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Last active January 14, 2020 14:50
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OliPay SDK

Getting started

  1. Copy olipaysdk-release.aar and emvlibrary-release.aar to app/libs folder

  2. Add the following dependencies to app/build.gradle

dependencies {
    //... other project dependencies
    implementation files('libs/olipaysdk-release.aar')
    implementation files('libs/emvlibrary-release.aar')
    implementation ''
  1. Add the following repositories to build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
        //... other project repositories
        maven { url '' }
  1. Create an instance of the QpayController and pass the an event handler that implements QpayController.QpayControlEventos
import mx.qpay.client.QpAmbiente;
import mx.qpay.controller.QpayController;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    public static QpayController qpayController;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //... init activity
        QpAmbiente ambiente = QpAmbiente.TEST; // Pass the environment, TEST or PRODUCTION, when instantiating the  QpayController
        qpayController = QpayController.getInstance(this, new QpayController.QpayControlEventos() {
            public void qpMostrarEstadoTexto(String pResultado, int pCodigo) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpMostrarEstadoTexto pResultado=" + pResultado);
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpMostrarEstadoTexto pCodigo=" + pCodigo);

            public void qpRegresaTransaccion(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion CodigoTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("CodigoTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion DescripcionCodigo=" + pResultado.get("DescripcionCodigo"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion NumeroTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("NumeroTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion CodigoAprobacion=" + pResultado.get("CodigoAprobacion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion DigitosTarjeta=" + pResultado.get("DigitosTarjeta"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion FechaTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("FechaTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion HoraTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("HoraTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion Monto=" + pResultado.get("Monto"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion TipoTarjeta=" + pResultado.get("TipoTarjeta"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion MarcaTarjeta=" + pResultado.get("MarcaTarjeta"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion BancoEmisor=" + pResultado.get("BancoEmisor"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion ARQC=" + pResultado.get("ARQC"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion AID=" + pResultado.get("AID"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion TSI=" + pResultado.get("TSI"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaTransaccion Titular=" + pResultado.get("Titular"));

            public void qpRegresaFirma(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaFirma=" + pResultado.toString());

            public void qpRegresaCancelacion(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion CodigoTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("CodigoTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion DescripcionCodigo=" + pResultado.get("DescripcionCodigo"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion NumeroTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("NumeroTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion CodigoAprobacion=" + pResultado.get("CodigoAprobacion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion FechaTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("FechaTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion HoraTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("HoraTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacion Monto=" + pResultado.get("Monto"));

            public void qpRegresaDevolucion(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion CodigoTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("CodigoTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion DescripcionCodigo=" + pResultado.get("DescripcionCodigo"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion NumeroTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("NumeroTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion CodigoAprobacion=" + pResultado.get("CodigoAprobacion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion FechaTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("FechaTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion HoraTransaccion=" + pResultado.get("HoraTransaccion"));
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucion Monto=" + pResultado.get("Monto"));

            public void qpRegresaVentaECommerce(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaVentaECommerce=" + pResultado.toString());

            public void qpRegresaDevolucionECommerce(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaDevolucionECommerce=" + pResultado.toString());

            public void qpRegresaCancelacionECommerce(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaCancelacionECommerce=" + pResultado.toString());

            public void qpRegresaHistorial(List<HashMap<String, String>> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaHistorial=" + pResultado.toString());

            public void qpRegresaVoucher(HashMap<String, String> pResultado) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpRegresaVoucher=" + pResultado.toString());

            public void qpError(String pResultado, int pCodigo) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpError pResultado=" + pResultado);
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpError pCodigo=" + pResultado);

