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Created May 25, 2018 04:01
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Haxe written Raycaster based on lodev's tutorials
import js.Browser;
import js.html.CanvasElement;
import js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D;
import js.html.KeyboardEvent;
import js.Lib;
* @author Wookie
class Main
var worldMap : Array<Array<Int>> = [
public function new()
// x and y start position
var posX : Float = 22;
var posY : Float = 12;
// initial direction vector
var dirX : Float = -1;
var dirY : Float = 0;
// the 2d raycaster version of camera plane
var planeX : Float = 0;
var planeY : Float = 0.66;
var time : Float = 0; // time of current frame
var oldTime : Float = 0; // time of previous frame
var frameTime : Float = 0; // вынес из игрового цикла сюда, т.к. доступ к клавишам из события
var screen : CanvasElement = Browser.document.createCanvasElement();
var w : Int = screen.width = 512;
var h : Int = screen.height = 384; = "#000";
Browser.document.head.title = = "Raycaster";
var ctx : CanvasRenderingContext2D = screen.getContext2d();
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
ctx.font = "12pt sans-serif";
// javascript не переваривает while (true)
Browser.window.setInterval(function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h); // очистка экрана работает на заходе в функцию
for (x in 0 ... w)
// calculate ray position and direction
var cameraX : Float = 2 * x / w - 1;
var rayPosX : Float = posX;
var rayPosY : Float = posY;
var rayDirX : Float = dirX + planeX * cameraX;
var rayDirY : Float = dirY + planeY * cameraX;
// which box of the map we're in
var mapX : Int =;
var mapY : Int =;
// length of ray from current position to next x or y-side
var sideDistX : Float;
var sideDistY : Float;
// length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
var deltaDistX : Float = Math.sqrt(1 + (rayDirY * rayDirY) / (rayDirX * rayDirX));
var deltaDistY : Float = Math.sqrt(1 + (rayDirX * rayDirX) / (rayDirY * rayDirY));
var perpWallDist : Float;
// what direction to step in x or y-direction (either +1 or -1)
var stepX : Int;
var stepY : Int;
var hit : Int = 0; // was there a wall hit?
var side : Int = 0; // was a NS or a EW wall hit?
// calculate step and initial sideDist
if (rayDirX < 0)
stepX = -1;
sideDistX = (rayPosX - mapX) * deltaDistX;
stepX = 1;
sideDistX = (mapX + 1 - rayPosX) * deltaDistX;
if (rayDirY < 0)
stepY = -1;
sideDistY = (rayPosY - mapY) * deltaDistY;
stepY = 1;
sideDistY = (mapY + 1 - rayPosY) * deltaDistY;
// perform DDA
while (hit == 0)
// jump to next map square, OR in x-direction, OR in y-direction
if (sideDistX < sideDistY)
sideDistX += deltaDistX;
mapX += stepX;
side = 0;
sideDistY += deltaDistY;
mapY += stepY;
side = 1;
// Check if ray has hit a wall
if (worldMap[mapX][mapY] > 0) hit = 1;
// Calculate distance projected on camera direction (Euclidean distance will give fisheye effect!)
if (side == 0) perpWallDist = (mapX - rayPosX + (1 - stepX) / 2) / rayDirX;
else perpWallDist = (mapY - rayPosY + (1 - stepY) / 2) / rayDirY;
// Calculate height of line to draw on screen
var lineHeight : Int = / perpWallDist);
// calculate lowest and highest pixel to fill in current stripe
var drawStart : Int = / 2 + h / 2);
if (drawStart < 0) drawStart = 0;
var drawEnd : Int = / 2 + h / 2);
if (drawEnd >= h) drawEnd = h - 1;
// choose wall color (сделал говнокодом)
var color : String;
case 1:
if (side == 1) color = "#7f0000"; // red
else color = "#f00";
case 2:
if (side == 1) color = "#007f00"; // green
else color = "#00ff00";
case 3:
if (side == 1) color = "#00007f"; // blue
else color = "#0000ff";
case 4:
if (side == 1) color = "#7f7f7f"; // white
else color = "#fff";
if (side == 1) color = "#7f7f00"; // yellow
else color = "#ffff00";
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
// draw the pixels of the stripe as vertical line
ctx.lineTo(x, drawStart);
ctx.lineTo(x, drawEnd);
// timing for input and FPS counter
oldTime = time;
time = untyped __js__ ("");
frameTime = (time - oldTime) / 1000; // frameTime is the time this frame has taken, in seconds
//ctx.fillText(Std.string(1 / frameTime), 5, 20); // FPS counter
// Тут была очистка
}, 0);
// Обработка клавиатуры
Browser.document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e : KeyboardEvent) {
/* LEFT = 37;
UP = 38;
RIGHT = 39;
DOWN = 40; */
if (e.keyCode == 37)
var oldDirX : Float = dirX;
dirX = dirX * Math.cos(frameTime * 3) - dirY * Math.sin(frameTime * 3);
dirY = oldDirX * Math.sin(frameTime * 3) + dirY * Math.cos(frameTime * 3);
var oldPlaneX : Float = planeX;
planeX = planeX * Math.cos(frameTime * 3) - planeY * Math.sin(frameTime * 3);
planeY = oldPlaneX * Math.sin(frameTime * 3) + planeY * Math.cos(frameTime * 3);
if (e.keyCode == 38)
// UP
if (worldMap[ + dirX * frameTime * 5)][] == 0) posX += dirX * frameTime * 5;
if (worldMap[][ + dirY * frameTime * 5)] == 0) posY += dirY * frameTime * 5;
if (e.keyCode == 39)
var oldDirX : Float = dirX;
dirX = dirX * Math.cos(-frameTime * 3) - dirY * Math.sin(-frameTime * 3);
dirY = oldDirX * Math.sin(-frameTime * 3) + dirY * Math.cos(-frameTime * 3);
var oldPlaneX : Float = planeX;
planeX = planeX * Math.cos(-frameTime * 3) - planeY * Math.sin(-frameTime * 3);
planeY = oldPlaneX * Math.sin(-frameTime * 3) + planeY * Math.cos(-frameTime * 3);
if (e.keyCode == 40)
if (worldMap[ - dirX * frameTime * 5)][] == 0) posX -= dirX * frameTime * 5;
if (worldMap[][ - dirY * frameTime * 5)] == 0) posY -= dirY * frameTime * 5;
if (e.keyCode >= 49 && e.keyCode <= 57) = w * 0.25 * (e.keyCode - 48) + "px";
}, false);
static function main()
new Main();
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