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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Minimal JSON object parser
import re
KEY_REGEX = '^[,]?["][a-zA-Z_][\w-]*["]$'
VALUE_REGEX = '^["].*["][,]?$'
CURLY_PAIR = ('{', '}')
SQ_PAIR = ('[', ']')
class JSONException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
class JSON(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.contents = ''
if isinstance(f, file):
self.contents = f.readlines()[0]
elif isinstance(f, str):
with open(f, 'rb') as fp:
self.contents = fp.readlines()[0]
raise JSONException("Input file not valid, only str and file types are accepted")
self.representation = self.parse(self.contents,{})
def preProcess(self, s):
last_c = None
first_c = None
for i,c in enumerate(s):
if c == ' ':
if first_c is None:
first_c = i
last_c = i
if first_c != None and last_c is None:
return s[first_c]
elif first_c is None and last_c is None:
return ''
return s[first_c:last_c+1]
def fileSyntax(self, content):
squareLevel = 0
curlyLevel = 0
for i in content:
if i == '{':
curlyLevel += 1
elif i == '}':
curlyLevel -= 1
if i == '[':
squareLevel += 1
elif i == ']':
squareLevel -= 1
return squareLevel == 0 and curlyLevel == 0
def findBrace(self, content, pos, symPair):
bracketLevel = 1
imLevel = -1
for i in range(pos+1, len(content)):
if content[i] == symPair[0]:
bracketLevel += 1
elif content[i] == symPair[1]:
bracketLevel -= 1
if bracketLevel == 0:
imLevel = i
return imLevel
def splitByComma(self, content):
level = 0
elements = []
accum = ''
next = False
for c in content:
if c == '{' or c == '[':
level += 1
elif c == ']' or c == '}':
level -= 1
if c == ',' and level == 0:
next = True
accum += c
if next:
accum = ''
next = False
if level == 0:
return elements
def parse(self, content, d = {}):
content = self.preProcess(content)
if self.fileSyntax(content):
accum = ''
accumCopy = ''
key = None
value = None
curlyLevel = 0
pos = 0
while pos < len(content):
if content[pos] == '{':
if d is None:
d = {}
curlyLevel += 1
accum = ''
pos += 1
accum += content[pos]
if accum[-1] == ':' and key is None:
#print accum
#print re.findall(KEY_REGEX, accum[:-1])
if len(re.findall(KEY_REGEX, accum[:-1])) == 1:
key = accum[:-1]
accumCopy = str(accum)
accum = ''
if key[0] == ',':
key = key[1:]
if content[pos+1] == '{':
levelEnd = self.findBrace(content, pos+1, CURLY_PAIR)
print content[pos+1:levelEnd+1]
value = self.parse(content[pos+1:levelEnd+1],{})
d[key] = value
key = None
value = None
pos = levelEnd
elif content[pos+1] == '[':
levelEnd = self.findBrace(content, pos+1, SQ_PAIR)
array = content[pos+2:levelEnd]
#elements = array.split(',')
print array
elements = self.splitByComma(array)
print elements
value = map(lambda e: self.parse(e,{}), elements)
d[key] = value
key = None
value = None
pos = levelEnd
raise JSONException("The file syntax is malformed: %s" % (accum))
if len(accum) > 0 and accum[-1] == ',' and key is not None:
if len(re.findall(VALUE_REGEX, accum[:-1])) == 1:
value = accum[:-1]
d[key] = value
key = None
value = None
accum = ''
raise JSONException("The file syntax is malformed: %s" % (accum))
elif len(accum) > 0 and accum[-1] == '}' and key is not None:
if len(re.findall(VALUE_REGEX, accum[:-1])) == 1:
value = accum[:-1]
d[key] = value
key = None
value = None
accum = ''
raise JSONException("The file syntax is malformed: %s" % (accum))
pos += 1
raise JSONException("The file syntax is malformed %s" % (content))
return d
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