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Last active November 11, 2016 20:28
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  • Save andik/48490834e1e46e451eae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andik/48490834e1e46e451eae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
super simple SFZ Parser in Python (Python 2.7)
# i claim no copyright on this code and place it in the public domain.
# do whatever you want with this code...
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='show differences of two views')
o = parser.add_argument
o('files', type=str, help='files to process', nargs='+')
#o('-b', '--boolarg', action='store_true', help="")
#o('-s', '--strarg', help="")
args = parser.parse_args()
import re
comments = re.compile(r'//.*$', re.M)
lookfor = re.compile(r'<(\w+)>|(\w+)=([^\s]+)')
groupdata = {}
regiondata = {}
regions = []
for fn in args.files:
text = open(fn).read()
text = re.sub(comments, '', text)
current = None
for m in re.finditer(lookfor, text):
if == 'group':
groupdata = {}
current = groupdata
elif == 'region':
if regiondata != {}:
regiondata = {}
current = regiondata
current[] =
print regions
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