=cupy.int32)
debug_cpp(arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2)
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