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Last active August 26, 2021 14:36
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C++ type erasure example that could be used as a base class to get a simple interface with value semantics from a abstract class hierarchy. Small object optimization not implemented yet.
template <typename Thing> class AnyThing {
using Base = AnyThing<Thing>;
AnyThing() = default;
AnyThing(const AnyThing &other) { copy_(other); }
AnyThing(AnyThing &&other) noexcept { move_(std::move(other)); }
template <typename Derived, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<Thing, Derived>::value>::type>
explicit AnyThing(Derived derived)
: m_thing{new Derived(std::move(derived))},
m_info{Info<Derived>::instance()}, m_ownership{true} {}
~AnyThing() {
if (m_ownership) {
AnyThing &operator=(const AnyThing &other) {
if (&other != this) {
return *this;
AnyThing &operator=(AnyThing &&other) noexcept {
return *this;
bool operator==(const AnyThing &rhs) const {
if (m_thing == rhs.m_thing) {
return true;
if ((m_thing == nullptr) || (m_thing == nullptr)) {
return false;
return m_info->equals(*m_thing, *rhs.m_thing);
bool operator!=(const AnyThing &rhs) const {
if (m_thing == rhs.m_thing) {
return false;
if ((m_thing == nullptr) || (m_thing == nullptr)) {
return true;
return m_info->not_equals(*m_thing, *rhs.m_thing);
explicit operator bool() const { return m_thing != nullptr; }
Thing *operator->() { return m_thing; }
const Thing *operator->() const { return m_thing; }
Thing *get() { return m_thing; }
const Thing *get() const { return m_thing; }
class InfoBase {
[[nodiscard]] virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
virtual Thing *copy_construct(const Thing &from) const = 0;
virtual Thing *copy_construct_to(const Thing &from, void *to) const = 0;
virtual Thing *move_construct(Thing &&from) const = 0;
virtual Thing *move_construct_to(Thing &&from, void *to) const = 0;
virtual void destruct(const Thing *a) const noexcept = 0;
virtual bool equals(const Thing &a, const Thing &b) const = 0;
virtual bool not_equals(const Thing &a, const Thing &b) const = 0;
template <typename Derived> class Info final : public InfoBase {
static InfoBase *instance() {
static Info<Derived> instance;
return &instance;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t size() const final { return sizeof(Derived); }
Thing *copy_construct(const Thing &from) const final {
return new Derived(static_cast<const Derived &>(from));
Thing *copy_construct_to(const Thing &from, void *to) const final {
return new (to) Derived(static_cast<const Derived &>(from));
Thing *move_construct(Thing &&from) const final {
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived &&>(from));
Thing *move_construct_to(Thing &&from, void *to) const final {
return new (to) Derived(static_cast<Derived &&>(from));
void destruct(const Thing *a) const noexcept final { delete a; }
bool equals(const Thing &a, const Thing &b) const final {
return static_cast<const Derived &>(a) == static_cast<const Derived &>(b);
bool not_equals(const Thing &a, const Thing &b) const final {
return static_cast<const Derived &>(a) != static_cast<const Derived &>(b);
void copy_(const AnyThing &other) {
if (other.m_thing == nullptr) {
m_info = other.m_info;
if (other.m_ownership) {
m_thing = other.m_info->copy_construct(*other.m_thing);
m_ownership = true;
} else {
m_thing = other.m_thing;
void move_(AnyThing &&other) {
std::swap(m_thing, other.m_thing);
std::swap(m_info, other.m_info);
std::swap(m_ownership, other.m_ownership);
Thing *m_thing{nullptr};
InfoBase *m_info{nullptr};
bool m_ownership{false};
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