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Created November 27, 2014 04:17
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def eval_constraints(sq, n):
fitness = 0
totalRowDiff = 0
totalColDiff = 0
rightDiagonal = 0
leftDiagonal = 0
for row in range(0, len(sq)):
sum_row = 0
sum_col = 0
for col in range(0, len(sq)):
sum_col += sq[col][row]
sum_row += sq[row][col]
if row == col:
leftDiagonal += sq[row][col]
if row+col == len(sq)-1:
rightDiagonal += sq[row][col]
totalRowDiff += abs(sum_row-n)
totalColDiff += abs(sum_col-n)
return abs(rightDiagonal-n)+abs(leftDiagonal-n)+totalColDiff+totalRowDiff
def swap_values(sq, times):
temp = list(sq)
for i in range(0, times):
r1 = random.randint(0,len(sq)-1)
c1 = random.randint(0,len(sq)-1)
r2 = random.randint(0,len(sq)-1)
c2 = random.randint(0,len(sq)-1)
temp[r1][c1], temp[r2][c2] = temp[r2][c2],temp[r1][c1]
return temp
def initial_square(l):
return [[l[j] for j in range(i*int(np.sqrt(len(l))), (i+1)*int(np.sqrt(len(l))))] for i in range(0, int(np.sqrt(len(l))))]
def simulated_annealing(l, t):
iter = 0
initial_temp = 1.0
steps = 500
cooling = 0.97
constant = 0.01
sq = initial_square(l)
n = sum(l)/int(np.sqrt(len(l)))
cost = eval_constraints(sq, n)
temp = initial_temp
valid = False
c_time = time.clock()
while not valid:
if cost is 0:
valid = True
temp *= cooling
ref_cost = cost
for i in range(0, steps):
temp_sq = swap_values(sq, 1)
print temp_sq
n_cost = eval_constraints(temp_sq, n)
if n_cost < cost or np.exp(-(n_cost-cost)/(temp*constant)) > np.random.ranf():
cost = n_cost
sq = temp_sq
if cost is 0:
valid = True
if ref_cost != cost:
temp /= cooling
print 'Iteration: %d | Cost: %d' % (iter, cost)
iter += 1
if time.clock() - c_time > t:
return [sq, valid]
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