            public void emvEvent(String eventName, Map<String, Object> data) {
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "emvEvent eventName=" + eventName);
                Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "emvEvent data=" + data);
        }, ambiente);
  1. Create a transaction with method qpRealizaTransaccion, the result will be returned in the qpRegresaTransaccion event. If something went wrong with the transaction qpError event is fired.
    String identificador = "377";
    String contrasena = "tvOLiGmx19";
    int monto = 1;
    String referencia = "a test transaction";
    qpayController.qpRealizaTransaccion(MainActivity.this, identificador, contrasena, monto, referencia, -1, -1, -1);
  1. Cancel a transaction with qpRealizaCancelacion if the transaction is from today or qpRealizaDevolucion if it is older, the result will be returned in the qpRegresaCancelacion/qpRegresaDevolucion event. If something went wrong with the transaction qpError event is fired.
    String identificador = "377";
    String contrasena = "tvOLiGmx19";
    int monto = 1;
    String referencia = "a test transaction";
    String numeroTransaccion = "6dd29fd3e2ad41afa44e";
    String codigoAprobacion = "29362592";
    if(transactionIsCreatedToday) {
        qpayController.qpRealizaCancelacion(identificador, contrasena, numeroTransaccion, monto, codigoAprobacion, referencia);
    } else {
        qpayController.qpRealizaDevolucion(identificador, contrasena, numeroTransaccion, monto, codigoAprobacion, referencia);



public void qpError(String pResultado, int pCodigo) {
    Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpError pResultado=" + pResultado);
    Log.d("QpayControllerEvent", "qpError pCodigo=" + pResultado);

Error Codes

pCodig pResultado
90001 Unknown error
90002 Bad swipe
90003 Not ICC
90004 Need fallback
90008 Transaction failed
90009 Reading card timed out
2 Referral (General).
3 Referral - Call bank for manual approval.
50 Declined (General).
51 Connection timed-out.
52 Error connecting to processor or sending data.
500 Declined - Transaction considered fraudulent by Fraud component.
501 The transaction was Approved by the processor. However, it failed a post-processing fraud rule and has been voided.
502 The transaction was Approved by the processor. However, it failed a fraud rule and has been marked for review.
1002 Amount not valid.
1003 Interchange or Payment Service data submitted is not valid.
1005 Currency is not valid.
1006 BIN is not valid.
1007 Card number is not valid.
1010 Magnetic stripe data is not valid.
1011 Card expiration date is not valid.
1012 Transaction date or time is not valid.
1013 Date is not valid.
1014 Transaction is not valid.
1015 PIN is not correct.
1016 Merchant ID is not valid.
1017 Account is not valid.
1018 Encryption Error.
1019 Check Digit Error.
1020 Verification Error.
1021 Destination not found.
1022 Service code is not valid or is restricted.
1023 Violation, cannot complete.
1024 Error response text from check service.
1025 No account.
1026 No such issuer.
1027 PIN tries exceeded.
1028 Transaction not permitted.
1029 Security Violation.
1030 Unable to back out transaction.
1031 Unable to locate. No match was found.
1035 Terminal ID is not valid.
1036 Message format error.
1037 Track 2 data is not valid.
1050 Declined - Insufficient funds.
1051 Customer card is expired.
1052 Lost or stolen card.
1053 Pick up card. Issuer wants card returned.
1054 Response is not valid.
1055 CVV failure or CVV Value supplied is not valid.
1056 Transaction type or code is not valid.
1057 Declined - Do not honor.
1058 Declined - Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit.
1059 Declined - Exceeds withdrawal limit.
1060 Declined - Activity limit exceeded.
1063 Resend Batch.
1064 Download failed.
1065 Switch or issuer system error.
1066 Unable to route transaction.
1067 System error.
1069 Honor with identification.
1071 Periodic transaction - new account information available.
1076 Unable to complete transaction.
1500 Checking account is not valid.
2003 Process code, authorization type, or card type is not valid.
2005 Source ID is not valid.
2009 File access error occurred in the processor host database.
2011 Merchant ID and terminal ID combination is not valid.
2019 Account number found by authorization process is not valid.
2026 Lost or stolen card. Card issuer wants the card returned.
2028 Terminal is not programmed for this service.
2052 Credit card number does not match the method of payment.
2055 Issuer requires more information.
2056 Restricted card.
2058 Check merchant entitlement
2059 Capture not allowed.
2060 Communication error - resend.
2062 Retain card.
2063 No action taken.
2064 Suspicion of manipulation.
2065 Requested function not supported.
2066 Secondary transaction was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction.
2067 The transaction amount of the secondary transaction is higher than original transaction amount.
2068 Card issuer temporarily not reachable.
2069 The card type is not processed by the authorization center.
2070 Processing temporarily not possible.
2073 Declined - data entry error.
2074 Declined - negative data.
2075 Declined - scoring decline.
2076 Declined - no response from host.
2077 Institution is no longer valid.
2078 Card not active. Effective date not valid.
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